Carla Di Martino

Considerazioni sull’ammissibilità delle leggi- provvedimento: il caso del finanziamento del Teatro Eliseo al vaglio della Corte costituzionale

This paper examins the admissibility of so-called “leggi-provvedimento”, taking the cue from the effect of the national legislative provision, which recognizes eight million euro for biennium 2017-2018 to the Roman Teatro Eliseo, and which was recently submitted to the Italian Constitutional Court. This essay examins the responsibility of national legislature for adopting damaging legislative measure.

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Leggi retroattive di contenimento della spesa pubblica e giusto processo (a margine della sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 12 del 2018)

The essay is about limits imposed to the legislature to enact retroactive statute law in “civil matters”. It tackles the dichotomy existing between the European Court of Human Rights’ and the Italian Constitutional Court’s jurisprudence on the theme. The first one has repeatedly ruled that the legislature is not prevented from regulating, through new retrospective provisions, rights derived from the laws in force. Nevertheless, the principle of the rule of law and the notion of a fair trial enshrined in Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights preclude, except for compelling public-interest reasons, interference by the legislature with the administration of justice designed to i…

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La semplificazione normativa e il PNRR

The monograph studies the regulatory simplification policy programmed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, analyzing its elements of novelty compared to policies already undertaken in the country and its relevance in the context of Plan implementation. It then considers the regulatory measures being taken to implement the said policy, questioning whether genuine simplification is being achieved.

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Reati-presupposto e applicabilità della legge Severino: considerazioni a margine della sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 35 del 2021

The article examines the recent decision of the Italian Constitutional Court (n. 35/2021), concerning the so-called «Legge Severino» (that provides for the ineligibility of those sentenced to certain crimes). It tackles the still-resisting doubts on the constitutional legitimacy of the above-mentioned statute law. It considers the asserted lack of proportionality caused within its application after certain non-final rulings, because of the unlikelihood of their becoming final convictions.

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Le leggi retroattive

The monograph analyzes the limits of retroactive laws as determined by the Italian Constitutional Court. It questions whether these are operational limits and tries to emphasize how they are related to a taxonomy of legislative retroactivity accepted by the Court itself, which is still anchored in a formal approach to the issue of legislative retroactivity. An attempt is made, then, to enhance the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, which push for the acceptance of a substantive approach to the issue.

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La c.d. legge Severino ed il diritto a libere elezioni: i motivi imperativi di ordine democratico giustificano l’applicazione del decreto agli eletti in corso di mandato

The contribution analyzes the so-called legge Severino and its retroactive effect, evaluated with reference to the right to free elections, as interpreted by the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.

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La semplificazione normativa nel PNRR: il coinvolgimento dei legislatori regionali tra progetti bandiera e poteri sostitutivi

The essay concerns the involvement of Regional Legislators in the implementation of National Recovery and Resilience Plan («Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza»), considering regulatory simplification measures programmed by the Plan. In this perspective, it proposes a comparison between the Plan and the Italian Simplification Agenda 2020-2023 and it examines the framework of regional regulatory simplification measures.

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I limiti della retroattività legislativa non penale

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Il legittimo affidamento nel bilanciamento della Corte costituzionale e della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo in materia di retroattività legislativa

The chapter examines the Constitutional Court's jurisprudence on legislative retroactivity, which is compared to the jurisprudential direction of the European Court of Human Rights. In particular, it is concerned with assessing the compatibility of retroactive laws to the so-called right to peaceful enjoyment of property, referred to in the European Convention on Human Rights.

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Il procedimento di riforma degli statuti speciali: riflessioni a margine della modifica dello statuto del Friuli-Venezia Giulia

The essay focuses on the procedural aspects concerning the enactment of the five italian special administrative areas' "statuti" (i.e. Sicilia, Sardegna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige e Valle D'Aosta's supreme regional acts, regulating their constitutional organization). It is worthy of note that two different procedures are adoptable in order to amend statuti speciali, since the entry into force of the Statuti Speciali Review Act 2001 (the so-called "legge costituzionale n. 2 del 2001"): the ordinary italian constitutional reform process (as art. 116 of the Italian Constitution) and a special procedure, characterised by the regional legislator's participetion. The essay follow…

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