Linards Kļaviņš
Quality of Lake Ecosystems and its Role in the Spread of Invasive Species
Abstract Lake ecosystems are important elements of hydrological regime, the quality of these ecosystems is affected by anthropogenic actions, and therefore, a variety of organisms, living in these habitats depend on the applied management solutions. Due to human activities freshwater ecosystems suffer from loss of biodiversity and increased eutrophication. Therefore, important aspects related to lake management include knowledge about the water quality, ecosystem response to climate change as well as increased risks of appearance and spreading of invasive species. Water quality, content of oxygen, nutrients, phytoplankton and distribution of macrophytes, including invasive species were anal…
Inhibition of NF-κB pathway in LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes and COX-2 activity in vitro by berry pomace extracts from five Vaccinium species
BACKGROUND: Berry processing residues called pomaces are rich in polyphenols, sugars, organic acids, and minerals. Polyphenols are reported to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes mellitus, owing to their anti-inflammatory activity. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess the anti-inflammatory properties of five Vaccinium spp. berry pomace extracts using LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes and a COX-2 inhibition assay. METHODS: THP-1 monocytes were pre-incubated with chemically characterized bilberry, blueberry, American cranberry, bog cranberry, and lingonberry pomace extracts following LPS stimulation. NF-κB nuclear translocation was asses…
Water quality, watershed basin and urbanization are key factors from the perspective of freshwater management; however, actual depth of waterbodies is often an overlooked element. Actual depth represents the overall depth of lake bed and depth of sediments. Some cases have been reported, where with increase of average depth of lake , it is possible to expect improvements of water quality when sediments are removed. If lakes are eutrophic, shallow, overgrown with macrophytes and contain high concentrations of biogenic elements water and lake ecosystem quality can be endangered. Removal of sediments can be an expensive procedure and also depends on the composition, structure, local conditions…
Polifenoliem bagātu ekstraktu iegūšana no Vaccinium ģints ogu spiedpaliekām, to izpēte un bioloģiskās aktivitātes raksturošana
Latvijas teritorijā savvaļā sastopamās un kultivētās Vaccinium ģints ogas ir nozīmīgs resurss ar plašu, bet neapzinātu izmantošanas potenciālu, to sekundāro metabolītu sastāva izpēte ir nozīmīgs uzdevums, kas var iezīmēt šo ogu izmantošanas iespējas pārtikas rūpniecībā un medicīnā. Maģistra darba mērķis ir pētīt Vaccinium ģints ogu spiedpaliekās esošo polifenolu iegūšanu un to attīrīšanas iespējas, kā arī veikt to ķīmiskā sastāva izpēti un bioloģiskās aktivitātes raksturošanu. Veiktā ogu polifenolu ekstrakcijas apstākļu izpēte un optimizācija ļāva identificēt ultraskaņas ekstrakciju kā visefektīvāko ekstrakcijas metodi. Izmantojot virsmas reakcijas metodi, tika noskaidrota optimālā polifeno…