H. Goddar
Über Zusammenhänge zwischen der Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung und der morphologischen Struktur verstreckter Hochpolymerer
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird uber Versuche berichtet, die Ergebnisse der Rontgenkleinwinkelstreuung an verstreckten Hochpolymeren mit Hilfe von elektronenmikroskopisch beobachtbaren Strukturen zu deuten. Geeignet behandelte elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen lassen sich als optische Gitter fur Lichtbeugungsversuche verwenden. Die daran erhaltenen Lichtbeugungsdiagramme zeigen eine Intensitatsverteilung, die mit der rontgenographisch gemessenen gut ubereinstimmt. Es lies sich zeigen, das die elektronenmikroskopisch an verschiedenen verstreckten Hochpolymeren (Polyathylen, Polyoxymethylen und Polyathylenterephthalat) gefundenen periodischen Querstrukturen nicht nur ihrem mittleren Abstand …
Electron microscopic investigations on amorphous polycarbonate
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an verstrecktem Polyäthylen
A remark on the surface structure of polyethylene single crystals
Relationship between structure of drawn polymers and molecular motion
In order to study the relationship between structure and molecular motion, drawn polymers are more suitable than isotropic samples since their morphology can be characterized more easily by quantitative methods such as small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and electron microscopy (EM). The effects of changes in morphological structure on molecular motion are demonstrated by comparing the results of the SAXS and EM measurements with the dynamic mechanical behavior of drawn polyethylene. In addition the NMR broad line spectra of these samples were analyzed and the influence of annealing conditions and external stress was investigated.
Determination of degree of crystallinity of drawn polymers by means of density measurements
The well known procedure of determining the degree of crystallinity by means of measuring the density presupposes the knowledge of both the densities ρc and ρa of the crystalline and of the noncrystalline regions. By combination of small-angle and wide-angle x-ray scattering and of density measurements it can be shown that this method is not justified in the case of drawn polyethylene if the values of ρc and ρa known from isotropic material are used. Both ρc and ρa depend considerably on annealing and drawing conditions. In addition the effective density ρc* of the more densely packed phase in a two-phase structure is much lower than the value ρc calculated from the positions of the x-ray r…