Andreas Skaiaa
Digital Inequalities: A Review of Contributing Factors and Measures for Crossing the Divide
Part 8: Digital Divide and Social Inclusion; International audience; This literature review focuses on the digital divide in contemporary technologically and economically advanced societies. Prior research shows that the digital divide entails more than physical accessibility and points to issues of technology acceptance and actual use. Recurring digital divide factors outside socioeconomic characteristics were identified in the articles reviewed. These factors relate to personality traits, motivation and digital skills. The factors can be used as the basis for a personality model for understanding acceptance and use of technology complementing models related to economic and social resource…
The Impact of Smart City Initiatives on Human Rights : A Qualitative Research Study
Master's thesis Information Systems IS501 - University of Agder 2019 Context:A smart city is a concept where municipalities use ICTto increase efficiency, sustainability and quality of life forits citizensand city operations. Smart city initiatives useIoT technologies, enabled by ICTs to gather large volumesof unstructured data,known as BigData.The aim of any smart city initiativeisto increase thequality of lifein acity, but posesa threat tocitizens privacy, security andfreedom of expressiondue to the large volumes of databeing collected in smart cities,potentially violatingfundamental rightsin theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights.Purpose:This thesis investigatesthe connection between s…