Remedios González
EMG assessment of chewing behaviour for food evaluation: Influence of personality characteristics
Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the chewing behaviour stability over time and the influence of personality characteristics on chewing behaviour in order to assess the use of EMG for food assessment. From a set of eighty three subjects, thirty-two subjects were classified as personality type A or B (Jenkins Activity Survey questionnaire) and then recruited for the experimentation. Two types of assays were performed: Assay I: chewing gum for 10 chews and Assay II: chewing gum for 50 s. Only in two cases (6.3%) did the subject change his/her chewing behaviour; in the other cases, subjects’ chewing behaviour was stable over time (two months test). In both assays significan…
Application of low intensity ultrasonics to cheese manufacturing processes.
Ultrasound has been used to non-destructively assess the quality of many foods such as meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products. This paper addresses the applications of low intensity ultrasonics in the cheese manufacturing processes and highlights the areas where ultrasonics could be successfully implemented in the future. The decrease of ultrasonic attenuation during the renneting process can be used to determine the optimum cut time for cheese making. The ultrasonic velocity increases during maturation for those types of cheese that become harder during this manufacturing stage, thus being an indicator of the maturity degree. Moreover, ultrasonic measurements could be linked to sensory …
Predicting bullying: maladjustment, social skills and popularity
In order to prevent bullying, research has characterised the adolescents involved in terms of their social skills, maladjustment and popularity. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the relationships between these variables and how these relationships predict bullying involvement. Moreover, the literature has focused on pure bullies and victims, despite the fact that bully-victims are known to be the most troubled. The aim of this work is to study the relationships between these variables and their predictive value, focusing on the bully-victim role. The sample (N = 641) is made up of adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years. The results mainly indicate that the level of maladju…
Propuestas teóricas en la investigación sobre acoso escolar: una revisión
Four decades of research into peer bullying have produced an extensive body of knowledge. This work attempts to provide an integrative theoretical framework, which includes the specific theories and observations. The main aim is to organize the available knowledge in order to guide the development of effective interventions. To that end, several psychological theories are described that have been used and/or adapted with the aim of understanding peer bullying. All of them, at different ecological levels and different stages of the process, may describe it in terms of the relational dynamics of power. It is concluded that research needs to take this integrative framework into account, that i…
Comparison of electromyographic pattern of sensory experts and untrained subjects during chewing of Mahon cheese
Use of electromyography (EMG) to monitor mastication is a relatively new concept in assessing food physical and sensory properties. Although expert assessment of cheese characteristics is widely used, the effect of training in sensory analysis on mastication patterns, as assessed using EMG is not well known. Nine samples of the same Mahon cheese (60 days ripening) were given to 24 subjects (8 experts, 16 untrained) and EMG recorded for each chewing sequence. Three samples were tested in a single session by each subject, and three sessions carried out on different days. EMG was recorded from four masticatory muscles for each subject. From EMG records the following was extracted: number of ch…
Conciencia emocional, estados de ánimo e indicadores de ajuste individual y social en niños de 8-12 años
La conciencia emocional o experiencia consciente de la emoción es un concepto clave relacionado con diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual del menor, como las quejas somáticas. Esta relación, mediatizada por los estados de ánimo, se ha demostrado en población preadolescente y adolescente. Sin embargo, apenas se ha analizado en franjas de edad más bajas e incluyendo otros indicadores de ajuste social, como la adaptación. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la contribución de la conciencia emocional y los estados de ánimo, sobre diferentes indicadores de ajuste individual (quejas somáticas) y social (inadaptación evaluada a través del test TAMAI), en niños de 8-12 año…
Theoretical proposals in bullying research: a review
Four decades of research into peer bullying have produced an extensive body of knowledge. This work attempts to provide an integrative theoretical framework, which includes the specific theories and observations. The main aim is to organize the available knowledge in order to guide the development of effective interventions. To that end, several psychological theories are described that have been used and/or adapted with the aim of understanding peer bullying. All of them, at different ecological levels and different stages of the process, may describe it in terms of the relational dynamics of power. It is concluded that research needs to take this integrative framework into account, that i…
Ultrasonic velocity was related to sensory and instrumental texture measurements. A semi-logarithmic model (Weber-Fechner) was used to relate the sensory and instrumental texture measurements. The ultrasonic velocity ranged from 1650 to 1723 m/s for the softest and hardest cheese, respectively. As expected from theoretical equations, the ultrasonic velocity was related to the square root of the instrumental measurements. The deformability modulus (r 2 =0.93) and the slope in puncture (r 2 =0.85) were the most closely related parameters. A model developed from the relationship between sensory and instrumental texture and the relationship between ultrasonic velocity and instrumental texture, …
Variables Influencing Chewing Electromyography Response in Food Texture Evaluation
Abstract Food choice is linked to many characteristics, among which texture is one of the most important. As a consequence, texture is a quality parameter that needs to be understood on a global perspective, including physical and psychological aspects. Texture perception is gained from a complex process of chewing, and not from a single action. Thus, there is a need for techniques that consider the whole process of chewing. Among those techniques, electromyography (EMG) seems promising. Different variables influence the chewing response as registered through EMG. Some of those variables are linked to the experimental set-up, where there is a need for standardization as well as data process…
Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de conciencia emocional en población infantil española
La competencia emocional es la capacidad para percibir, expresar, comprender, regular y controlar nuestras emociones y las de los demás. La conciencia emocional es la competencia básica que permite el desarrollo del resto de competencias emocionales durante la infancia y la adolescencia. En este trabajo, se han estudiado las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Cuestionario de conciencia emocional, administrado a 1476 niños/as españoles (8-12 años). Se ha replicado la estructura original formada por seis factores. Se han estudiado la fiabilidad de los ítems y del instrumento, la validez de constructo, de contenido y concurrente, los resultados han sido satisfactorios. Se han…
Variables relacionadas con la conducta prosocial en la infancia y adolescencia: personalidad, autoconcepto y género
ResumenEl objetivo de este trabajo ha sido doble. En primer lugar, se estudia la relacion entre la conducta prosocialantisocial y variables de personalidad (empatia, impulsividad, afan de aventura y autoconcepto). En segundo lugar se analiza la influencia del genero en la conducta prosocial y antisocial. Para ello se ha utilizado una muestra de 421 ninos y adolescentes de ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 18 anos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una relacion positiva entre conducta prosocial y Empatia, Afan de Aventura, Autoconcepto Positivo y Autoconcepto/Autoestima. Mientras que se observa una relacion negativa entre conducta prosocial e Impulsividady Autoconcepto …
The Storage of Dried Apricots: The Effect of Packaging and Temperature on the Changes of Texture and Moisture
During storage, the packaging material was crucial in the product's moisture variation. The aim of this work was to study the changes of both the moisture content and the texture of dried apricots packaged in two types of containers, namely glass and polypropylene trays, which were thermosealed with two different films and stored at a constant temperature (5, 15, 25 and 35C). The moisture content and texture of the product were analyzed periodically over a period of 12 months. In addition, a differential scanning calorimetry of the product was carried out for a better understanding of the relationship between these parameters. In samples packaged in films, the maximum force value increased …
Review: the Use of Electromyography on Food Texture Assessment
Sensory evaluation (SE) involves evoking, measuring and interpreting human responses to the properties of foods. Among these properties texture is an important one for food acceptability. Texture is mainly perceived through mastication, a process that changes food characteristics throughout time by comminuting and salivation. Electromyography (EMG) has emerged as a new tool in sensory evaluation mainly for assessing texture characteristics. Thus, it is interesting to analyze the knowledge so far generated and the procedures employed. Bipolar surface electrodes are placed on the four main masticatory muscles (masseter right-left and temporalis right-left) and their electric activity recorded…
Convivencia e inteligencia emocional en niños en edad escolar
La violencia o agresividad entre escolares es un tema de actualidad de gran relevancia social debido, principalmente, a que la escuela es una de las instituciones, junto a la familia, en la que se forman los ninos y adolescentes. Para abordar este tema es imprescindible conocer, entre otras cosas, que rasgos caracterizan a los alumnos violentos o agresivos. En este trabajo, se estudia la relacion entre variables tales como empatia, autocontrol e impulsividad, que forman parte del constructo denominado inteligencia emocional, con influencia en las conductas agresivas en el ambiente escolar. Los resultados son alentadores ya que permiten disenar programas concretos de intervencion en relacion…
Although expert assessment of food characteristics is recognized as a key step in product development, the use of consumer based measurements is sometimes recommended as an equivalent to the experts. From cognitive psychology, support of the role of perceptual learning is found in some instances, although this could not be relevant in others. To address this point performance analysis of experts and untrained panelists in cheese texture evaluation was carried out. Neither the untrained panelists nor the experts were familiar with either the scales or the kind of cheese. The same Cheddar cheese was given to 44 untrained subjects in three trials to assess hardness. The results showed that the…
Psychometric properties of the emotional awareness questionnaire in a Spanish child population
La competencia emocional es la capacidad para percibir, expresar, comprender, regular y controlar nuestras emociones y las de los demás. La conciencia emocional es la competencia básica que permite el desarrollo del resto de competencias emocionales durante la infancia y la adolescencia. En este trabajo, se han estudiado las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Cuestionario de conciencia emocional, administrado a 1476 niños/as españoles (8-12 años). Se ha replicado la estructura original formada por seis factores. Se han estudiado la Habilidad de los ítems y del instrumento, la validez de constructo, de contenido y concurrente, los resultados han sido satisfactorios. Se han …
The role of emotion awareness and mood: somatic complaints and social adjustment in late childhood.
Emotion awareness is a key concept related to different child adjustment outcomes. This relationship, influenced by mood, has been found in the preadolescent and adolescent population for somatic complaints. However, little is known in the case of younger children and when other adjustment outcomes are included. The objective of this work is to analyze the contribution of emotion awareness and mood upon different adjustment outcomes (somatic complaints, maladjustment, and peer sociometric status), in children aged 8-12 years old. Self-reported questionnaires and peer-nomination scales were administered to 1423 children (mean age = 9.8 years old). Results support the influence of emotion awa…
Exploring the use of low-intensity ultrasonics as a tool for assessing the salt content in pork meat products
Meat industry demands non-destructive techniques for the control of the salting process to achieve a homogeneous final salt content in salted meat products. The feasibility of using low-intensity ultrasound for characterizing the salting process of pork meat products was evaluated. The ultrasonic velocity (V) and time of flight (TF) were measured by through-transmission and pulse-echo methods, respectively, in salted meat products. Salting involved an increase of the V in meat muscles and a decrease of the time of flight in whole hams. Measuring the V before and after salting, the salt content could be estimated. Moreover, online monitoring of the salting process by computing the TF could b…