Maïté Verloigne

Test-retest reliability and construct validity of the ENERGY-child questionnaire on energy balance-related behaviours and their potential determinants: the ENERGY-project

Published version of an article in the journal: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Also available from the publihser:http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1479-5868-8-136 BACKGROUND:Insight in children's energy balance-related behaviours (EBRBs) and their determinants is important to inform obesity prevention research. Therefore, reliable and valid tools to measure these variables in large-scale population research are needed.OBJECTIVE:To examine the test-retest reliability and construct validity of the child questionnaire used in the ENERGY-project, measuring EBRBs and their potential determinants among 10-12 year old children.METHODS:We collected data among 10-12 yea…

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Associations between home- and family-related factors and fruit juice and soft drink intake among 10- to 12-year old children. The ENERGY project.

The aim of this study is to investigate associations of family-related factors with children's fruit drink/juice and soft drink consumption. A cross-sectional survey among 10- to 12-year-old children and their parents in eight European countries was conducted to gather this data. Key variables of interest were children's self-reported fruit drink/juice and soft drink intake per day (outcome) and family-related factors (based on parents' report) related to these two behaviors (modeling, automaticity, availability, monitoring, permissiveness, negotiating, communicating health beliefs, avoid negative modeling, self-efficacy, rewarding, and family consumption). 7915 Children (52% girls; mean ag…

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Validity of items assessing self-reported number of breaks in sitting time among children and adolescents

Background: Sedentary behaviour guidelines recommend that individuals should regularly break up sitting time. Accurately monitoring such breaks is needed to inform guidelines concerning how regularly to break up sitting time and to evaluate intervention effects. We investigated the concurrent validity of three &ldquo

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Does Sleep Mediate the Association between School Pressure, Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Psychological Symptoms in Early Adolescents? A 12-Country Study.

This study examines the mediating role of sleep duration and sleep onset difficulties in the association of school pressure, physical activity, and screen time with psychological symptoms in early adolescents. Data were retrieved from 49,403 children (13.7 &plusmn

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The influence of parental modelling on children's physical activity and screen time: Does it differ by gender?

Background: Parents play an important role in modelling healthy behaviours to their children. This study investigated associations between parent and child physical activity and screen time behaviours across specific domains, including moderating effects by parent and child gender. Method: The sample comprised 3300 school children and 2933 parents participating in the UP4FUN project (mean ages: child 11.2 ± 0.8 years, mother 40.0 ± 4.9 years, father 43.4 ± 5.8 years; 49% boys, 83% mothers). Data were collected in 2011 in Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Germany and Norway. Questionnaires assessed physical activity (sport, outdoor activities, walking and cycling for transport) and screen time (TV/D…

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Patterns of objectively measured sedentary time in 10- to 12-year-old Belgian children: an observational study within the ENERGY-project

Background This study examined the frequency of and differences in sedentary bouts of different durations and the total time spent in sedentary bouts on a weekday, a weekend day, during school hours, during after-school hours and in the evening period in a sample of 10- to 12-year-old Belgian children. Methods Accelerometer data were collected as part of the ENERGY-project in Belgium (n = 577, 10.9 ± 0.7 years, 53% girls) in 2011. Differences in total sedentary time, sedentary bouts of 2–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–30 and ≥30 min and total time accumulated in those bouts were examined on a weekday, a weekend day, during school hours, during after-school hours and in the evening period, using multile…

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The role of family-related factors in the effects of the UP4FUN school-based family-focused intervention targeting screen time in 10- to 12-year-old children: the ENERGY project

Background Screen-related behaviours are highly prevalent in schoolchildren. Considering the adverse health effects and the relation of obesity and screen time in childhood, efforts to affect screen use in children are warranted. Parents have been identified as an important influence on children’s screen time and therefore should be involved in prevention programmes. The aim was to examine the mediating role of family-related factors on the effects of the school-based family-focused UP4FUN intervention aimed at screen time in 10- to 12-year-old European children (n child–parent dyads = 1940). Methods A randomised controlled trial was conducted to test the six-week UP4FUN intervention in 10-…

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The UP4FUN intervention effect on overall sedentary time and breaking up sedentary time in Belgian children (10–12 years): The ENERGY-project

Introduction Within the ENERGY-project [1] , a school-based intervention to reduce and to break up sedentary time (UP4FUN) was developed for children aged 10 to 12 years. This study examined the UP4FUN intervention effect on objectively measured overall sedentary time and sedentary pattern variables among Belgian children. Sedentary pattern variables included number of breaks in sedentary time, number of sedentary bouts (≥ 10 minutes) and total and average amount of time spent in those sedentary bouts. Methods The six weeks intervention was tested in a randomized controlled trial with pre-test post-test design with five intervention and five control schools in Belgium. The total sample incl…

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Associations between family-related factors, breakfast consumption and BMI among 10- to 12-year-old European children: the cross-sectional ENERGY-study

Objective: To investigate associations of family-related factors with children's breakfast consumption and BMI-z-score and to examine whether children's breakfast consumption mediates associations between family-related factors and children's BMI-z-score. Subjects: Ten-to twelve-year-old children (n = 6374; mean age = 11.6 +/- 0.7 years, 53.2% girls, mean BMI-z-score = 0.4 +/- 1.2) and one of their parents (n = 6374; mean age = 41.4 +/- 5.3 years, 82.7% female, mean BMI = 24.5 +/- 4.2 kg/m(2)) were recruited from schools in eight European countries (Belgium, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland). The children self-reported their breakfast frequency per …

research product

The effect of the UP4FUN pilot intervention on objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity in 10-to 12 year old children in Belgium : the ENERGY-project

Published version of an article in the journal: BMC Public Health. Also available from BMC: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-805 Bakckground: The first aim was to examine the effect of the UP4FUN pilot intervention on children’s total sedentary time. The second aim was to investigate if the intervention had an effect on children’s physical activity (PA) level. Finally, we aimed to investigate demographic differences (i.e. age, gender, ethnicity, living status and having siblings) between children in the intervention group who improved in sedentary time and PA at post-test and children in the intervention group who worsened in sedentary time and PA at post-test. Methods: The six weeks …

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Individual and family environmental correlates of television and computer time in 10- to 12-year-old European children: The ENERGY-project Energy balance-related behaviors

Background: The aim was to investigate which individual and family environmental factors are related to television and computer time separately in 10- to-12-year-old children within and across five European countries (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway). Methods: Data were used from the ENERGY-project. Children and one of their parents completed a questionnaire, including questions on screen time behaviours and related individual and family environmental factors. Family environmental factors included social, political, economic and physical environmental factors. Complete data were obtained from 2022 child–parent dyads (53.8 % girls, mean child age 11.2 ± 0.8 years; mean parental age…

research product

Additional file 1: of Individual and family environmental correlates of television and computer time in 10- to 12-year-old European children: the ENERGY-project

Bivariate associations between individual and family environmental factors and television or computer time per country. (DOCX 25 kb)

research product

Individual and family environmental correlates of television and computer time in 10-to 12-year-old European children: the ENERGY-project

Background The aim was to investigate which individual and family environmental factors are related to television and computer time separately in 10- to-12-year-old children within and across five European countries (Belgium, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway). Methods Data were used from the ENERGY-project. Children and one of their parents completed a questionnaire, including questions on screen time behaviours and related individual and family environmental factors. Family environmental factors included social, political, economic and physical environmental factors. Complete data were obtained from 2022 child–parent dyads (53.8 % girls, mean child age 11.2 ± 0.8 years; mean parental age 4…

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Screen-based sedentary time

AimThe aim of the present study was to explore if children who spend more time on screen-based sedentary behaviors (i.e.TV viewing and computer use) drink more sugar-sweetened soft drinks. The study also assessed whether these associations were independent of individual and home environmental correlates of soft drink consumption and whether they were moderated by parental education.MethodsData were collected from 7886 children participating in the EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth (ENERGY) survey conducted in eight European countries. Self-report questionnaires were used. Multilevel linear regression analyses with soft drink consumption as depende…

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