A. Herzáň
New collective structures in Au179 and their implications for the triaxial deformation of the Pt178 core
First observation of high-K isomeric states in $$^{249}$$Md and $$^{251}$$Md
Decay spectroscopy of the odd-proton nuclei $^{249}$Md and $^{251}$Md has been performed. High-K isomeric states were identified for the first time in these two nuclei through the measurement of their electromagnetic decay. An isomeric state with a half-life of 2.8(5) ms and an excitation energy $\ge 910$ keV was found in $^{249}$Md. In $^{251}$Md, an isomeric state with a half-life of 1.4(3) s and an excitation energy $\ge 844$ keV was found. Similarly to the neighbouring $^{255}$Lr, these two isomeric states are interpreted as 3 quasi-particle high-K states and compared to new theoretical calculations. Excited nuclear configurations were calculated within two scenarios: via blocking nucle…
α -decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra218 and Th220 : Mitigation of α -particle energy summing with implanted nuclei
© 2019 American Physical Society. An analysis technique has been developed in order to mitigate energy summing due to sequential short-lived α decays from nuclei implanted into a silicon detector. Using this technique, α-decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra218 (Z=88) and Th220 (Z=90) has been performed. The energies of the α particles emitted in the Ra218→Rn214 and Th220→Ra216 ground-state-to-ground-state decays have been measured to be 8381(4) keV and 8818(13) keV, respectively. The half-lives of the ground states of Ra218 and Th220 have been measured to be 25.99(10) μs and 10.4(4) μs, respectively. The half-lives of the ground states of the α-decay daughters, Rn214 and Ra216, have …
Isomeric 13/2+ (νi13/2−1) state in 211Th
Using a fusion-evaporation reaction and a gas-filled recoil separator, an isomeric state [T12=83(8)μs] with a most likely spin and parity of 132+ has been identified in Th211. The isomeric state is mainly depopulated via a hindered internal M2 transition [B(M2)=0.0025(5) W.u.], but also a weak α-decay branch of 4(3)% was observed. The present observations fit well to the systematic pattern set by the previously identified states of the same spin and parity in this region of the nuclear chart. peerReviewed
Shape coexistence in $^{178}$Hg
Lifetime measurements of excited states in 178 Hg have been performed using the 103 Rh ( 78 Kr , p 2 n ) reaction at a beam energy of 354 MeV. The recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique was applied to select the 178 Hg nuclei and associate the prompt γ rays with the correlated characteristic ground-state α decay. Lifetimes of the four lowest yrast states of 178 Hg have been determined using the recoil distance Doppler-shift (RDDS) method. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions with focus on shape coexistence. The results confirm the shift of the deformed prolate structures to higher lying states but also indicate their increasing deformation with decreasing neutron numb…
A time-of-flight correction procedure for fast-timing data of recoils with varying implantation positions at a spectrometer focal plane
Abstract Fast-timing measurements at the focal plane of a separator can suffer from poor timing resolution. This is due to the variations in time-of-flight (ToF) for photons travelling to a given detector, which arise from the changes in the implantation positions of the recoil nuclei emitting the γ rays of interest. In order to minimise these effects on timing measurements, a procedure is presented that improves fast-timing data by performing ToF corrections on an event-by-event basis. This method was used to correct data collected with an array of eight LaBr 3 detectors, which detected γ rays from spatially distributed 138Gd recoil-implants at the focal plane of the Recoil-Ion-Transport-U…
Spectroscopy on the proton drip-line: Probing the structure dependence of isospin nonconserving interactions
J. Henderson et al. ; 4 pags. ; 4 figs. ; PACS number(s): 21.10.Re, 21.60.Cs, 23.20.Lv, 27.50.+e
Collective 2$^{+1}$ excitations in$^{206}$Po and$^{208,210}$Rn
In the present study, $B(E2; 2^{+}_{1}\rightarrow 0^{+}_{1})$ values have been measured in the 208,210Rn and 206Po nuclei through Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated radioactive beams in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE. These nuclei have been proposed to lie in, or at the boundary of the region where the seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations are likely to be present when moving away from the N=126 closed shell. Such an effect is confirmed by the observed increased collectivity of the $2^{+}_{1}\rightarrow 0^{+}_{1}$ transitions. Experimental results have been interpreted with the aid of theoretical studies carried out within the BCS-based QRP…
Exploring the boundaries of the nuclear landscape : α-decay properties of 211Pa
Employing the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) and a fusion-evaporation reaction, the α decay of 211Pa has been identified via the implantation-decay correlation technique through observation of chains up to four consecutive decays. An α-particle energy and half-life of 8320(40) keV and 3.8+4.6−1.4 ms, respectively, were measured, corresponding to favored α decay. In addition, more precise α-decay properties of 212Pa and 213Pa were obtained due to accumulated statistics. The present data were compared to those predicted by selected atomic mass models and it was used to estimate the possibility of observing proton emission from these isotopes. peerReviewed
Excited states in Ra217 populated in the α decay of Th221
Fine structure in the α decay of Th90221, populating excited states in Ra88217, was studied using αγ-coincidence spectroscopy. Two α-decay branches from Th221 have been newly observed, with Eα(keV)[bα(%)]=7951(8)[0.14(3)] and 8247(3)[1.51(12)], together with three previously known branches. Also, two new states in Ra217 were identified at E = 177 and 227 keV. The ground-state configurations of the odd-A, N = 131 transitional isotones above Pb208 are interpreted from their α-decay fine structure systematics and considered in terms of predictions using spherical shell and reflection-asymmetric models.
Spectroscopy ofAt201including the observation of a shears band and the29/2+isomeric state
The excited states of $^{201}\mathrm{At}$ were studied and an isomeric $29/{2}^{+}$ state $[{T}_{\textonehalf{}}=3.39(9)\phantom{\rule{0.28em}{0ex}}\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{s}]$ was identified by using a fusion-evaporation reaction, a gas-filled recoil separator, and recoil gating techniques. The $29/{2}^{+}$ state is suggested to originate from the $\ensuremath{\pi}({h}_{9/2})\ensuremath{\bigotimes}|^{200}\mathrm{Po};{11}^{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\rangle}$ configuration, and it decays through the 269- and 339-keV $E2$- and $E3$-type transitions, respectively. Moreover, a cascade of magnetic dipole transitions that is suggested to originate from a shears band was observed by using recoil-…
Lifetime measurements of excited states in ¹⁶³W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei
This letter reports lifetime measurements of excited states in the odd-N nucleus $^{163}$W using the recoil-distance Doppler shift method to probe the core polarising effect of the i13/2 neutron orbital on the underlying soft triaxial even-even core. The ratio B(E2:21/2+→17/2+)/B(E2:17/2+→13/2+) is consistent with the predictions of the collective rotational model. The deduced B(E2) values provide insights into the validity of collective model predictions for heavy transitional nuclei and a geometric origin for the anomalous B(E2) ratios observed in nearby even-even nuclei is proposed.
Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated 208Rn and 206Po beams
In the present study, B( E2; 2(+)-> 0(+) ) values have been measured in the Rn-208 and Po-206 nuclei through Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated radioactive beams in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE. The resulting B(E2; 2(+)-> 0(+)) in 208Rn is similar to 0.08 e(2)b(2). These nuclei lie in, or at the boundary of the region where seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations may be present when moving away from the N = 126 shell closure. To date, surprisingly little is known of the transition probabilities between the low-spin states in this region.
Lifetime measurements in 166Re : Collective versus magnetic rotation
WOS: 000371740600004
Enhancing the sensitivity of recoil-beta tagging
Tagging with β-particles at the focal plane of a recoil separator has been shown to be an effective technique for the study of exotic proton-rich nuclei. This article describes three new pieces of apparatus used to greatly improve the sensitivity of the recoil-beta tagging technique. These include a highly-pixelated double-sided silicon strip detector, a plastic phoswich detector for discriminating high-energy β-particles, and a charged-particle veto box. The performance of these new detectors is described and characterised, and the resulting improvements are discussed.
New collective structures in 179Au and their implications for the triaxial deformation of the 178Pt core
The extremely neutron-deficient isotope 179Au has been studied by a combination of in-beam γ-ray and isomeric-decay spectroscopy. For in-beam spectroscopy, the recoil-isomer tagging technique was employed, using the known 3/2−, T1/2=328 ns isomer. A new rotational band, associated with the unfavored signature band of the 1h9/2⊕2f7/2 proton-intruder configuration, was revealed. A previously unknown, high-spin isomeric state with an excitation energy of 1743(17) keV and T1/2=2.16(8)µs was discovered. Five decay paths were identified, some of them feeding previously unknown non-yrast excited states, associated with the 1i13/2 proton-intruder configuration. Calculations based on the particle-pl…
Proton emission from an oblate nucleus 151Lu
Abstract Excited states in the proton-unbound nucleus 151Lu have been established using γ-ray coincidence techniques. The lifetime of the first excited state above the proton-emitting ground state has been measured using the recoil-distance Doppler-shift method combined with recoil-decay tagging. The experimental level scheme and extracted lifetime have been compared with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations based upon a non-adiabatic deformed Woods–Saxon potential. This comparison suggests that the proton-emitting ground state in 151Lu is mildly oblate with a deformation β = − 0.11 − 0.05 + 0.02 and represents the best evidence to date for proton emission from an oblate nucleus.
Spectroscopy of193Bi
An experiment aiming to study the shape coexistence in 193Bi has been performed at the Accelerator laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland (JYFL). Many new states have been found, hugely extending the previously known level scheme of 193Bi. The Iπ=292+${I^\pi } = {{{29} \over 2}^ + }$ member of the πi13/2 band de-excites also to the previously, only tentatively placed long-lived isomeric state. This link determines the energy of the isomeric state to be 2260(1) keV and suggests a spin and parity of (272+)$\left( {{{{{27} \over 2}}^ + }} \right)$. The half-life of the isomeric state was measured to be 84.4(6) µs. A level structure on top of this isomeric state was constructed. How…
Lifetime measurements of excited states in $^{163}$W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei
Grahn, Tuomas/0000-0002-6255-2279; Herzan, Andrej/0000-0002-6736-7638; Cullen, Dave/0000-0002-0041-1606; Barber, Liam/0000-0002-7409-9352; Keatings, James Michael/0000-0003-4271-8021; SAYGI, BAHADIR/0000-0001-5406-506X; Greenlees, Paul/0000-0002-5986-5274; Spagnoletti, Pietro/0000-0002-7674-989X; Parr, Edward/0000-0001-6204-4461; Bondili, S Nara Singh/0000-0002-4096-2429
Shapes and Collectivity in Neutron Deficient Even-Mass 188–198Pb Isotopes
Spectroscopy of proton-rich 66^Se up to J^{\pi} = 6^+: isospin-breaking effect in the A = 66 isobaric triplet
Candidates for three excited states in the 66^Se have been identified using the recoil-{\beta} tagging method together with a veto detector for charged-particle evaporation channels. These results allow a comparison of mirror and triplet energy differences between analogue states across the A = 66 triplet as a function of angular momentum. The extracted triplet energy differences follow the negative trend observed in the f_7/2 shell. Shell-model calculations indicate a continued need for an additional isospin non-conserving interaction in addition to the Coulomb isotensor part as a function of mass.
Collectivity in ${}^{\mathrm{196,198}}$Pb isotopes probed in Coulomb-excitation experiments at REX-ISOLDE
The neutron-deficient ${}^{\mathrm{196,198}}$Pb isotopes have been studied in Coulomb-excitation experiments employing the Miniball γ-ray spectrometer and radioactive ion beams from the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator at CERN. The reduced transition probabilities of the first excited 2+ states in 196Pb and 198Pb nuclei have been measured for the first time. Values of $B(E2)={18.2}_{-4.1}^{+4.8}$ W.u. and $B(E2)={13.1}_{-3.5}^{+4.9}$ W.u., were obtained, respectively. The experiment sheds light on the development of collectivity when moving from the regime governed by the generalised seniority scheme to a region, where intruding structures, associated with different deformed shapes, start to com…
De-excitation of the strongly coupled band in Au177 and implications for core intruder configurations in the light Hg isotopes
Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide $^{177}$Au were populated in the $^92}$Mo($^{88}$Sr, p2n) reaction and identified using the Jurogam-II and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator at the University of Jyvaskyla Accelerator Laboratory. A strongly coupled band and its decay path to the 11/2−α-decaying isomer have been identified using recoil-decay tagging. Comparisons with cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calculations based on Skyrme energy functionals suggest that the band has a prolate deformation and is based upon coupling the odd 1h11/2 proton hole to the excited 02+ configuration in the $^{178}$Hg core. Although these configurations might be…
Population of a low-spin positive-parity band from high-spin intruder states in 177Au: The two-state mixing effect
The extremely neutron-deficient isotopes 177,179Au were studied by means of in-beam ?-ray spectroscopy. Specific tagging techniques, ?-decay tagging in 177Au and isomer tagging in 179Au, were used for these studies. Feeding of positive-parity, nearly spherical states, which are associated with 2d3/2 and 3s1/2 proton-hole configurations, from the 1i13/2 proton-intruder configuration was observed in 177Au. Such a decay path has no precedent in odd-Au isotopes and it is explained by the effect of mixing of wave functions of the initial state. © 2020
Excited states in 217Ra populated in the α decay of 221Th
Fine structure in the α decay of 22190Th, populating excited states in 21788Ra, was studied using αγ-coincidence spectroscopy. Two α-decay branches from 221Th have been newly observed, with Eα(keV)[bα(%)]=7951(8)[0.14(3)] and 8247(3)[1.51(12)], together with three previously known branches. Also, two new states in 217Ra were identified at E = 177 and 227 keV. The ground-state configurations of the odd-A, N = 131 transitional isotones above 208Pb are interpreted from their α-decay fine structure systematics and considered in terms of predictions using spherical shell and reflection-asymmetric models. peerReviewed
Population of a low-spin positive-parity band from high-spin intruder states in Au: The two-state mixing effect
The extremely neutron-deficient isotopes $^{177,179}$Au were studied by means of in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy. Specific tagging techniques, α-decay tagging in $^{177}$Au and isomer tagging in $^{179}$Au, were used for these studies. Feeding of positive-parity, nearly spherical states, which are associated with 2d3/2 and 3s1/2 proton-hole configurations, from the 1i13/2 proton-intruder configuration was observed in $^{177}$Au. Such a decay path has no precedent in odd-Au isotopes and it is explained by the effect of mixing of wave functions of the initial state.
Nanosecond-Scale Proton Emission from Strongly Oblate-Deformed ^{149}Lu.
Using the fusion-evaporation reaction ^{96}Ru(^{58}Ni,p4n)^{149}Lu and the MARA vacuum-mode recoil separator, a new proton-emitting isotope ^{149}Lu has been identified. The measured decay Q value of 1920(20) keV is the highest measured for a ground-state proton decay, and it naturally leads to the shortest directly measured half-life of 450_{-100}^{+170} ns for a ground-state proton emitter. The decay rate is consistent with l_{p}=5 emission, suggesting a dominant πh_{11/2} component for the wave function of the proton-emitting state. Through nonadiabatic quasiparticle calculations it was concluded that ^{149}Lu is the most oblate deformed proton emitter observed to date.
Single-particle states and parity doublets in odd-Z 221Ac and 225Pa from α-decay spectroscopy
Low-lying states in the odd-Z isotopes 22189Ac132 and 22591Pa134 have been studied using α-particle and αγ-coincidence spectroscopy in the 225Pa→221Ac→217Fr decay chain. Ground-state spin and parity assignments of Iπ = 5/2− are proposed for both 221Ac and 225Pa, with the odd proton occupying the Ω = 5/2 orbital of the quadrupole-octupole deformed shell model in both nuclei. In 221Ac, excited states in the bands based on the Ω = 5/2 and Ω = 3/2 orbitals have been identified, including proposed parity-doublet states. The results suggest that reflection-asymmetric deformation of the ground state persists in the odd-A members of the isotope chains down to N = 132 for Ac and N = 134 for Pa, befo…