Kristine Steen-tveit

SMS-based Real-time Data Collection for Evaluation of Situational Awareness and Common Operational Picture : Lessons Learned from A Field Exercise

Managing complex multi-agency emergency operations requires that the key actors have a holistic, correct and dynamic situational awareness (SA) and that the involved actors establish a common operational picture (COP). Establishing SA and COP are key objectives in many multi-agency exercises, however, reported research shows limitations in existing methods and approaches for collecting the data required for evaluating this. By being able to capture near real-time information during different phases of the exercise we will be better positioned to identify what works well and what does not work in the process of establishing SA and COP. Our paper presents an example of real-time data collecti…

research product

From common operational picture to common situational understanding: An analysis based on practitioner perspectives

Abstract The concepts of Situational Awareness (SA) and Common Operational Picture (COP) are closely related and well-acknowledged to be crucial factors for effective emergency management. In multi-agency operations, such as extreme weather events, the involved first responders manage the event with different mandates, objectives, and tools which can make it challenging to build a COP. Effective collaboration requires a common situational understanding, based on knowledge about each other’s responsibilities and tasks, mutual respect and trust, as well as common communication tools for emergency communication and information sharing. This paper argues that the COP serves as a basis for decid…

research product

Hvilke erfaringer har AMK operatører med Nødnett Helse? En kvantitativ studie som måler Nødnett Helses grad av IS-suksess og Helsedirektoratets mål for innføring.

Masteroppgave helse- og sosialinformatikk- Universitetet i Agder, 2015 (Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020)

research product

From Common Operational Picture to Common Situational Understanding : A Framework for Information Sharing in Multi-Organizational Emergency Management

Complex emergencies such as natural disasters are increasing in frequency and scope, in all regions of the world. These emergencies have devastating impacts on people, property, and the environment. Responding to these events and reducing their impact requires that emergency management organizations (EMOs) collaborate in their operations. Complex emergencies require extraordinary efforts from EMOs and often should be handled beyond ordinary routines and structures. Such operations involving multiple stakeholders are typically characterized by inadequate information sharing, decision-making problems, limited situational awareness (SA), and lack of common situational understanding. Despite a …

research product

Using a Public Safety Radio Network for Information Negotiation between the Three-Tiered Command and Control Structure

Paid open access

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Map-based interfaces for common operational picture

Common operationalpicture (COP) map-based interfacesdisplay operational information to support integrationofemergency responders. Such interfacesintegrate different subsystems and present the resulting information into an overview for enabling situation awareness. Literature shows that they are often developed from non-user-centric perspectives and are defined in technological terms that arenot adequately capturing the users’ needs. Therefore,theaim of this particular work in progressis to get insight into the features and the role of COP map-based interfaces currently being used in Norway to (1) examine theircontent, functionality, and design;and(2) to understand how such displays are inco…

research product

Using Audio-Logs for Analyzing the Development of a Common Operational Picture in Multi-agency Emergency Response

Multi-agency emergency response requires effective communication and collaboration for building and maintaining a common operational picture. Full-scale exercises are shown to be effective for learning, and for training the collaborative skills needed. This paper presents a methodology for analysis of real-time communication for building the common operational picture, using audio-logs. The analysis of the audio-logs provides insights for both practitioners and researchers in the emergency management domain concerning the dynamics of inter-agency collaboration and information exchanges when responding to emergencies. Coding and categorizing of audio-log-based information exchanges among mul…

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Turning Common Operational Picture Data into Double-loop Learning from Crises – can Vision Meet Reality?

Norwegian Research Council Grant #295848

research product

Project report: Requirements specification

The SAMRISK project “Sharing incident and threat information for common situational understanding“ (INSITU) commenced in May 2019. The INSITU project develops solutions for establishing a common situational understanding in complex operations requiring collaboration between several agencies. This involves systematic analysis of existing information sources and defining the information elements that are critical to share in different phases of a crisis situation. In addition, the project will develop procedures and related tool support for efficient collection and integration of information. As part of this work, the project contributes to harmonisation of terminology across agencies to secu…

research product

Project report : Evaluering av INSITU skogbrannøvelse

Rapporten presenterer resultater fra evaluering av en digital tabletop-øvelse arrangert av INSITU-prosjektet i april 2021, der scenarioet omfattet 3 samtidige skogbranner i Agder. Hensikt med øvelsen var å gi erfaring med hvordan situasjonsbilde kan deles fra innsatsleder til sentrale myndigheter med bruk av felles digital kartstøtte. Øvelsen involverte ca. 70 deltagere fra 20 etater og organisasjoner, i tillegg til prosjektgruppen fra INSITU.

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