Alexander Auf Der Heyde
Artisti, "artistucoli" e "buoni lavoranti": Francesco Carradori e la razionalizzazione dei processi operativi nell’«Istruzione elementare per gli studiosi della scultura» (1802)
Francesco Carradori's treatise «Istruzione elementare per gli studiosi della scultura» (1802) codifies the organization and working process within a sculpture workshop in such an exemplary manner that it is an indispensable source for understanding the marble industry in the 19th century. The author analyses Carradori's text both through its Renaissance and Baroque sources (Vasari, Cellini, Boselli) and through encyclopaedic repertories (Baldinucci, Félibien, de Jaucourt, Falconet, Levesque) and then proposes a comparison with the similar attempt by the Prussian sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow, whose essay «Die Werkstätte des Bildhauers» (1802) similarly narrates the work processes, but u…
Rubens e Van Dyck a Zaventem: appunti su un aneddoto romantico
The subject of the essay is Antoon van Dyck's stay in the small town of Zaventem, on the outskirts of Brussels, where the artist painted St Martin and the Pauper together with the image of a Madonna bearing - according to tradition - the features of the painter's lover. The anecdote of the love affair, which is said to have led to the delayed departure for Italy, is the subject of particular attention in the Romantic period, as theatrical plays, artist's novels and genre paintings show.
Noto dal sentir vedere: Giotto nel Romanticismo
Il saggio ripercorre la ricezione giottesca nella prima metà dell’Ottocento. A differenza del mito di Giotto che conosce in quel periodo una vasta fortuna biografica, la pittura del maestro toscano rimane lungamente ignorata al punto che la sua arte è stata definita «una medicina altamente consigliabile, ma, come tutte le medicine consigliabili, si preferiva che a prenderla fossero gli altri» (F. Haskell). The essay traces Giotto's reception in the first half of the 19th century. Unlike the myth of Giotto, which enjoyed a vast biographical fortune in that period, the painting of the Tuscan master remained so long ignored that his art was described as "a highly advisable medicine, but, like …
Briganti, Longhi und «La Maniera italiana» (1961)
Due inedite testimonianze di Giuliano Briganti e Roberto Longhi gettano luce sul ruolo che lo storico dell'arte assume tanto nella fase di raccolta del materiale iconografico, quanto nella definizione della 'temperatura' del colorito durante la fase di stampa. Il Manierismo, così come si presenta nel volume che Briganti pubblica nel 1961 con Editori Riuniti (Roma) e Verlag der Kunst (Dresden), è un'avanguardia decadentista dal cromatismo inquietante e freddo. Two previously unpublished testimonies by Giuliano Briganti and Roberto Longhi shed light on the role of the art historian in both the collection of iconographic material and the definition of the 'temperature' of colour during the pri…
«Die grosse Einheit der Kunst»: Rudolf von Eitelbergers Vorlesungen über Theorie und Geschichte der bildenden Künste und die Quellen seines kunsttheoretischen Entwurfs
The essay deals with Rudolf Eitelberger's lecture series on the theory of the fine arts in the context of contemporary aesthetic and art-theoretical conceptions. Particular attention is paid to the works of Carl Friedrich von Rumohr, Otfried Müller, Franz Ficker and Franz Kugler, whose significance in Viennese art life is examined in detail. The appendix contains a critical edition of Eitelberger's lecture manuscript (Wien, Wienbibliothek im Rathaus).
Recensione di: Ernst Michalski, Die Verwandlung des Knaben Kai. Roman, kritische Edition hrsg. v. Anna Maria Voci, Ergon, Baden Baden 2021
Review of the annotated edition of: Ernst Michalski, Die Verwandlung des Knaben Kai. Roman, kritische Edition hrsg. v. Anna Maria Voci, Ergon, Baden Baden 2021
Monumenti del disincanto: una citazione dall’Antico nell’«Esule» (1859-63) di Antonio Ciseri
La ben nota statua seduta dell'«Aristotele» di Palazzo Spada (Roma) viene citata da Antonio Ciseri in una rappresentazione pittorica di un esule, che il pittore ticinese mette in scena come pensatore immerso in un paesaggio deserto. L'articolo ripercorre l'iconografia romantica del veggente in solitudine, mettendo le immagini in relazione con testi letterari e riflessioni sul ruolo politico che gli esuli svolgono nel giovane Regno d'Italia. The well-known seated statue of "Aristotle" in Palazzo Spada (Rome) is cited by Antonio Ciseri in a pictorial representation of an exile, which the Ticino painter depicts as a thinker immersed in a deserted landscape. The article retraces the Romantic ic…
Francesco, Franz, Ritter Franz von Hayez: Zur Rezeption des Romanticismo Storico in der deutschsprachigen Publizistik
After Canova’s death (1822), Italian contemporary art, especially painting, suffered from the widespread topos that Italy as “terre des morts” had frozen in historical self-reflection and therefore did not meet the demands of modern “romantic” art. One of the few internationally recognized exceptions was Francesco Hayez (1791–1882), whose history painting virtuosically combined modern literary subjects with elements derived from the Venetian tradition, such as the gestures of Canova and the colorfulness of Venetian Quattro and Cinquecento painting. His images, which are relevant from a historical, literary but also political point of view, have achieved great success at the regular exhibiti…
Esplorare le periferie dell’Occidente: Rudolf Eitelberger e le sue Kunstwanderungen (1861) attraverso la Dalmazia
Rudolf Eitelberger's art journey to Dalmatia (1861) and the new edition of the same text (1884) provide the starting point for reflections on the art archaeological method of the early Viennese School as well as on the political implications of scholarly explorations of the Habsburg Empire.
«Un vero e proprio film»: Longhi, Briganti e La Maniera italiana (1961)
Il saggio propone un'analisi dettagliata del percorso editoriale del volume «La Maniera italiana» che Giuliano Briganti pubblica nel 1961 come primo volume di una collana di libri interamente illustrati a colore, redatti da Editori Riuniti insieme a Verlag der Kunst (Dresda, RDT). Grazie a inedite fonti d'archivio questo studio ricostruisce la storia di un singolare episodio di divulgazione storico-artistica che vede Roberto Longhi nella veste di direttore editoriale, affiancato dal critico d'arte Antonio Del Guercio in qualità di segretario redazionale. The essay offers a detailed analysis of Giuliano Briganti's book «La Maniera italiana», which was published in 1961 as the first volume of…
Recensione di: Heinrich Wölfflin, Salomon Geßner (1889)
Review of the commented edition of Heinrich Wölfflin's early monograph on the poet and painter Salomon Gessner (1889)
Il vandalismo sui gessi
The article reads the vandalism against plaster casts in the context of a general misfortune of this educational medium. The author explores the question of the extent to which the movement Arte Povera has paved the way for the recovery of historical plaster cast collections.
Tra connoisseurship e militanza culturale: Pietro Selvatico e Ernst Förster nell'oratorio di San Giorgio (1837-1846)
The Nineteenth-Century rediscovery of the Oratory of S. Giorgio offers the opportunity to question the conservation methods, historical analysis and creative reception of fourteenth-century painting in this crucial period for the establishment of art history as a scientific discipline. This essay reconstructs the historical circumstances of the discovery of Altichiero’s frescoes and the consequent discussions among connoisseurs concerning the autography and the cultural value of these paintings. The protagonists of this scholarly discussion – the German art historian Ernst Förster (1800-1885) and his Italian colleague Pietro Selvatico Estense (1803- 1880) – see the Paduan fresco cycle as a …