

Il procedimento di riforma degli statuti speciali: riflessioni a margine della modifica dello statuto del Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Carla Di Martino


Statuto speciale review process legge costituzionale n. 2 del 2001Settore IUS/08 - Diritto Costituzionale


The essay focuses on the procedural aspects concerning the enactment of the five italian special administrative areas' "statuti" (i.e. Sicilia, Sardegna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige e Valle D'Aosta's supreme regional acts, regulating their constitutional organization). It is worthy of note that two different procedures are adoptable in order to amend statuti speciali, since the entry into force of the Statuti Speciali Review Act 2001 (the so-called "legge costituzionale n. 2 del 2001"): the ordinary italian constitutional reform process (as art. 116 of the Italian Constitution) and a special procedure, characterised by the regional legislator's participetion. The essay follows the enactment of Friuli-Venezia Giulia's Statuto Reform Act 2016 (i.e. legge costituzionale n. 1 del 2016); it tackles national and regional regulators' power into the statuti speciali reform processes (i.e. the possibility of amending a reform bill introduced by the regional legislator and the consequent obligatory requirement of the regional regulator's opinion).
