At the Margins : Challenges for Sociologists of Education in Southern Europe
The aim of this Special Issue of the Italian Journal of Sociology of Ed-ucation, published at the same time of the n. 3/2019 of RASE (Revista de Sociología de la educación), is to reflect on Sociology of Education from a Southern European perspective. Undoubtedly, the starting point is the well-consolidated international debate on the so-called "Theories of the South" (Connell, 2007) or "Epistemologies of the South" (Santos, 2007), and the call for a "Global Sociology" (Burawoy, 2016) also in a postcolonial per-spective (Bhambra, 2014). These approaches have made visible the need to seek new theoretical and empirical contributions to think about the social realities of the Global South outs…