Xiao Zhang

Can buccal infiltration of articaine replace traditional inferior alveolar nerve block for the treatment of mandibular molars in pediatric patients?:a systematic review and meta-analysis

Background It is unclear if buccal articaine infiltration can be used as an alternative to standard inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) for treating mandibular molars in pediatric patients. Therefore, this study aimed to pool evidence to compare the efficacy of buccal infiltration of articaine vs IANB with lignocaine for pediatric dental procedures. Material and Methods We searched the PubMed, Embase, ScienceDirect, CENTRAL, and Google Scholar databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the two techniques in pediatric patients and reporting the success of anesthesia and/or pain during treatment. PRISMA guidelines were followed. Results Seven RCTs were included. Pooled analy…

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Linguistic and spatial skills predict early arithmetic development via counting sequence knowledge

Utilizing a longitudinal sample of Finnish children (ages 6-10), two studies examined how early linguistic (spoken vs. written) and spatial skills predict later development of arithmetic, and whether counting sequence knowledge mediates these associations. In Study 1 (N = 1,880), letter knowledge and spatial visualization, measured in kindergarten, predicted the level of arithmetic in first grade, and later growth through third grade. Study 2 (n = 378) further showed that these associations were mediated by counting sequence knowledge measured in first grade. These studies add to the literature by demonstrating the importance of written language for arithmetic development. The findings are …

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Positive Teacher Affect and Maternal Support Facilitate Adjustment After the Transition to First Grade

This longitudinal study, conducted among a sample of Finnish primary-school children, examined the proposition that a single high-quality relationship (either with a teacher or a parent) can buffer against adjustment problems. Teachers rated the externalizing problems and prosocial behaviors of 378 children in Grade 1 and again in Grade 2. Relationship measures gathered in Grade 1 included teacher reports of positive affect for the child and mother reports of support for the child. The results supported our proposition by showing that for child adjustment after the transition to primary school it was critical to have at least one high-quality relationship either with a teacher or a parent. …

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Teacher–child relationships and social competence: A two-year longitudinal study of Chinese preschoolers

Abstract Based on a two-year and three-wave longitudinal sample of 118 Chinese preschoolers, the present study examined the cross-lagged associations between teacher–child relationships and social competence, and the cross-system generalization of social competence between home and school. At each of the three waves, teachers rated the children's teacher–child relationships and social competence in school, and mothers rated the children's social competence at home. The results showed that high closeness and low conflict in teacher–child relationships at three months after preschool entry (T1) predicted children's social competence in school at the end of the first preschool year (T2). T1 te…

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Early Cognitive Precursors of Children's Mathematics Learning Disability and Persistent Low Achievement: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study.

Mathematical difficulties have been distinguished as mathematics learning disability (MLD) and persistent low achievement (LA). Based on 1,880 Finnish children who were followed from kindergarten (age 6) to fourth grade, this study examined the early risk factors for MLD and LA. Distinct groups of MLD (6.0% of the sample) and LA (25.7%) children were identified on the basis of their mathematics performance between first and fourth grades with latent class growth modeling. Impairment in the same set of cognitive skills, including language, spatial, and counting skills, was found to underlie MLD and LA. The finding highlights the importance of monitoring mathematical development across the ea…

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A teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior: A validation study of the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale

Abstract This study aims to validate a teacher-report measure of children's task-avoidant behavior, namely the Behavioral Strategy Rating Scale (BSRS), in a sample of 352 Finnish children. In each of the four waves from Kindergarten to Grade 2, teachers rated children's task-avoidant behavior using the BSRS, children completed reading and mathematics tests, and trained testers rated children's task-avoidant and social-dependent behavior after the test situation. Mothers also rated children's task-avoidant behavior in the last two waves. The results showed that a two-factor model including one factor representing task avoidance and one method factor accounting for wording effects among the n…

research product

Individual and culture-level components of survey response styles: A multi-level analysis using cultural models of selfhood

Variations in acquiescence and extremity pose substantial threats to the validity of cross-cultural research that relies on survey methods. Individual and cultural correlates of response styles when using 2 contrasting types of response mode were investigated, drawing on data from 55 cultural groups across 33 nations. Using 7 dimensions of self-other relatedness that have often been confounded within the broader distinction between independence and interdependence, our analysis yields more specific understandings of both individual- and culture-level variations in response style. When using a Likert-scale response format, acquiescence is strongest among individuals seeing themselves as simi…

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Bidirectional longitudinal relations between father-child relationships and Chinese children's social competence during early childhood

Abstract Using a two-year and three-wave cross-lagged design with a sample of 118 Chinese preschoolers, the present study examined bidirectional longitudinal relations between father–child relationships and children's social competence. The results of structural equation modeling showed bidirectional effects between father–child conflict and social competence. Higher conflict in father–child relationships at three months after preschool entry predicted lower levels of children's social competence at the end of the first preschool year over and above continuity in competence. Lower levels of social competence at three months after preschool entry also predicted higher father–child conflict a…

research product

Being oneself through time: Bases of self-continuity across 55 cultures

Çalışmada 60 yazar bulunmaktadır. Bu yazarlardan sadece Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi mensuplarının girişleri yapılmıştır. Self-continuity - the sense that one's past, present, and future are meaningfully connected - is considered a defining feature of personal identity. However, bases of self-continuity may depend on cultural beliefs about personhood. In multilevel analyses of data from 7287 adults from 55 cultural groups in 33 nations, we tested a new tripartite theoretical model of bases of self-continuity. As expected, perceptions of stability, sense of narrative, and associative links to one's past each contributed to predicting the extent to which people derived a sense of self-continuity…

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Observatory science with eXTP

Disponible preprint en: arXiv:1812.04023v1 [astro-ph.HE] [v1] Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:00:52 UTC (4,376 KB)

research product

Examining the developmental dynamics between achievement strategies and different literacy skills

We examined the developmental dynamics between task-avoidant behavior and different literacy outcomes, and possible precursors of task-avoidant behavior. Seventy Greek children were followed from Grade 4 until Grade 6 and were assessed every year on reading fluency, spelling, and reading comprehension. The teachers assessed the children’s achievement strategies at all testing times. In addition, in Grade 4, the children responded to a task value questionnaire and the parents reported their beliefs and expectations about their children’s academic performance. The results revealed that task avoidance was reciprocally related only to reading comprehension. In addition, only parental beliefs p…

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Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange With Nasopharyngeal Airway Facilitates Apneic Oxygenation: A Randomized Clinical Noninferiority Trial

Background: Transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) was used to extend the safe apnea time. However, THRIVE is only effective in patients with airway opening. Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is a simple device that can help to keep airway opening. This study aimed to investigate the noninferiority of NPA to jaw thrust for airway opening during anesthesia-induced apnea.Methods: This was a prospective randomized single-blinded noninferiority clinical trial on the use of THRIVE in patients with anesthesia-induced apnea. The participants were randomly allocated to receive NPA or jaw thrust. The primary outcomes were PaO2 and PaCO2 at 20 min after apnea, with noninferi…

research product

Parent–child and teacher–child relationships in Chinese preschoolers: The moderating role of preschool experiences and the mediating role of social competence

Abstract Based on two samples of Chinese preschoolers (Study 1: N = 443; Study 2: N = 118) and their parents and teachers, the present research examined the associations between parent–child and teacher–child relationships, and how the associations were moderated by children's preschool experiences and mediated by their social competence. Using a cross-sectional design, Study 1 showed that children's years of preschool experiences moderated the associations between parent–child and teacher–child relationships. Both father–child and mother–child relationships were associated significantly with teacher–child relationships for the first-year preschoolers, and these associations were mediated f…

research product

Cross-lagged relations between task-avoidant behavior and literacy skills in Chinese

Abstract We examined the cross-lagged relations between children's task-avoidant behavior and their performance in reading and spelling in Chinese. Eighty Grade 2 and 103 Grade 4 Mandarin-speaking Taiwanese children were assessed on measures of nonverbal IQ, task value, reading accuracy, fluency, and spelling. A year later, the children were reassessed on the literacy tasks. The teachers also assessed the children's task-avoidant behavior at both testing times. The results indicated that task-avoidant behavior was a significant predictor of spelling and to a lesser extent of reading accuracy, even after controlling for the effects of the previous level of literacy skill, nonverbal IQ, and t…

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