Roberta Ghezzi
R. Ghezzi - Volume measures in non equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds
In this talk we study the Hausdorff volume in a non equiregular sub-Riemannian manifold and we compare it to a smooth volume. First we give the Lebesgue decomposition of the Hausdorff volume. Then we focus on the regular part, show that it is not commensurable with a smooth volume and give conditions under which it is a Radon measure. Finally we give a complete characterization of the singular part. This is a joint work with F. Jean (ENSTA).
Regularization of chattering phenomena via bounded variation controls
In control theory, the term chattering is used to refer to strong oscillations of controls, such as an infinite number of switchings over a compact interval of times. In this paper we focus on three typical occurences of chattering: the Fuller phenomenon, referring to situations where an optimal control switches an infinite number of times over a compact set; the Robbins phenomenon, concerning optimal control problems with state constraints, meaning that the optimal trajectory touches the boundary of the constraint set an infinite number of times over a compact time interval; the Zeno phenomenon, referring as well to an infinite number of switchings over a compact set, for hybrid optimal co…