K. Schilcher
The pion polarisability from QCD sum rules
Abstract The electromagnetic polarisability of charged pions, α E , has recently attracted both theoretical and experimental attention. Unfortunately the experimental results disagree with each other. We have investigated this polarisation via a QCD sum rule approach and find α E = 5.6 ± 0.5 × 10 −4 fm 3 , which is in agreement with one experiment and disagrees with the result of chiral perturbation theory.
Recent QCD sum rule determinations of the light quark masses are reviewed. In the case of the strange quark mass, possible uncertainties are discussed in the framework of finite energy sum rules.
Bottom-quark mass from finite energy QCD sum rules
Finite energy QCD sum rules involving both inverse and positive moment integration kernels are employed to determine the bottom quark mass. The result obtained in the $\bar{\text {MS}}$ scheme at a reference scale of $10\, {GeV}$ is $\bar{m}_b(10\,\text{GeV})= 3623(9)\,\text{MeV}$. This value translates into a scale invariant mass $\bar{m}_b(\bar{m}_b) = 4171 (9)\, {MeV}$. This result has the lowest total uncertainty of any method, and is less sensitive to a number of systematic uncertainties that affect other QCD sum rule determinations.
Method of analytic continuation by duality in QCD: Beyond QCD sum rules
We present the method of analytic continuation by duality which allows the approximate continuation of QCD amplitudes to small values of the momentum variables where direct perturbative calculations are not possible. This allows a substantial extension of the domain of applications of hadronic QCD phenomenology. The method is illustrated by a simple example which shows its essential features.
Corrections to the ${\bf SU(3)\times SU(3)}$ Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation and chiral couplings $L^r_8$ and $H^r_2$
Next to leading order corrections to the $SU(3) \times SU(3)$ Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation (GMOR) are obtained using weighted QCD Finite Energy Sum Rules (FESR) involving the pseudoscalar current correlator. Two types of integration kernels in the FESR are used to suppress the contribution of the kaon radial excitations to the hadronic spectral function, one with local and the other with global constraints. The result for the pseudoscalar current correlator at zero momentum is $\psi_5(0) = (2.8 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-3} GeV^{4}$, leading to the chiral corrections to GMOR: $\delta_K = (55 \pm 5)%$. The resulting uncertainties are mostly due to variations in the upper limit of integration in…
Tests of quark-hadron duality in tau-decays
An exhaustive number of QCD finite energy sum rules for $\tau$-decay together with the latest updated ALEPH data is used to test the assumption of global duality. Typical checks are the absence of the dimension $d=2$ condensate, the equality of the gluon condensate extracted from vector or axial vector spectral functions, the Weinberg sum rules, the chiral condensates of dimensions $d=6$ and $d=8$, as well as the extraction of some low-energy parameters of chiral perturbation theory. Suitable pinched linear integration kernels are introduced in the sum rules in order to suppress potential quark-hadron duality violations and experimental errors. We find no compelling indications of duality v…
Approximate 3-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Imaging
We discuss a new approach to three-dimensional electrical impedance imaging based on a reduction of the information to be demanded from a reconstruction algorithm. Images are obtained from a single measurement by suitably simplifying the geometry of the measuring chamber and by restricting the nature of the object to be imaged and the information required from the image. In particular we seek to establish the existence or non-existence of a single object (or a small number of objects) in a homogeneous background and the location of the former in the (x,y)-plane defined by the measuring electrodes. Given in addition the conductivity of the object rough estimates of its position along the z-a…
Higher-Order Corrections to Sirlin's Theorem inO(p6)Chiral Perturbation Theory
We present the results of the first two-loop calculation of a form factor in full $\mathrm{SU}(3)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{SU}(3)$ chiral perturbation theory. We choose a specific linear combination of ${\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}$, ${K}^{+}$, ${K}^{0}$, and $K\ensuremath{\pi}$ form factors (the one appearing in Sirlin's theorem) which does not get contributions from order ${p}^{6}$ operators with unknown constants. For the charge radii, the corrections to the previous one-loop result turn out to be significant. To clearly identify the two-loop effects, more accurate measurements of the kaon and pion electromagnetic charge radii would be desirable.
Gauge-invariant on-shellZ 2 in QED, QCD and the effective field theory of a static quark
We calculate theon-shell fermion wave-function renormalization constantZ 2 of a general gauge theory, to two loops, inD dimensions and in an arbitrary covariant gauge, and find it to be gauge-invariant. In QED this is consistent with the dimensionally regularized version of the Johnson-Zumino relation: d logZ 2/da 0=i(2π)−D e 0 2 ∫d D k/k 4=0. In QCD it is, we believe, a new result, strongly suggestive of the cancellation of the gauge-dependent parts of non-abelian UV and IR anomalous dimensions to all orders. At the two-loop level, we find that the anomalous dimension γ F of the fermion field in minimally subtracted QCD, withN L light-quark flavours, differs from the corresponding anomalou…
Corrections to the SU(3) × SU(3) Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation and chiral couplings $ L_8^r $ and $ H_2^r $
Next to leading order corrections to the SU(3) × SU(3) Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation (GMOR) are obtained using weighted QCD Finite Energy Sum Rules (FESR) involving the pseudoscalar current correlator. Two types of integration kernels in the FESR are used to suppress the contribution of the kaon radial excitations to the hadronic spectral function, one with local and the other with global constraints. The result for the pseudoscalar current correlator at zero momentum is ψ 5(0) = (2.8 ± 0.3) ×10-3 GeV4, leading to the chiral corrections to GMOR: δ K = (55 ± 5)%. The resulting uncertainties are mostly due to variations in the upper limit of integration in the FESR, within the stability reg…
Incomplete GIM cancellation in $$K_L \to \bar \mu \mu $$ decay
Weak contributions to the decay $$K_L \to \bar \mu \mu $$ are evaluated over the whole energy spectrum and it is found that terms which survive the GIM cancellation because of the size of the top quark mass are comparable in size to the ones previously kept. Corresponding bounds on the K-M mixing matrix elements are given.
B meson decay constants f B c $$ {f}_{B_c} $$ , f B s $$ {f}_{B_s} $$ and f B from QCD sum rules
Finite energy QCD sum rules with Legendre polynomial integration kernels are used to determine the heavy meson decay constant f B c $$ {f}_{B_c} $$ , and revisit f B and f B s $$ {f}_{B_s} $$ . Results exhibit excellent stability in a wide range of values of the integration radius in the complex squared energy plane, and of the order of the Legendre polynomial. Results are f B c $$ {f}_{B_c} $$ = 528 ± 19 MeV, f B = 186 ± 14 MeV, and f B s $$ {f}_{B_s} $$ = 222 ± 12 MeV.
QCD sum rule determination of the charm-quark mass
QCD sum rules involving mixed inverse moment integration kernels are used in order to determine the running charm-quark mass in the $\bar{MS}$ scheme. Both the high and the low energy expansion of the vector current correlator are involved in this determination. The optimal integration kernel turns out to be of the form $p(s) = 1 - (s_0/s)^2$, where $s_0$ is the onset of perturbative QCD. This kernel enhances the contribution of the well known narrow resonances, and reduces the impact of the data in the range $s \simeq 20 - 25 GeV^2$. This feature leads to a substantial reduction in the sensitivity of the results to changes in $s_0$, as well as to a much reduced impact of the experimental u…
Chiral corrections to the SU(2) x SU(2) Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation
The next to leading order chiral corrections to the SU(2) x SU(2) Gell-Mann-Oakes- Renner (GMOR) relation are obtained using the pseudoscalar correlator to five-loop order in perturbative QCD, together with new finite energy sum rules (FESR) incorporating polynomial, Legendre type, integration kernels. The purpose of these kernels is to suppress hadronic contributions in the region where they are least known. This reduces considerably the systematic uncertainties arising from the lack of direct experimental information on the hadronic resonance spectral function. Three different methods are used to compute the FESR contour integral in the complex energy (squared) s-plane, i.e. Fixed Order P…
New High Order Relations between Physical Observables in Perturbative QCD
We exploit the fact that within massless perturbative QCD the same Green's function determines the hadronic contribution to the $\tau$ decay width and the moments of the $e^+e^-$ cross section. This allows one to obtain relations between physical observables in the two processes up to an unprecedented high order of perturbative QCD. A precision measurement of the $\tau$ decay width allows one then to predict the first few moments of the spectral density in $e^+e^-$ annihilations integrated up to $s\sim m_\tau^2$ with high accuracy. The proposed tests are in reach of present experimental capabilities.
B meson decay constants f(Bc), f(Bs) and f(B) from QCD sum rules
Finite energy QCD sum rules with Legendre polynomial integration kernels are used to determine the heavy meson decay constant f(Bc), and revisit f(B) and f(Bs). Results exhibit excellent stability in a wide range of values of the integration radius in the complex squared energy plane, and of the order of the Legendre polynomial. Results are f(Bc) = 528 +/- 19 MeV, f(B) = 186 +/- 14 MeV, and f(Bs) = 222 +/- 12 MeV.
Quark–hadron duality: Pinched kernel approach
Hadronic spectral functions measured by the ALEPH collaboration in the vector and axial-vector channels are used to study potential quark-hadron duality violations (DV). This is done entirely in the framework of pinched kernel finite energy sum rules (FESR), i.e. in a model independent fashion. The kinematical range of the ALEPH data is effectively extended up to $s = 10\; {\mbox{GeV}^2}$ by using an appropriate kernel, and assuming that in this region the spectral functions are given by perturbative QCD. Support for this assumption is obtained by using $e^+ e^-$ annihilation data in the vector channel. Results in both channels show a good saturation of the pinched FESR, without further nee…
Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon: A hybrid approach
A new QCD sum rule determination of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu}^{\rm hvp}$, is proposed. This approach combines data on $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation into hadrons, perturbative QCD and lattice QCD results for the first derivative of the electromagnetic current correlator at zero momentum transfer, $\Pi_{\rm EM}^\prime(0)$. The idea is based on the observation that, in the relevant kinematic domain, the integration kernel $K(s)$, entering the formula relating $a_{\mu}^{\rm hvp}$ to $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation data, behaves like $1/s$ times a very smooth function of $s$, the squared energy. We find an expression …
Hadronic contribution to the muong−2factor: A theoretical determination
The leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon $g\ensuremath{-}2$, ${a}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\mathrm{HAD}}$, is determined entirely from theory using an approach based on Cauchy's theorem in the complex squared energy $s$-plane. This is possible after fitting the integration kernel in ${a}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\mathrm{HAD}}$ with a simpler function of $s$. The integral determining ${a}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\mathrm{HAD}}$ in the light-quark region is then split into a low-energy and a high-energy part, the latter given by perturbative QCD (PQCD). The low energy integral involving the fit function to the integration kernel is determined by derivatives of the vector correlator at the origin,…