Marie-claire Heloir
Les biostimulants ont-ils un impact sur la résistance induite par des éliciteurs contre le mildiou de la vigne ?
SPEINRAUBIPM DOCT; La culture de la vigne constitue un intérêt économique majeur, mais la plupart des cépages sont sensibles aux maladies cryptogamiques telles que le mildiou. Protéger les vignobles contre ces maladies requiert souvent des fongicides de synthèse dont certains posent des problèmes environnementaux et sanitaires. Une stratégie potentielle serait d’utiliser des éliciteurs, molécules capables d’activer les réactions de défenses et d’établir un état de résistance face à une future attaque d’agents pathogènes. Cette stratégie est efficace sur des vignes cultivées en serres, mais reste non maîtrisée en conditions extérieures. Notre objectif est donc d’identifier des solutions susc…
The grapevine LysM receptor-like kinase VvLYK5-1 mediates chitin-triggered immunity
The establishment of defense reactions to protect plants against invading pathogens first requiresthe recognition of Microbe-Associated Molecular Patterns (MAMPs), detected by plasmamembrane-bound Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs). These MAMPs, also termed elicitors, areused in several biocontrol products that are gradually developing to reduce the use of chemicalpesticides in agriculture. Chitin, the main component of fungal cell walls, as well as its deacetylatedderivative, chitosan, are two chitooligosaccharides (COS) that can be found in some of theseproducts. Unfortunately, the mechanism allowing the perception of these molecules is still poorlyunderstood in Vitis vinifera, sometime…
Does leaf position influence induced resistance to grape downy mildew?
National audience; We observed that protection against grape downy mildew achieved by resistance inducers was higher in the adult leaf than in the younger, not fully expanded leaf. Using sulfated laminarin as inducer, this difference of efficacy could be correlated to stronger defense reactions (i. e. H2O2, defense gene expression) in adult leaf as compared to the younger one. These findings should be taken into account in disease control strategies involving induced resistance.
Effets combinés de biostimulants et de stimulateurs de défense des plantes sur la protection du blé vis-à-vis de l’oïdium et de la septoriose
International audience
OMICS approaches for the characterization of elicitor-induced resistance of grapevine leaves against downy mildew
Genomics of the grapevine - pathogen interactions Botrytis cinerea virulence factors and molecular mechanisms of induced resistance
International audience
A methodological framework to assess whether biostimulants can impact grapevine physiology and its responsiveness to elicitor-induced resistance
National audience
Biostimulation of grapevine and wheat : mode of action and possible agronomic uses
SPE IPM UBSPEIPMUB; Downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, is one of the most important grape pathogen in Europe and North America. Although the control is traditionally performed with fungicides, the appearance of resistant pathogen populations and the possible adverse effects on human and environment health are spurring the search for alternative means. In the present investigation, two protein hydrolysates of soybean (soy) and casein (cas) origin were successfully tested against P. viticola. On Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan plants, the application of soy and cas reduced the infected leaf surface by 76 and 63%, as compared to the untreated control, respectively. Since both hydrolysate…
A combined use of biostimulants and resistance inducers to improve wheat protection
Prod 2017-374 SPE IPM UB DOCT; International audience
Induced resistance in grapevine : from concept to vineyard application
International audience
Solutions innovantes pour la santé de la vigne et du blé associant applications de biostimulants et SDP à des technologies d'imagerie et d'agroéquipements
IPMSPEUB; Solutions innovantes pour la santé de la vigne et du blé associant applications de biostimulants et SDP à des technologies d'imagerie et d'agroéquipements. Journée Recherches Vigne et Vin en Bourgogne
Induced resistance in grapevine: from concept to vineyard application
SPE IPM Chapitre 11; International audience
An endophytic bacillus subtilis strain protects grapevine against downy mildew by direct effect and defense stimulation
National audience; Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grapevine downy mildew, is one of the most devastating grape pathogen. Phytochemicals are generally used to control infections, but the appearance of resistant strains and the concern for possible adverse effects on environment and human health are increasing the search for alternative strategies. Biological control has received a great deal of attention as an alternative and promising measure to control different plant diseases. Many antagonistic microorganisms, including Bacillus spp., have been exploited against different pathogens. Bacillus spp. activity results from multiple modes of action including antibiosis, competition, a…
Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
IPMSPEINRAUBCNRS; Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
Les biostimulants améliorent-ils la résistance induite par des éliciteurs contre le mildiou de la vigne ?
National audience
Evolution de la résistance basale à Botrytis cinerea au cours de la maturation de la baie
National audience; Mature grapevine berries at the harvesting stage (MB) are very susceptible to the grey mould fungus Botrytis cinerea while veraison berries (VB) are not. We conducted simultaneous microscopic and transcriptomic analyses of the pathogen and the host to investigate the infectious process developed by B. cinerea on MB versus VB, and the plant defence mechanisms deployed to stop the fungus development. On the pathogen side, our genome-wide transcriptomic data revealed that B. cinerea genes up-regulated during infection of MB are enriched in functional categories related to necrotrophy such as degradation of plant cell wall, proteolysis, membrane transport, oxidative stress re…
A new tool for assessment of biostimulants effects on grapevine
National audience; Despite an increasing interest for the use of biostimulants (BS) in agriculture, methods allowing a precise description of their effects on plants remain rather limited. In the IRIS+ FUI project, two major and highly different worldwide crops, wheat (annual, monocotyledon) and grapevine (perennial, broadleaf) were chosen to deepen our knowledge of such compounds and explore their potential additional interest. One objective was to develop a tool adapted to the screening and study of the impact of a series of BS on the development and physiology of these crops in controlled conditions. We managed to develop such a tool adapted to grapevine herbaceous cuttings. It allows a …
Recherche de récepteurs de l’immunité des plantes et étude de l’impact de biostimulants sur leur expression et la résistance induite chez des organes sensibles
National audience; La stimulation des défenses immunitaires des plantes représente une stratégie durable deprotection des cultures qui pourrait permettre de réduire l’utilisation de pesticides chimiquesencore trop répandue en viticulture. Son principe réside en l’application, au contact des cellulesvégétales, de molécules élicitrices détectées comme des signaux de danger par la plante. Cessignaux de dangers peuvent être de différente nature et origine comme par exemple la chitine,un chito-oligosaccharide (COS) retrouvé dans les parois fongiques. Leur détection par desrécepteurs de l’immunité entraine une cascade de signalisation complexe, conduisant àl’activation de réactions de défense et …
Chimerism and genetic diversity within the cultivar group of pinots
Three clones of Vitis vinifera cv. pinot gris were analysed at 50 microsatellite loci to assess the presence of intra-varietal genetic variability. Two clones revealed a polymorphism expressed by the presence of three alleles at 5 loci instead of the two expected for a diploid species. By sequencing the three alleles amplified at two loci, we confirm that they correspond to different allelic states of the same locus but differ in their number of repeat units. Such tri-allelic profiles could reveal periclinal chimeras in which the two cell layers of the apical meristem are genetically different. For two clones, this periclinal chimeric state has been deduced from the comparison of the genoty…
Transcriptomes of compatible and non-compatible gray mold/grapevine interactions compared in search of resistance factors
National audience; Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) causes significant annual yield and quality losses to viticulture. Comparison of transcriptomes of compatible and non-compatible interaction with Vitis vinifera cv Marselan – on harvesting stage berries or véraison stage berries, respectively – suggest the jasmonic acid pathway is activated in the former, while the salicylic acid pathway is more pronounced in the latter. In addition, in the non-compatible case, reactive oxygen species accumulation seems to be both early and strong, and some genes involved in cell-wall reinforcement are up-regulated.
"Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers
SPEIPMINRAUBCNRS; "Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers . 12. European Fondation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) & 10. French Society for Plant Pathology Conference ‘Deepen Knwoledge in Plant Pathology for Innovative Agro-Ecology’
Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble
Prod?IPMGEAPSISPEEAINRAUBAGROSUPDOCT; Associer biostimulants, SDP, systèmes d’imagerie et de pulvérisation au service de la santé du vignoble