Lauri Stenroth
Non‐uniform displacement within ruptured Achilles tendon during isometric contraction
The purpose of this study was investigate tendon displacement patterns in non-surgically treated patients 14 months after acute Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and to classify patients into groups based on their Achilles tendon (AT) displacement patterns. Twenty patients were tested. Sagittal images of AT were acquired using B-mode ultrasonography during ramp contractions at a torque level corresponding to 30% of the maximal isometric plantarflexion torque of the uninjured limb. A speckle tracking algorithm was used to track proximal-distal movement of the tendon tissue at 6 antero-posterior locations. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA for peak tendon displacement was performed. K-means cluster…
In vivo localized gastrocnemius subtendon representation within the healthy and ruptured human Achilles tendon
The Achilles tendon (AT) is composed of three distinct in-series elastic subtendons, arising from different muscles in the triceps surae. Independent activation of any of these muscles is thought to induce sliding between the adjacent AT subtendons. We aimed to investigate displacement patterns during voluntary contraction (VOL) and selective transcutaneous stimulation of medial (MGstim) and lateral (LGstim) gastrocnemius between ruptured and healthy tendons, and to examine the representative areas of AT subtendons. Twenty-eight patients with unilateral AT rupture performed bilateral VOL at 30% of the maximal isometric un-injured plantarflexion torque. AT displacement was analysed from sagi…
Biplanar ultrasound investigation of in vivo Achilles tendon displacement non-uniformity
The Achilles tendon is a common tendon for the medial and lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Non‐uniform Achilles tendon regional displacements have been observed in vivo which may result from non‐uniform muscle loading and intratendinous shearing. However, prior observations are limited to the sagittal plane. This study investigated Achilles tendon tissue displacement patterns during isometric plantarflexor contractions in the coronal and sagittal planes. Fourteen subjects (5 female, 9 male, 26 ± 3 year) performed maximal isometric plantarflexor contractions with the knee in full extension and flexed to 110°. An ultrasound transducer positioned over the free Achilles tendon collecte…
Assessment of maximal handgrip strength: how many attempts are needed?
© 2017 The Authors. Background: Handgrip strength (HGS) is used to identify individuals with low muscle strength (dynapenia). The influence of the number of attempts on maximal HGS is not yet known and may differ depending on age and health status. This study aimed to assess how many attempts of HGS are required to obtain maximal HGS. Methods: Three cohorts (939 individuals) differing in age and health status were included. HGS was assessed three times and explored as continuous and dichotomous variable. Paired t-test, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland-Altman analysis were used to test reproducibility of HGS. The number of individuals with misclassified dynapenia at attemp…
Exploration of muscle–tendon biomechanics one year after Achilles tendon rupture and the compensatory role of flexor hallucis longus
Achilles tendon (AT) rupture leads to long-term structural and functional impairments. Currently, the predictors of good recovery after rupture are poorly known. Thus, we aimed to explore the interconnections between structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters and their associations with factors that could explain good recovery in patients with non-surgically treated AT rupture. A total of 35 patients with unilateral rupture (6 females) participated in this study. Muscle-tendon structural, mechanical, and neuromuscular parameters were measured 1-year after rupture. Interconnections between the inter-limb differences (Δ) were explored using partial correlations, followed by multivar…
99 Muscle-tendon Properties During Recovery From Complete Achilles Tendon Rupture – A Case Study
Introduction Achilles tendon is the most common tendon to suffer for complete rupture. Physically active young adults are often treated with surgery. Most of the patients do not suffer from activity limitations after injury 3 but performance level is often significantly decreased. 1,2 The purpose of this study was to follow recovery of Achilles tendon and triceps surae muscles after complete Achilles tendon rupture and subsequent surgery. This study served as a pilot phase for future research project. Methods Three subjects were recruited to this pilot phase of the study. Subjects were first time measured 2 to 8 months after injury and followed 6 to 8 months. Plantarflexion strength was mea…
Body composition in 18 to 88-year-old adults - comparison of multifrequency bioimpedance and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Objective -- This study compared bioimpedance analysis (BIA) in the assessment of body composition with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 18- to 88-year-old adults. Design and Methods -- Body composition of 882 adults was estimated by eight-polar BIA and DXA. In addition, estimates of lean mass, fat mass, and percentage of fat were investigated across a range of age and leisure time physical activity (LTPA) groups. Results -- Compared to DXA, larger lean masses (mean difference 2.9 and 1.6 kg) and smaller fat masses (3.1 and 2.6 kg) were estimated by BIA in both women and men, respectively. Differences between the methods' mean values were evident in all age and LTPA groups, except …
Viewpoint: On the hysteresis in the human Achilles tendon
EMG and force production of the flexor hallucis longus muscle in isometric plantarflexion and the push-off phase of walking
Large forces are generated under the big toe in the push-off phase of walking. The largest flexor muscle of the big toe is the flexor hallucis longus (FHL), which likely contributes substantially to these forces. This study examined FHL function at different levels of isometric plantarflexion torque and in the push-off phase at different speeds of walking. FHL and calf muscle activity were measured with surface EMG and plantar pressure was recorded with pressure insoles. FHL activity was compared to the activity of the calf muscles. Force and impulse values were calculated under the big toe, and were compared to the entire pressed area of the insole to determine the relative contribution of…
Triceps surae muscle-tendon properties in older endurance- and sprint-trained athletes
Previous studies have shown that aging is associated with alterations in muscle architecture and tendon properties (Morse CI, Thom JM, Birch KM, Narici MV. Acta Physiol Scand 183: 291–298, 2005; Narici MV, Maganaris CN, Reeves ND, Capodaglio P. J Appl Physiol 95: 2229–2234, 2003; Stenroth L, Peltonen J, Cronin NJ, Sipila S, Finni T. J Appl Physiol 113: 1537–1544, 2012). However, the possible influence of different types of regular exercise loading on muscle architecture and tendon properties in older adults is poorly understood. To address this, triceps surae muscle-tendon properties were examined in older male endurance (OE, n = 10, age = 74.0 ± 2.8 yr) and sprint runners (OS, n = 10, age…
Associations between muscle strength, spirometric pulmonary function and mobility in healthy older adults
Background: Pathological obstruction in lungs leads to severe decreases in muscle strength and mobility in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interdependency between muscle strength, spirometric pulmonary functions and mobility outcomes in healthy older men and women, where skeletal muscle and pulmonary function decline without interference of overt disease. Methods: 135 69 to 81‐yr‐old participants were recruited into the cross‐sectional study, which was performed as a part of European study MyoAge. Full, partial and no mediation models were constructed to assess the interdependency between muscle strength (handgr…
Serum albumin and muscle measures in a cohort of healthy young and old participants
Consensus on clinically valid diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia requires a systematical assessment of the association of its candidate measures of muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance on one side and muscle-related clinical parameters on the other side. In this study, we systematically assessed associations between serum albumin as a muscle-related parameter and muscle measures in 172 healthy young (aged 18–30 years) and 271 old participants (aged 69–81 year) from the European MYOAGE study. Muscle measures included relative muscle mass, i.e., total- and appendicular lean mass (ALM) percentage, absolute muscle mass, i.e., ALM/height2 and total lean mass in kilograms, handg…
Viscoelastic properties of the Achilles tendon in vivo
It has been postulated that human tendons are viscoelastic and their mechanical properties time-dependent. Although Achilles tendon (AT) mechanics are widely reported, there is no consensus about AT viscoelastic properties such as loading rate dependency or hysteresis, in vivo. AT force-elongation characteristics were determined from 14 subjects in an ankle dynamometer at different loading rates using motion capture assisted ultrasonography. AT stiffness and elongation were determined between 10 – 80% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force at fast and slow loading rates. As subjects were unable to consistently match the target unloading rate in the slow condition, AT hysteresis was on…
Plantarflexor Muscle-Tendon Properties are Associated With Mobility in Healthy Older Adults
BACKGROUND: Muscle mass, strength, and power are known determinants of mobility in older adults but there is limited knowledge on the influence of muscle architecture or tendon properties on mobility. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between mobility and plantarflexor muscle-tendon properties in healthy older adults.METHODS: A total of 52 subjects (age 70-81 years) were measured for 6-minute walk test (6MWT), timed "up and go"-test (TUG), isometric plantarflexion strength, Achilles tendon stiffness, triceps surae muscle architecture, lower extremity lean mass, isometric leg extension strength, and leg extension power. Partial correlations and multivariate regression…
Slower Walking Speed in Older Men Improves Triceps Surae Force Generation Ability
Purpose \ud Older adults walk slower than young adults, but it is not known why. Previous research suggests that ankle plantarflexors may have a crucial role in the reduction of walking speed. The purpose of this study was to investigate age-related differences in triceps surae muscle–tendon function during walking to further investigate the role of plantarflexors in the age-related reduction of walking speed.\ud \ud Methods \ud Medial gastrocnemius and soleus muscle fascicle lengths were measured using ultrasound imaging during walking from 13 young (25 ± 4 yr) men at preferred walking speed and from 13 older (73 ± 5 yr) men at preferred speed and at the young men’s preferred speed. Muscle…
Muscle-tendon morphomechanical properties of non-surgically treated Achilles tendon 1-year post-rupture
Background\ud Achilles tendon rupture appears to alter stiffness and length of the tendon. These alterations may affect the function of tendon in force transmission and in energy storage and recovery. We studied the mechanical properties of the Achilles' tendon post-rupture and their association with function.\ud Methods\ud Twenty-four (20 males, 4 females) participants (mean age: 43 y, 176 cm, 81 kg) were recruited. Ultrasonography and dynamometry were used to assess the muscle-tendon unit morphological and mechanical properties of non-surgically treated patients 1-year post rupture.\ud Findings\ud Injured tendons were longer with difference of 1.8 cm (95%CI: 0.5–1.9 cm; P < 0.001), and th…
Non‐uniform displacement within ruptured Achilles tendon during isometric contraction
The purpose of this study was investigate tendon displacement patterns in non‐surgically treated patients 14 months after acute Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and to classify patients into groups based on their Achilles tendon (AT) displacement patterns. Twenty patients were tested. Sagittal images of AT were acquired using B‐mode ultrasonography during ramp contractions at a torque level corresponding to 30% of the maximal isometric plantarflexion torque of the uninjured limb. A speckle tracking algorithm was used to track proximal‐distal movement of the tendon tissue at 6 antero‐posterior locations. Two‐way repeated measures ANOVA for peak tendon displacement was performed. K‐means cluster…
Structure and function of human triceps surae muscle and tendon in aging
Age-related differences in Achilles tendon properties and triceps surae muscle architecture in vivo
This study examined the concurrent age-related differences in muscle and tendon structure and properties. Achilles tendon morphology and mechanical properties and triceps surae muscle architecture were measured from 100 subjects [33 young (24 ± 2 yr) and 67 old (75 ± 3 yr)]. Motion analysis-assisted ultrasonography was used to determine tendon stiffness, Young's modulus, and hysteresis during isometric ramp contractions. Ultrasonography was used to measure muscle architectural features and size and tendon cross-sectional area. Older participants had 17% lower ( P < 0.01) Achilles tendon stiffness and 32% lower ( P < 0.001) Young's modulus than young participants. Tendon cross-section…
Achilles tendon stiffness is unchanged one hour after a marathon
Overuse-induced injuries have been proposed as a predisposing factor for Achilles tendon (AT) ruptures. If tendons can be overloaded, their mechanical properties should change during exercise. Because there data are lacking on the effects of a single bout of long-lasting exercise on AT mechanical properties, the present study measured AT stiffness before and after a marathon. AT stiffness was determined as the slope of the force–elongation curve between 10 and 80% of maximum voluntary force. AT force–elongation characteristics were measured in an ankle dynamometer using simultaneous motion-capture-assisted ultrasonography. Oxygen consumption and ankle kinematics were also measured on a trea…
Viewpoint: On the hysteresis in the human Achilles tendon.
This viewpoint was stimulated by two observations: 1) the statistical skewness whereby numerous articles have reported tendon stiffness and Young9s modulus, but far fewer have reported tendon hysteresis; 2) in vivo human studies seem very often to report hysteresis values greater than 10%, suggesting either that there are methodological differences between human and animal studies, or that human tendons have a much poorer capacity to store and reutilize elastic energy. In this article we focus on the healthy human Achilles/gastrocnemius tendon (AT) since it has an important locomotor function and clearly a low AT hysteresis would allow elastic recoil for efficient locomotion. We discuss tha…