Charles Schneider
Oral homeostasis disruption by medical plasticizer component bisphenol A in adult male rats.
Objectives/Hypothesis Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic estrogen-like chemical mimetic widely used in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins found in numerous consumer products including food packaging, medical devices, and dental sealants. Because it is recovered in fluids and it can reach high levels in saliva, this study aimed to evaluate its safety on oral homeostasis by examining its effects on salivary glands, mouth epithelium, water consumption, and salt preference, each parameter being estrogen sensitive. Study Design Randomized controlled trial involving rats. Methods A dose-response study was conducted in adult Wistar rats randomized into five groups (n = 12). B…
Bisphenol A from drinking water affects taste preferences and oral homeostasis in male rat
National audience
Genetic variability of root morphology in pea : relationship with the seed protein content
National audience
Effects of oral Bisphenol A exposure on sweet preference and on submandibular salivary gland structure in male adult rat
La Revue de Gériatrie; Objectifs: Le Bisphénol A (BPA) est un œstrogéno-mimétique qui entre dans la fabrication de plastiques en polycarbonate et de résines époxy destinés entre autres à l'élaboration d'emballages alimentaires, de matériel médical et d'amalgames dentaires. Pouvant atteindre des taux élevés dans la salive, l'objectif de cette étude était de vérifier l'innocuité du BPA au niveau buccal en recherchant les effets sur les préférences gustatives et sur les glandes saliuaires, deux paramètres sensibles aux œstrogènes. Matériels et Méthodes: Une étude effet-dose a été réalisée sur des rats Wistar adultes répartis en 5 groupes (n=12). Le Bisphénol A a été administré pendant 6 semain…
Image analysis methods for assessment of H2O2 production and Plasmopara viticola development in grapevine leaves: application to the evaluation of resistance to downy mildew.
article i nfo The grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) provokes severe damages and destroys the harvest in the absence of an effective protection. Numerous fungicide treatments are thus generally necessary. To promote a sustainable production, alternative strategies of protection including new antifungal molecules, resistant geno- types or elicitor-induced resistance are under trial. To evaluate the relevance of these strategies, resistance tests are required. In this context, three image analysis methods were developed to read the results of tests performed to assessP.viticolasporulation and mycelial development, and H 2 O 2 production in leaves. They have been validated using elic…
Effets d’une exposition orale en Bisphenol A sur la préférence au salé et la structure de la glande sous-mandibulaire chez le rat mâle adulte
Effets d’une exposition orale en Bisphenol A sur la préférence au salé et la structure de la glande sous-mandibulaire chez le rat mâle adulte. Colloque PNR-PE