Turid Skarre Aasebø

Fortellinger om gutters krise, jenters fremgang og skolens utfordringer med sosiale ulikheter

Gutter som skolens tapere er blitt en dominerende fortelling gjennom mange år og gjentas nok en gang gjennom Stoltenbergutvalgets rapport om kjønnsforskjellene i skolen. Fortellingen bygger på en dikotomisk kjønnsforståelse og ikke en forståelse av at kjønn er mangfoldig og konstrueres kontinuerlig i kulturelle, sosiale og språklige sammenhenger. Ved å betrakte gutter som skolens tapere som et dominerende narrativ belyser jeg premissene for en slik fortelling, konsekvensene den har og hvilke fortellinger som usynliggjøres eller stilles i skyggen – fortellinger om en skole som ikke evner å utjevne de sosiale ulikhetene den har et mål om å utjevne.

research product

Knowledge sharing in workplace-based kindergarten teacher education. From ideal to practice

Artikkelen drøfter resultater fra en kombinasjonsstudie (mixed methods design) som undersøker hvorvidt Arbeidsplassbasert barnehagelærerutdanning (ABLU) bidrar til forbedret praksis for kunnskapsdeling i et utvalg involverte barnehager. Datamaterialet består av en spørreskjemaundersøkelse rettet mot ABLU-studenter og deres mentorer, og fokusgruppesamtaler med personalet i fire ABLU-barnehager. Et sentralt funn er at ABLU-studiets bidrag til økt kunnskapsdeling i barnehagen først og fremst ligger i studiets kapasitet til å øke studentens kommunikative kompetanse og teoretiske forståelse, samt stimulere til å anvende denne i praksis. Vi finner også at ved å satse mer på opplæring i veiledning…

research product

‘Sociability before individuality’: lesson structure in lower secondary classrooms

This paper contributes to the research field of classroom research by offering an empirical analysis of classroom instruction on the level of lesson structure. The research questions are: What are ...

research product

Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content

Using references to the world outside the classroom is an intrinsic part of teaching content. Cultural references, however, might present a challenge for minority students. This paper investigates how teaching can contribute to the empowerment of all students through a qualitative observational case study of two Norwegian primary and secondary schools. Plenary teaching in two classes at each school was observed for two weeks. Using an abductive research process inspired by linguistic translatory research and Bildung-centred general didactics, we developed categories of universal and particular cultural references in classroom teaching. Universal references are general topics concerning all …

research product

Teaching in the age of accountability: restrained by school culture?

AbstractIn this paper, we explore how ‘teaching communication’ in the classroom is connected to school culture. In the age of accountability, the outcome focus force to the forefront, a ‘blame game’ which either blames students’ achievements on the teachers and teacher education, or the students and their socio-economic background. We argue that to succeed with teaching and learning is dependent on the school culture more than the single teacher or the students’ backgrounds. School culture is understood as attitudes, communication, student focus and engagement. Teaching communication in this paper is studied as teachers’ and students’ talk about subject matter in whole-class teaching. We ex…

research product

Classroom discussions: Possibilities and limitations for democratic classroom practices

Are students offered possibilities to experience democratic practice in classrooms? Using an analysis of empirical data from classroom discussions in lower secondary school, this article identifies and explores two different types of classroom discussions which give students different positions: a conversation in which students are positioned as ‘poll respondents’, and a more deliberative conversation which positions students as learning debaters. The two forms of classroom discussions are discussed due to the way they give different meaning to democracy, and due to whether the student positions in the classrooms imply contribution to the subject matter and what is considered valuable knowl…

research product

'Litt forskjell på hvordan folk tar ansvar, da': Veier til voksenhet i en pedagogisk kontekst

Author's version of an article in the journal: Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/npt/2012/06/litt_forskjell_p_hvordan_folk_tar_ansvar_da_veier_til_ Utvikling og vekst er forankret i samspill mellom individ og omgivelser. Overganger mellom ulike pedagogiske kontekster, slik som overgangen fra ungdomsskole til videregående, åpner for nye muligheter for elevers utvikling og vekst; muligheter som kan forstås som autonomi, som løsrivelse fra voksne eller som nytt innhold i relasjonene til omverdenen. Etter å ha fulgt en skoleklasse gjennom første høst i videregående skole drøfter jeg hvordan elevenes modenhet eller vekst kommer til uttrykk …

research product

Anti-schoolness in context: the tension between the youth project and the qualifications project

Published version of an article in the journal Social Psychology of Education. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11218-011-9153-3 In this ethnographic study conducted in two classrooms in Norway, grade nine (14-year-olds) in lower secondary school and the first year (16-year-olds) of upper secondary school, attention is drawn to how classroom culture is constituted through relationships between students. Through processes of power, dominance, hegemony and marginalisation, classroom culture forms the conditions for a learning environment, and has different opportunities, dilemmas and costs for the students. As classroom culture is negotiated in contextual and r…

research product