Tiina Koskelainen
Sosiaalinen media ja verkko-opiskelu
Koskelainen, Tiina Elina Tietojärjestelmätieteen kandidaatintutkielma / Tiina Koskelainen Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2009, 39 s. Kandidaatintutkielma Tässä tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan sosiaalisen median ominaispiirteitä sekä oppimisen ja verkko-opiskelun käsitteitä. Lisäksi tutkitaan millaisia vaikutuksia sosiaalisen median käytöllä on verkko-opiskeluun. Tutkimus on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tieto- ja viestintäteknologian nopea kehitys, vuorovaikutukseen perustuvat kommunikointitavat sekä sosiaaliset sovellukset ovat lisänneet yhteisöllisyyttä ja mahdollistaneet sosiaalisen median kehittymisen. Käyttäjälähtöisyys, verkostoituminen ja uudet kommunikointitavat ovat muuttaneet …
Mitigating technostress is not easy, but it’s doable
Although personal use of digital technologies is often characterised as fun and voluntary, technostress is anything but. Floods of push notifications and information from personal devices and the constant pressure to be available online can contribute to poor well-being, fatigue, and concentration problems. Markus Salo, Henri Pirkkalainen, Cecil Chua and Tiina Koskelainen explain how technostress develops over time and how users can mitigate it. nonPeerReviewed
Financial literacy in the digital age : A research agenda
Digital innovations are transforming financial services and resulting changes in consumer behavior and personal money management. Diffusion of pervasive digital technologies offers individuals quick and easy access to various digital services bringing opportunities and challenges into their personal money management. The study aimed to explore how digitalization affects individuals’ financial literacy and financial capability. As a result, we identified three main themes in the intersection of finance and digitalization: Fintech, Financial behavior in digital environments, and Behavioral interventions. We propose directions for measuring digital financial literacy, updates to the financial …
Technostress and Social Networking Services: Uncovering Strains and Their Underlying Stressors
Numerous users of social networking sites and services (SNS) suffer from technostress and its various strains that hinder well-being. Despite a growing research interest on technostress, the extant studies have not explained what kinds of various strains can SNS use create and how can these strains be traced back to different stressors. To address this gap in research, we employed a qualitative approach by narrative interviews. As a contribution, our findings introduce four SNS strains (concentration problems, sleep problems, identity problems, and social relation problems) and explain how they link with different underlying SNS stressors. As practical implications, the findings of this stu…
Technostress and social networking services: Explaining users' concentration, sleep, identity, and social relation problems
It is common for users of social networking sites and services (SNS) to suffer from technostress and the various associated strains that hinder their well‐being. Despite prior SNS stress studies having provided valuable knowledge regarding SNS stressors and their use consequences, they have not examined the various strains related to well‐being that those stressors can create nor the underlying SNS characteristics. To address this gap in the research, we used a qualitative approach involving narrative interviews. As a contribution, our findings reveal four types of strains related to well‐being (concentration problems, sleep problems, identity problems, and social relation problems) as well…
Formation and Mitigation of Technostress in the Personal Use of IT
Understanding information technology (IT) use is vital for the information systems (IS) discipline due to its substantial positive and negative consequences. In recent years, IT use for personal purposes has grown rapidly. Although personal use is voluntary and can often reflect fun, technostress is a common negative consequence of such use. When left unaddressed, technostress can cause serious harm to IT users. However, prior research has not explained how technostress forms over time or how its mitigation takes place in a personal—rather than organizational—environment. To address these research gaps, we conducted a qualitative study with narrative interviews of IT users who had experienc…
Reconciliation of Pedagogical Objectives, Technical Opportunities and Stereotypes of Educational Application : Case Perioperative Nursing
In the design of educational applications, expertise in several fields is needed: pedagogy, technology and interaction design, among others. Since the aim of an educational application is to promote learning, there should be a clear hierarchy in the perspectives: pedagogical objectives should be the primary perspective, while others play merely an instrumental role. However, it appears that pedagogy is rarely seen as a separate area of expertise. Learning is considered a mundane concept that most people understand. This setting may cause conflicts within a design group. In this paper we present a typical case study, in which pedagogical expertise was overlooked. The resulting application wa…
How Personal Finance Management Systems Emancipate and Oppress Young People
In order to achieve financial well-being, individuals need to make sensible financial decisions. Personal finance management (PFM) systems help individuals with saving, budgeting, consumption, borrowing, and lending tasks. As much as these systems help individuals, they may also have unintended consequences. This study increases the knowledge of how PFM systems emancipate and oppress young people. We used an interpretive research approach and collected qualitative data. Our major finding is that PFM systems emancipate young people by promoting agency (the freedom to act) due to the efficient implementation of PFM tasks, for example. These systems also oppress users by hindering rationality …
Teknologian hyväksyminen ja käyttöönotto : instrumentoivien leikkaushoitajien kokemuksia simulaattoriharjoittelusta
Teknologian hyväksymistä ja käyttöönottoa tutkivien teorioiden mukaan yksilön halukkuuteen käyttää uutta teknologiaa vaikuttavat eniten koettu hyödyllisyys ja koettu helppokäyttöisyys. Teknologian ja lääketieteen nopea kehitys asettavat haasteita sairaalan hoitohenkilökunnan koulutukseen. Leikkaussalin teknistyessä leikkaushoitajien on jatkuvasti opittava käyttämään uusia teknologioita. Tutkimusten mukaan leikkaushoitajan ammatillisen pätevyyden kolme tärkeintä osa-aluetta ovat potilasturvallisuudesta huolehtiminen, leikkaushoidon tekniikka sekä hyvät yhteistyötaidot. Simulaation käyttö opetuksessa on lisääntynyt eri aloilla. Kirurgisia leikkaussimulaattoreita käytetään yleisesti kirurgien …
Explaining information technology users’ ways of mitigating technostress
Technostress refers to the inability of an individual to deal with information technology (IT) in a healthy manner. Researchers, practitioners, and medical professionals have emphasized the omnipresence of technostress and its severe outcomes, including poor well-being and burnout. Despite the importance of the phenomenon, prior research has paid limited attention to how technostress can be mitigated. The few existing studies examine organizational mitigation mechanisms, but we could not find any studies that focus on individual IT users’ own ways of mitigating technostress outside of work. To address the research gap, we conducted a qualitative study to uncover users’ ways of mitigating te…