Claudia Rosciglione
Il concetto di emergenza tra filosofia e scienze della vita
Arthur Danto, NIetzsche Filosofo
Il culto di Nietzsche
Alla ricerca della natura umana. Alcune riflessioni su corpo, emozioni e e coscienza in Damasio
Sviluppo dellʼorganismo e Selbstregulierung in Nietzsche
A non-reductionist Physiologism. Nietzsche on Body, Mind and Cosciousness
This paper addresses the following questions from the point of view of Nietzsche’s philosophy: What is the mind, and which kind of relationship does it hold to the body? Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to show that Nietzsche’s philosophy suggested a view of the mind that allows to outline an alternative stance to both mentalism and physicalism, as well as to both dualism and reductionism. It is argued that Nietzsche’s rehabilitation of the body as the specific seat of the mind in opposition to the Cartesian supremacy of the Ego still is of a great interest for contemporary philosophy, since it is not equivalent either to a reversed form of Cartesian dualism or to a physicalist reducti…
Mente incorporata, coscienza e naturalizzazione in Nietzsche
L’attualità dell’inattuale metodo genealogico nietzscheano
The subject of this paper is the untimely character in Nietzsche’s philosophy considered from a contemporary hermeneutic standpoint. Assuming that Nietzsche has worked outside the conceptual and behavioural schemes ruling his age, I will address the question of which part of his untimely thought is still timely. My aim is to show that this part is the genealogic method and that the genealogy is a way to intend knowledge characterized by a specific Weltanschauung. Indeed, the Nietzsche’s genealogy is founded on the distinction between the origin and the ultimate usefulness. What is now a determinate phenomenon or the meaning of a term is something different from and not teleologically tied t…
In che senso la dialettica può essere non violenta
A Non-Reductionist Physiologism: Nietzsche on Body, Mind and Consciousness
This paper addresses the following questions from the point of view of Nietzsche’s philosophy: What is the mind, and which kind of relationship does it hold to the body? Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to show that Nietzsche’s philosophy suggested a view of the mind that allows to outline an alternative stance to both mentalism and physicalism, as well as to both dualism and reductionism. It is argued that Nietzsche’s rehabilitation of the body as the specific seat of the mind in opposition to the Cartesian supremacy of the Ego still is of a great interest for contemporary philosophy, since it is not equivalent either to a reversed form of Cartesian dualism or to a physicalist reducti…
Amicizia come pratica del riconoscimento in Nietzsche
Living and Not-living Matter: Complexity and Self-Organisation in Kauffman
Which is the relation between the living and not-living matter? In this paper I’ll try to give this question an answer and to explore the underlying framework. I think that the theoretical biologist Stuart Kauffman develops an outstanding and interesting approach, which is formulated within the research field of the non-equilibrium chaotic systems dynamics, the theory of complexity and self-organization and the recent debate on the evolution. Therefore, my aim is to show the way in which Kauffman employs the concept of self-organization to build a not reductionist model that may account for the issues concerning the living and not-living matter by integrating physics with biology. In genera…
Summixis, Spermata and Nous: Anaxagoras’ pluralistic Ontology
The aim of this paper is to provide an interpretation of Anaxagoras’ thought as a form of Philosophy of Nature which, unlike Parmenides’, admits of the coming-to-be and the passing-away which are meant as the continuous mixture and separation of the natural matter. As opposed to a platonistic and metaphisical interpretation, this paper tries to outline an Anaxagorean cosmology, according to which the physis is accounted of as unity that stems from multiplicity, that is from the summixis of manifold different ingredients which keep on being in continuous motion. This paper shows that such an interpretation of Anaxagoras’ nous can be consistent with an anti-teleological and anti-anthropomorph…
Corpo mente e coscienza in Nietzsche. Ipotesi per un fisiologismo non riduzionista
Conscious and Uncoscious Mental States in Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Mind
Mente, corporeità e mondo naturale
Introduzione a Mente e Corpo: Aspetti filosofici e scientifici
Individuals and Collectivity between the Principle of noncontradiction and joint commitment
In this paper I pay attention to and reflect upon the role and the nature of the human being considered as an individual that acts in a collective dimension and thus contributes to build a social reality. What is required to talk of collectivity? Is it anything that goes beyond the interacting individuals or not? In order to talk of collectivity, do we need to talk of a plural subject as well as of collective beliefs, (as Margaret Gilbert does), or not? These are some questions that are addressed in my paper. In particular, I outline the view that the collectivity is the relationship among interacting individuals in the exercise of their own rationality. Consequently, I argue that the colle…
Lo spettro invertito. Un esperimento solo mentale?
La flessibilità dell’organizzazione biologica. Strutture e funzioni alla luce di un modello gerarchico e pluralista dell’omologia
Ciò che si intende mettere in evidenza nel presente saggio è come l’assunzione di un paradigma gerarchico dell’organizzazione biologica consentirebbe di fornire una nuova formulazione del concetto di omologia e conseguentemente dell’unità dell’evoluzione. Si vedrà, infatti, come i concetti di omologia, analogia, omoplasia, convergenza e parallelismo possano essere considerati al di fuori delle opposizioni omologia vs. analogia, omogenia vs. omoplasia, parallelismo vs. convergenza. Piuttosto tali concetti si riferiscono a piani e livelli biologici che sono diversi, ma in relazione l’uno con l’altro nel mondo complesso dell’evoluzione, poichè il mondo biologico è esso stesso gerarchico, ossia…
Homo Natura. Autoregolazione e caos nel pensiero di Nietzsche
Apollineo e dionisiaco nellʼinterpretazione nietzscheana di Eraclito
Il collettivo secondo Margaret Gilbert: impegno congiunto ed soggetto plurale
Quando possiamo considerare un insieme di individui un collettivo, un gruppo sociale? E' questa la domanda attorno a cui converge la riflessione che condurrò nelle pagine seguenti sul rapporto tra individui e collettività nel processo di formazione di quest'ultima. Oggi discutere di individuo e collettività significa discutere di ontologia sociale: quella branca della filosofia che si è sviluppata dagli anni '80 del secolo scorso fino ai giorni nostri e che si occupa di analizzare la realtà il cui artefice è l'uomo e che viene chiamata realtà sociale, poiché ha bisogno, almeno all'inizio, di un riconoscimento collettivo da parte di un gruppo più o meno ampio di soggetti. Dunque, come ci spi…