Artem Katasonov

Ontonuts: Reusable Semantic Components for Multi-agent Systems

The volumes of data in information systems are growing drastically. The systems become increasingly complex in trying to handle heterogeneity of ubiquitous components, standards, data formats, etc. According to the vision of Autonomic Computing, the complexity can be handled by introducing self-manageable components able to "run themselves." Agent Technology fits this vision, whereas interoperability among autonomic components can be tackled by Semantic Technologies. The problem of efficient heterogeneous data sharing, exchange and reuse within such systems plays a key role. We present an approach of constructing semantic capabilities (self-descriptive functional components) for software ag…

research product

Content quality assessment and acceptance testing in location‐based services

In this paper, we develop and evaluate an approach to assessing the content quality in a location‐based service (LBS). The proposed approach, instead of assessing the quality in absolute terms such as completeness or accuracy, measures the effect that the imperfection of the content is having on the reliability of that specific LBS. We apply the basic ideas from Software Reliability Engineering (SRE), but develop a modification of SRE, 2‐Branch, in order to separate content quality from other factors, such as positioning imprecision, and to reduce the measurement error. In our experimental study, we first compare 2‐Branch to the standard SRE, after which we experimentally analyze some prope…

research product

Semantic Agent Programming Language (S-APL): A Middleware Platform for the Semantic Web

The agent-based approach is an effective one for building middleware interconnecting distributed heterogeneous resources and providing semantic interoperability among them. On the other hand, agents need the semantic Web technologies for flexible yet effective coordination among them with a particular issue of enabling agents to communicate not only about the domain but also about their own abilities, goals, and present and intended actions. This paper describes semantic agent programming language (SAPL)intended to be a core middleware language for the semantic Web. S-APL integrates the semantic description of the domain resources with the semantic prescription of the agents' behaviors. Add…

research product

ПРЕМЬЕР: Проактивная экосистема для глобальной интеграции корпоративных ресурсов

We present PRIME software ecosystem, which connects heterogeneous resources from different layers of the Internet of Things and capable of handling complex interoperability scenarios involving: hardware devices, software-based systems and humans

research product

Improving Usability of Location-Based Services with User-Centric Data Querying

In this paper, we describe a computational model that produces a dataset which we consider to be an appropriate response for “give me a description of my neighborhood” type of queries in location-based services Our attempt is to reflect the abstraction ability of a specific user, and in this way to maximize the usability of the service under restrictions on data volume posed by technical, economical and cognitive factors of mobile environments We also present the results of instantiating the model for a simple LBS.

research product

Semantic Approach to Dynamic Coordination in Autonomous Systems

In open systems where the components, i.e. the agents and the resources, may be unknown at design time, or in dynamic and self-organizing systems evolving with time, there is a need to enable the agents to communicate their intentions with respect to future activities and resource utilization to resolve coordination issues dynamically. Ideally, we would like to allow ad-hoc interaction, where two standalone independently-designed systems are able to coordinate whenever a need arises. The Semantic Web based approach presented in this paper aims at enabling agents to coordinate without assuming any design-time ontological alignment of them. An agent can express an action intention using own v…

research product

An Observation Framework for Multi-agent Systems

Existing middleware platforms for multi-agent systems (MAS) do not provide general support for observation. On the other hand, observation is considered to be an important mechanism needed for realizing effective and efficient coordination of agents. This paper describes a framework called Agent Observable Environment (AOE) for observation-based interaction in MAS. The framework provides 1) possibility to model MAS components with RDF-based observable soft-bodies, 2) support for both query and publish/subscribe style ontology-driven observation, and 3) ability to restrict the visibility of observable information using observation rules. Additionally, we report on an implementation of the fr…

research product

A Security Framework for Smart Ubiquitous Industrial Resources

Conventional approaches to manage and control security seem to have reached their limits in new complex environments. These environments are open, dynamic, heterogeneous, distributed, self-managing, collaborative, international, nomadic, and ubiquitous. We are currently working on a middleware platform focused on the industrial needs, UBIWARE. UBIWARE integrates Ubiquitous Computing with Semantic Web, Distributed AI, Security and Privacy, and Enterprise Application Integration. In this paper, we describe our long-term vision for the security and privacy management in complex multi-agent systems like UBIWARE, SURPAS. The security infrastructure has to become pervasive, interoperable and inte…

research product

SmartResource Platform and Semantic Agent Programming Language (S-APL)

Although the flexibility of agent interactions has many advantages when it comes to engineering a complex system, the downside is that it leads to certain unpredictability of the run-time system. Literature sketches two major directions for search for a solution: social-level characterization of agent systems and ontological approaches to inter-agent coordination. Especially the latter direction is not yet studied much by the scientific community. This paper describes our vision and the present state of the SmartResource Platform. The main distinctive features of the platform are externalization of behavior prescriptions, i.e. agents access them from organizational repositories, and utiliza…

research product

Developing MLS Location-Based Service Pilot System

Development of mobile networks and terminals provides basis for advanced mobile services and applications. One of the new features is support for locating the mobile user by her/his terminal. The Location-Based Services (LBS), utilising this feature, are expected to form an important class of the new services. At the Information Technology Research Institute, University of Jyvaskyla, LBSs have been studied in MultiMeetMobile research project. The project developed an LBS pilot system, called MLS. This paper presents the experiences collected during the development of the LBS pilot and describes the MLS system.

research product

Dependability aspects in the development and provision of location-based services

Mobiiliverkkokaupalle on ennustettu suurta tulevaisuutta. Paikkaperusteisia palveluja pidetään yhtenä mobiiliverkkokaupan lupaavimpana alueena. Kyseessä ovat sellaiset lisäarvopalvelut matkapuhelinten käyttäjille, jotka hyödyntävät tietoa siitä, missä käyttäjä tällä hetkellä on. Palvelusta voi saada tiedon esimerkiksi lähimmästä ravintolasta, hotellista, apteekista tai huoltamosta ja sen sijainnista, tai esimerkiksi kartan puhelimeensa.Vuonna 2001 tehtyjen ennusteiden mukaan vuoden 2004 lopussa paikkaperusteisilla palveluilla piti olla jo 300 miljoonaa käyttäjää koko maailmassa. Tällaisiin lukuihin ei ole päästy edes nyt, vuonna 2006. Odotuksien ja todellisuuden välinen ero on suuri. Suomes…

research product

Global Understanding Environment

Industry pushes a new type of Internet characterized as the Internet of Things, which represents a fusion of the physical and digital worlds. The technology of the Internet of Things opens new horizons for industrial automation, that is, automated monitoring, control, maintenance planning, and so forth, of industrial resources and processes. Internet of Things definitely needs explicit semantics, even more than the traditional Web—for automatic discovery and interoperability among heterogeneous devices and also to facilitate the behavioral coordination of the components of complex physical-digital systems. In this chapter, the authors describe their work towards the Global Understanding Env…

research product

Proactive Future Internet: Smart Semantic Middleware for Overlay Architecture

Some initiatives towards Future Internet, e.g., GENI, DARPA's Active Networks, argue the need for programmability of the network components. Some other initiatives extend this with argumentation for declarative networking, where the behavior of a network component is specified using some high-level declarative language, with a software-based engine implementing the behavior based on that specification. Our Proactive Future Internet (PROFI) vision follows these initiatives targeting also the following two problems: interoperability of the network elements programmed by different organizations, and the need for flexible cooperation among network elements, including coordination, conflict reso…

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