Mārtiņš ĒRglis

Neinvazīva mitrālās vārstules regurgitācijas izvērtēšana pacientiem ar smagu sirds mazspēju pēc ARTO sistēmas procedūras

Aktualitāte. Biežākais mitrālas regurgitācijas iemesls ir išēmiska vai neišēmiska kreisā kambara disfunkcija, kas rezultējas ierobežotā vārstules viru kustībā un to nespējā sakļauties (sekundāra vai funkcionāla mitrāla regurgitācija). Vidēja līdz smaga mitrāla regurgitācija ir novērojama lielai daļai sirds mazspējas pacientu, kas vecāki par 70 gadiem. Perkutāna funkcionālas mitrālas regurgitācijas ārstēšana ir nopietns terapeitisks izaicinājums un mērķis strukturālas sirds slimības ārstēšanā. ARTO sistēma ir perkutāna ārstēšanas metode, kas modificē mitrālo gredzenu un uzlabo vārstules viru sakļaušanos funkcionālas mitrālas regurgitācijas pacientiem. Darba mērķis ir izanalizēt pacientu datu…

research product

New Modalities in Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment Using Autologous Bone Marrow-Derived Mononuclear Cells

Abstract The clinical effects on knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms and tissue structure were evaluated after bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell intraarticular injection. A group of 32 patients with 34 knee joints in stage II–III osteoarthritis were treated by intraarticular injection of mononuclear cell suspension. Clinical results were obtained by KOOS (Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) and KSS (Knee Society Score) scores during a 12 months follow-up period. Radiological evaluation was performed using magnetic resonance imaging. A comparison with a control group of 28 patients treated with routinely used three hyaluronic acid intra-articular injections was made. No adverse effects were …

research product

Cultivation of 3D Dermal Tissue by Application of Autologous Matrix

Abstract The most common reasons for major skin loss are thermal trauma — burns and scalds that can result in rapid, extensive, deep wounds as well as chronic non-healing wounds. Treatment using common techniques is poor and depending on the trauma level can result in death. There is a substantial need for skin integrity restoration. The main goal of this study was to develop an autologous 3D skin model that could eventually be translated into clinical applications. The study examined a variety of factors — extracellular matrix components, cell count, culture medium modification and role of structurally and functionally high-quality 3D skin dermis layer tissue culture production. The result…

research product