J. Moreno
FLEX: ESA's Earth Explorer 8 candidate mission
In this paper we present the scientific objectives of the FLEX mission and the underlying rationale. It sketches the basic ideas of the new measurement concept, which is making use of the tandem configuration of FLEX with GMES/Sentinel-3, and outlines the most important instrument and system requirements. We will describe the envisaged instrument configuration that is in line with the measurement objectives, and which is supported by the latest results of the scientific investigations.
Precision measurement of the magnetic octupole moment in 45Sc as a test for state-of-the-art atomic- and nuclear-structure theory
We report on measurements of the hyperfine $A, B$ and $C$-constants of the $3d4s^2 ~^2D_{5/2}$ and $3d4s^2 ~^2D_{3/2}$ atomic states in $^{45}$Sc. High-precision atomic calculations of the hyperfine fields of these states and second-order corrections are performed, and are used to extract $C_{5/2}=-0.06(6)$ kHz and $C_{3/2}=+0.04(3)$ kHz from the data. These results are one order of magnitude more precise than the available literature. From the combined analysis of both atomic states, we infer the nuclear magnetic octupole moment $\Omega = -0.07(53) \mu_N b$, including experimental and atomic structure-related uncertainties. With a single valence proton outside of a magic calcium core, scan…
Towards the quantitative and physically-based interpretation of solar-induced vegetation fluorescence retrieved from global imaging
Due to emerging high spectral resolution, remote sensing techniques and ongoing developments to retrieve the spectrally resolved vegetation fluorescence spectrum from several scales, the light reactions of photosynthesis are receiving a boost of attention for the monitoring of the Earth's carbon balance. Sensor-retrieved vegetation fluorescence (from leaf, tower, airborne or satellite scale) originating from the excited antenna chlorophyll a molecule has become a new quantitative biophysical vegetation parameter retrievable from space using global imaging techniques. However, to retrieve the actual quantum efficiencies, and hence a true photosynthetic status of the observed vegetation, all …
Affine Illumination Compensation on Hyperspectral/Multiangular Remote Sensing Images
The huge amount of information some of the new optical satellites developed nowadays will create demands to quickly and reliably compensate for changes in the atmospheric transmittance and varying solar illumination conditions. In this paper three different forms of affine transformation models (general, particular and diagonal) are considered as candidates for rapid compensation of illumination variations. They are tested on a group of three pairs of CHRISPROBA radiance images obtained in a test field in Barrax (Spain), and where there is a difference in the atmospheric as well as in the geometrical acquisition conditions. Results indicate that the proposed methodology is satisfactory for …
HICO level-2 data processing toolbox for the atmospheric correction and the retrieval of water quality parameters
The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) is an imaging spectrometer specifically designed to monitor the coastal ocean. The processing of Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) radiance data down to surface reflectance is fundamental for the retrieval of water quality products. However, the current HICO processing chain does not provide atmospheric corrected data nor higher-level water quality products. This work describes a toolbox for the atmospheric correction of HICO data and the retrieval of water quality products. The HICO toolbox, consisting on three main modules (image pre-processing, atmospheric correction and retrieval of water quality products), has been used over a set of HICO ima…
Oxygen transmittance correction for solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measured on proximal sensing: Application to the NASA-GSFC fusion tower
Since oxygen (O 2 ) absorption of light becomes more pronounced at higher pressure levels, even a few meters distance between the target and the sensor can strongly affect canopy-leaving Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) retrievals. This study was conducted to quantify the consequent error propagation and the impact of ignoring oxygen absorption effects on proximal sensing SIF measurements based on the O 2 -A absorption band with field-acquired and simulated data. It was demonstrated that the uncorrected oxygen transmittance between target and sensor distance of 10 m can lead to SIF relative errors ranging from 66% to higher than 100% when using a Spectral Fitting (SF) technique …
SENTINEL-1 for wheat mapping and soil moisture retrieval
The main objective of this study is to assess the use of Sentinel-1 (S-1) data for surface soil moisture (SSM) retrieval and wheat mapping (WM) at high spatial resolution (e.g. 100–500m), which constitute valuable information for improving crop yield forecast at large scale. A knowledge based classification method and a SSM retrieval algorithm, developed in view of the European Space Agency Sentinel-1 mission, have been applied to a time series of S-1A data collected from October 2014 to April 2015 over a well-documented agricultural site in southern Italy. In particular, observations of SSM content recorded by a network of ground stations deployed in an experimental farm have been used to …
Atmospheric and Instrumental Effects on the Fluorescence Remote Sensing Retrieval
Accurately disentangling the tiny Solar–Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) from canopy reflected solar irradiance by using passive remote sensing techniques is always challenging. Regardless the scale at which SIF is measured, i.e., proximal sensing, airborne or satellite level; instrumental and atmospheric effects must be accounted for and compensated as part of the SIF retrieval strategy. Regarding the instrumental effects, the use of very high spectral resolution spectrometers makes mandatory an accurate characterization of the Instrument Spectral Response Function (ISRF); and – in the case of imager spectrometers – an accurate characterization of the full instrument response in the …
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…
Surface temperature in the context of FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission
It has been demonstrated that the spectrum of fluorescence emission is dependent on leaf temperature, thus there is a need for thermal information in order to interpret fluorescence signals. Temperature is also related to transpiration and stomata closure, which affects CO2 uptake and fluorescence. Therefore temperature measurements help to confirm the trends observed in fluorescence measurements. While fluorescence is immediately and uniquely related to photosynthesis, temperature provides additional information about plant status and instantaneous energy/water fluxes between plants and the atmosphere. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the role of surface temperature in the con…
Affine compensation of illumination in hyperspectral remote sensing images
A problem when working with optical satellite or airborne images is the need to compensate for changes in the illumination conditions at the time of acquisition. This is particularly critical when working with time series of data. Atmospheric correction strategies based on radiative transfer codes may provide a rigorous solution but it may not be the best solution for situations where a huge amount of hyperspectral images may need to be processed and computational time is a critical factor. The GMES (”Global Monitoring for Environment and Security”) initiative has promoted the creation of a new generation of satellites (the SENTINEL series) with ”ultra-high resolution” and ”superspectral im…
Optimizing LUT-based radiative transfer model inversion for retrieval of biophysical parameters using hyperspectral data
Inversion of radiative transfer models using a lookup-table (LUT) approach against hyperspectral data streams leads to retrievals of biophysical parameters such as chlorophyll content (Chl), but necessary optimization strategies are not consolidated yet. Here, various regularization options have been evaluated to the benefit of improved Chl retrieval from hyperspectral CHRIS data, being: i) the role of added noise, ii) the role of multiple best solutions, and iii) the role of applied cost functions in LUT-based inversion. By using data from the ESA-led field campaign SPARC (Barrax, Spain), it was found that introducing noise and opting for multiple best solutions in the inversion considerab…
Statistical Learning for End-to-End Simulations
End-to-end mission performance simulators (E2ES) are suitable tools to accelerate satellite mission development from concet to deployment. One core element of these E2ES is the generation of synthetic scenes that are observed by the various instruments of an Earth Observation mission. The generation of these scenes rely on Radiative Transfer Models (RTM) for the simulation of light interaction with the Earth surface and atmosphere. However, the execution of advanced RTMs is impractical due to their large computation burden. Classical interpolation and statistical emulation methods of pre-computed Look-Up Tables (LUT) are therefore common practice to generate synthetic scenes in a reasonable…
Quantification of land-atmosphere exchanges of water, energy and carbon dioxide in space and time over the heterogeneous Barrax site
International audience; To advance our understanding of land-atmosphere exchanges of water, energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) in space and time over heterogeneous land surfaces, two intensive field campaigns were carried out at the Barrax agricultural test site in Spain during 12-21 July 2004 (SPARC 2004) and 8-14 July 2005 (SEN2FLEX 2005) involving multiple field, satellite and airborne instruments for characterizing the state of the atmosphere, the vegetation and the soil from the visible to the microwave range of the spectrum. Part of the experimental area is a core site of area 25 km2, within which numerous crops are grown, on both irrigated and dry land, alongside fields of bare soil. Th…
First Results of Hyperspectral Scene Generation in Preparation of the Chime Imaging Spectrometer Mission
End-To-End mission performance simulators (E2Es) are software tools developed to support satellite mission preparatory activities. For passive remote sensing missions, E2Es generate synthetic scenes simulating the interaction of the solar radiation between the atmosphere and the surface; therefore allowing the estimation of the mission performance before its launch. In this paper, we present the CHIME Scene Generator Module (SGM) as part of CHIME E2Es, with state-of-the-art parallelization and optimization that give a performance allowing to obtain a whole year of daily worldwide Top-Of-Atmosphere radiance images in a matter of hours. The CHIME SGM generates 100x200km hyperspectral scenes w…
A fluorescence retrieval method for the flex sentinel-3 tandem mission
A new fluorescence retrieval method is proposed to support ESA's 8th Earth Explorer Fluorescence EXplorer (FLEX) candidate mission. Most hyperspectral fluorescence retrieval algorithms available in the literature are very sensitive to true reflectance modelization and/or they assume the atmospheric status as known. The proposed algorithm delivers the retrieval of full fluorescence spectrum at canopy level by using only Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) radiances as input. The proposed method starts with (1) the atmospheric correction of TOA radiances, characterizing the state of the atmosphere without assuming any a-priori classification on aerosols models, (2) performing a first estimation of fluore…
Red and far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a measure of plant photosynthesis
Remote estimation of Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emitted by terrestrial vegetation can provide an unparalleled opportunity to track spatiotemporal variations of photosynthetic efficiency. Here we provide the first direct experimental evidence that the two peaks of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum can be accurately mapped from high-resolution radiance spectra and that the signal is linked to variations in actual photosynthetic efficiency. Red and far red fluorescence measured using a novel airborne imaging spectrometer over a grass carpet treated with an herbicide known to inhibit photosynthesis was significantly higher than the corresponding signal from an equivalent untreated…
The flex end-to-end simulator: From concept phase (A/B1) to ground segment and operations (C/D)
ESA's FLEX/Sentinel-3 tandem mission aims at mapping Sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) as a proxy to quantify photosynthetic activity of terrestrial vegetation. Due to the complexity of the mission concept and stringent requirements for the data processing algorithms, ESA developed a Phase A/B1 End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator (E2ES) tool to reproduce the expected mission performance and check the mission and instrument concepts. In the current Phase C/D, the E2ES concept must evolve to consolidate the whole data processing chain, providing an accurate figures of the whole mission error budget and serving as a roadmap for the future development of FLEX Ground Segment. This paper gives …
Turbidez y profundidad de disco de Secchi con Sentinel-2 en embalses con diferente estado trófico en la Comunidad Valenciana
[ES] En los estudios de calidad de aguas por teledetección, uno de los principales indicadores es la transparencia o turbidez del agua. La transparencia puede ser medida in situ mediante la profundidad del disco de Secchi (SD), y la turbidez con un turbidímetro. En las últimas décadas se han utilizado diferentes relaciones entre bandas de diferentes sensores obtenidas por teledetección para la estimación de estos parámetros. En este trabajo, a partir de datos de campo obtenidos a lo largo de 2017 y 2018 en embalses de la cuenca del Júcar con gran variedad de estados tróficos, se han calibrado diferentes índices y bandas para poder estimar la transparencia a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2 (S2…
On the demands on imaging spectrometry for the monitoring of global vegetation fluorescence from space
Vegetation fluorescence when measured from space contributes only a tiny fraction of the signal coming on top of the reflected radiance by the Earth surface and the atmosphere. As a consequence, imaging spectrometers have to provide sufficient throughput and radiometric accuracy to enable accurate global monitoring of the daily to seasonal variations of the Earth's vegetation breath, which is particularly challenging if ground resolutions of a few hundred meters are targeted. Since fluorescence retrieval algorithms have to make corrections for atmospheric effects, it is necessary to provide sufficient spectral resolution, so that signal alterations due to the main parameters such as surface…
Remote sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at different scales
In this contribution we present activities and selected results obtained in recent studies and campaigns conducted in the context of the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission. FLEX is a candidate mission for the ESA 8th Earth Explorer and large efforts are currently dedicated to the development of an implementation scheme for an accurate mapping of fluorescence from the selected spaceborne sensor and mission configuration. Field and airborne data collected in different experimental campaigns, together with simulated data, have been used to demonstrate the feasibility of fluorescence retrievals and the potential of exploiting high spatial resolution fluorescence maps for a better understandin…
Comparative analysis of atmospheric radiative transfer models using the Atmospheric Look-up table Generator (ALG) toolbox (version 2.0)
Abstract. Atmospheric radiative transfer models (RTMs) are software tools that help researchers in understanding the radiative processes occurring in the Earth's atmosphere. Given their importance in remote sensing applications, the intercomparison of atmospheric RTMs is therefore one of the main tasks used to evaluate model performance and identify the characteristics that differ between models. This can be a tedious tasks that requires good knowledge of the model inputs/outputs and the generation of large databases of consistent simulations. With the evolution of these software tools, their increase in complexity bears implications for their use in practical applications and model interco…
Gridding artifacts on ENVISAT/MERIS temporal series
Earth observation satellites are a valuable source of data that can be used to better understand the Earth system dynamics. However, analysis of satellite image time series requires an accurate spatial co-registration so that the multi-temporal pixel entities offer a true temporal view of the study area. This implies that all the observations must be mapped to a common system of grid cells (gridding). Two common grids can be defined as a reference: (1) a grid defined by an external dataset in a given coordinate system or (2) a grid defined by one of the images of the time series. The aim of this paper is to study the impact that gridding has on the quality of ENVISAT/MERIS image time series…
Modelo empírico para la determinación de clorofila-a en aguas continentales a partir de los futuros Sentinel-2 y 3. Validación con imágenes HICO
[EN] Chlorophyll-a concentration is one of the main indicators of inland waters quality. Using CHRIS/PROBA images and in situ data obtained in four lakes in Colombia and Spain, we obtained empirical models for the estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration, which can be directly applied to future images of MSI Sentinel-2 and OLCI Sentinel-3 sensors. The models, based on spectral band indices, were validated with data from the hyperspectral sensor HICO, onboard of the International Space Station.
Cloud screening and multitemporal unmixing of MERIS FR data
The operational use of MERIS images can be hampered by the presence of clouds. This work presents a cloud screening algorithm that takes advantage of the high spectral and radiometric resolutions of MERIS and the specific location of some of its bands to increase the cloud detection accuracy. Moreover, the proposed algorithm provides a per-pixel probabilistic map of cloud abundance rather than a binary cloud presence flag. In order to test the proposed algorithm we propose a cloud screening validation method based on temporal series. In addition, we evaluate the impact of the cloud screening in a multitemporal unmixing application, where a temporal series of MERIS FR images acquired over Th…
Sensitivity of scope modelled GPP and fluorescence for different plant functional types
This study addresses the question which factors are responsible for reported positive correlations between solar induced fluorescence (SIF) and gross primary production (GPP). A sensitivity analysis of the model SCOPE, which simulates photosynthesis, fluorescence emission and radiative transfer in canopies, has been carried out for four different plant functional types (PFT): tropical rainforest, C4 crops, C3 crops, and tundra, located in distinct climate zones: tropical everwet (Af), tropical with seasonal drought (savannah, Aw), temperate (Cf), and continental tundra (Dfd). Literature values for structural and physiological parameters and climate reanalysis data were used as input. The ef…
Alg: a Toolbox for the Generation of Look-Up tables Based on Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Models
Atmospheric radiative transfer models (RTMs) are software tools describing the radiation processes occurring on the Earth’s atmosphere. While the evolution of these tools have achieved better representations of the light-atmosphere interactions, the increase of complexity, interpretability and computation time bears implications towards practical applications in Earth observation. Despite of existing RTM-specific graphical user interfaces, none of these tools allow common streamlining model setup for a wide variety of atmospheric RTMs. In addition, the automatic generation of atmospheric look-up tables (LUTs) can hardly be done with the use of these graphical tools. This paper presents the …