Johanna Ihalainen

Kasvu, sukupuolinen kypsyminen ja kehitys sekä niiden merkitys liikuntatieteissä

Kasvu sekä sukupuolinen kypsyminen ja kehitys ovat keskeisiä käsitteitä kaikissa lapsia ja nuoria käsittelevissä tutkimuksissa sekä lasten ja nuorten fyysisen aktiivisuuden seurannassa ja urheiluvalmennuksessa. Kasvun sekä sukupuolisen kypsymisen ja kehityksen seurauksena eri elinjärjestelmissä tapahtuu muutoksia, jotka vaikuttavat fyysisiin ominaisuuksiin ja niiden kehittymiseen fyysisen aktiivisuuden seurauksena (Armstrong ja van Mechelen 2017). Fyysinen aktiivisuus voi vaikuttaa myös kasvuun sekä sukupuoliseen kypsymiseen ja kehitykseen – joko negatiivisesti tai positiivisesti. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Living in a return-to-play world: walking on thin ice

research product

Resistance Training Induces Antiatherogenic Effects on Metabolomic Pathways

Introduction: Arising evidence suggests that resistance training has the potential to induce beneficial modulation of biomarker profile. To date, however, only immediate responses to resistance training have been investigated using high-throughput metabolomics whereas the effects of chronic resistance training on biomarker profile have not been studied in detail. Methods: A total of 86 recreationally active healthy men without previous systematic resistance training background were allocated into i) a resistance training (RT) group (n=68, age 33 ± 7 years, body mass index (BMI) 28 ± 3 kg/m2 ) and ii) a non-RT group (n=18, age 31 ± 4 years, BMI 27 ± 3 kg/m2 ). Blood samples were collected at…

research product

Motoristen taitojen ja lihasvoiman vuorovaikutus lapsuudessa ja nuoruudessa

Lasten motoriset taidot ja lihasvoima eivät kehity perimän määrittämään täyteen potentiaaliinsa ilman mahdollisuuksia harjoitella liikkumista erilaisissa ympäristöissä ja tilanteissa. Suurin osa varhais- ja keskilapsuuden motorisia taitoja ja lihasvoimaa kehittävästä toiminnasta on omaehtoista ja vapaata leikinomaista fyysistä aktiivisuutta. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Effects of Water Immersion Methods on Postexercise Recovery of Physical and Mental Performance

The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 3 water immersion interventions performed after active recovery compared with active recovery only on physical and mental performance measures and physiological responses. The subjects were physically active men (age 20–35 years, mean ± SD 26 ± 3.7 years). All subjects performed a short-term exercise protocol, including maximal jumps and sprinting. Four different recovery methods (10 minutes) were used in random order: cold water immersion (CWI, 10° C), thermoneutral water immersion (TWI, 24° C), and contrast water therapy (CWT, alternately 10° C and 38° C). All these methods were performed after an active recovery (10-minute bicycle…

research product

Physical qualities and body composition predictors of running performance in national level women’s official soccer matches

The purpose of the study was to (1) determine match running performance, anthropometry and various physical qualities of national level women soccer players and (2) identify key physical qualities and anthropometric predictors of match running profile during a competitive season. Twenty-five national level Finnish soccer players participated in the study. Players performed countermovement jump, loaded squat jumps, 30-meter sprint, maximum isokinetic knee flexor and extensor contractions, an incremental treadmill test and underwent body composition assessment in the lab. Match running performance was analyzed from 115 match observations during competitive league matches over 11 weeks after t…

research product

Position specific physical demands in different phases of competitive matches in national level women’s football

The purpose of the present study was twofold: to investigate position-specific physical match demands of national level women’s football; and to examine if demands change during a match (comparison between first and second half and in 15-minute intervals). Seven teams from the Finnish National League participated in the study. Eighty-five players met the inclusion criteria, and a total of 340 individual match observations from 68 individual matches were included for analysis. The Polar Team Pro -player tracking system (with 10 Hz GPS units, including 200 Hz tri-axial accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and HR monitor) was used to assess positional data and HR response of the players. Thi…

research product

Lasten ja nuorten liikuntalääketiede : tavoitteena terveyden edistäminen, sairauksien ehkäisy ja kuntoutus

Fyysinen aktiivisuus kannattaa. Liikuntaharjoittelu vaikuttaa myönteisesti kehon koostumukseen, fyysiseen kuntoon, toimintakykyyn, psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin ja elämänlaatuun myös niillä lapsilla ja nuorilla, joilla on kroonisia sairauksia ja liikkumisen rajoitteita. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Fysiologiset vasteet liikuntaan lapsilla ja nuorilla

Lasten ja nuorten vasteet liikuntaan ja liikuntaharjoitteluun ovat osin samankaltaisia kuin aikuisilla. Liikuntaharjoittelun perusperiaatteet kuten ylikuormitus, progressio, spesifisyys ja yksilölliset vasteet sekä liikunta-adaptaatioiden palautuvuus pätevät niin lapsilla, nuorilla kuin aikuisilla. Toisaalta esimerkiksi liikunnan annosvastesuhde maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn (VO2max) kehittämiseksi eroaa jonkin verran aikuisista. nonPeerReviewed

research product

A post-exercise infrared sauna session improves recovery of neuromuscular performance and muscle soreness after resistance exercise training

The aim of this study was to investigate effects of a single infrared sauna (IRS) session on postexercise recovery of neuromuscular performance, autonomic nervous system function, subjective sleep quality, and muscle soreness. Male basketball players (n = 16) performed two trials consisting of a complex resistance exercise protocol (maximal strength with plyometrics), followed by either 20 min passive recovery (PAS) or IRS (temperature 43±5°C), in a randomized crossover design, with trials separated by one week. Recovery of neuromuscular performance was assessed using 20 m maximal sprint, maximal countermovement-jump (CMJ), and isometric leg press tests, performed 14 hours after exercise. H…

research product

Exercise and inflammation with special reference to resistance training

The aim of the present dissertation was to examine the acute and chronic effects of resistance exercise on inflammation markers in young men. In addition, the effect of combined resistance and endurance training on inflammation was assessed. The present dissertation consisted of four studies. Acute inflammation response was evaluated using cross-sectional design after hypertrophic and maximal (n=12) resistance exercise bouts (I). In addition, acute inflammation was examined before and after resistance training (RT) consisting either hypertrophic or maximal explosive (n=8) resistance exercise bouts (RE) (II). The effect of RT on basal levels of markers of systemic inflammation was evaluated …

research product

Inflammation status of healthy young men : initial and specific responses to resistance training

Our primary aim was to study the effects of a 4-week preparatory resistance-training (RT) period followed by 12 weeks of 2 specific RT protocols (either hypertrophic-strength (HS) or strength-hypertrophy-power training) on inflammation markers and the possible relationship of the changes in abdominal fat and lean mass to the changes in inflammation status. A total of 82 healthy men were included in the study. Maximal concentric leg press strength (1-repetition maximum), total body lean mass, total body and abdominal fat mass, circulating high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), and selected ad…

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