Carlos Martínez
Urban traffic accident data collection and analysis in Europe: Current state. Survey study.
The reduction of the number of road accident fatalities by 50 %, by the year 2010, suggested by the EU, involves the active contribution of all the agents in charge of the road safety in Europe. Even though the accidents that happened in urban areas have a relative smaller severity, it is the place where, for the moment, in absolute terms, the major number of accidents take place in the EU countries, as well as generating serious consequences on the more vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly…). The current SAU action has as main objective to obtain an approximation of the characteristics of the current accident collection and analysis systems through the application…
La construcció "HO-transitiva". Intervenció didàctica experimental
Aquest document forma part d'una investigació per a avaluar l'aplicació de la gramàtica de construccions com a gramàtica pedagògica del català. Concretament, aquest document resumeix la seqüència didàctica corresponent a la construcció "HO-transitiva" seguint el model construccional.