Sergejs Stacenko
Trade Union Practices in the EU and Latvia: Experience for Eastern Partnership Countries
Abstract The article will show major dimensions in the experience of EU Member States that could be shared with the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. The framework of the study is the EU concept of trade unions in social dialogue and social partnership in the public sector. This study outlines the concept of social dialogue as a core element of industrial relations and will focus on industrial relations specifically in the public sector. The authors have elaborated the approach to industrial relations and social dialogue taking into account comparative approach to definitions provided by international institutions such as ILO and OECD, as well as institutions in the EU and Latvia. Latvia…
Explaining non-adoption of electronic government services by citizens. A study among non-users of public e-services in Latvia
This paper analyses citizen motives for not using electronic government services. Using qualitative interviews among users of Citizens´ Service Centers in Latvia, this paper analyses the motives of citizens not to use electronic government services but to rely on non-electronic equivalents or on in-person assistance. It expands the literature on e-commerce and e-government through an explicit focus on non-adoption rather than adoption. Findings show a higher than expected importance of hardware and internet availability, as well convenience factors as important reasons for non-adoption. The research furthermore reveals that the well-intentioned supply of non-electronic alternatives may hamp…
Digitalization in the regional context: the case of e-government services in Latvia
This article examines problems of the digital trends in economies and societies from two perspectives: the extension of a digital economy to social dimensions, and the role of digital government services in regional cohesion perspectives in Latvia. This methodological approach could serve as a tool for integrating a number of main goals related to the digitalisation trends in the EU, that require support of societies as well as the improvement of social welfare at the regional and national levels. The contribution aims to offer insight into the concept of social investment and innovation as well as co-creation concept and the impact of digitalisation of public services on regional cohesion.…
Digital single market conducive to the promotion of social dialogue and social investment in the regional cohesion context
This research paper has been supported by the European Union's Horizon-2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant agreement 726755.
Role of trade unions in social partnership in the context of the public administration decision-making progress
ANOTĀCIJA Pētījuma pamats ir Eiropas Savienības arodbiedrību koncepts sociālajā dialogā un sociālā partnerība publiskās pārvaldes lēmumu pieņemšanas procesā. Sociālais dialogs ir salīdzinoši jauns jēdziens, kas tikai pēdējās desmitgadēs ir ieguvis nozīmīgu vietu publiskajās debatēs starptautiskā līmenī. Tas ir balstīts uz Starptautiskās darba organizācijas (turpmāk – SDO, angļu valodā – International Labour Organization) konstitūciju un darbību, aptverot tādas jomas, kā darba tiesības, nodarbinātība un sociālā aizsardzība. Izmantojot šo trīspusējo struktūru, SDO pasaulē īsteno unikālu pieeju sociālā dialoga ieviešanā. Sociālā drošība un sociālais dialogs ir arī Eiropas sociālās politikas pa…