Marats Golovkins

No dalītā īpašuma attiecībām izrietošās lietu tiesības

Darbā ir piedāvāta metodoloģija dalītā īpašuma attiecību vietas noteikšanai civiltiesību sistēmā. Atbilstoši piedāvātajai metodoloģijai ir secināts, ka dalītā īpašuma attiecības pašlaik ietver gan zemes īpašuma, gan ēkas īpašuma lietošanas tiesības aprobežojumus, no kuriem ēkas īpašuma aprobežojums atbilst reālnastai, kas apgrūtina ēkas īpašumu par labu zemes īpašumam, bet zemes īpašuma aprobežojums – reālservitūtam, kas apgrūtina zemes īpašumu par labu ēkas īpašumam. Izriet, ka piespiedu zemes nomas līguma loma ir fakultatīva, tas noteic dalītā īpašuma attiecībās uz likuma pamata pastāvošo tiesību izlietošanas un pienākumu veikšanas kārtību.

research product

Algebraic Results on Quantum Automata

We use tools from the algebraic theory of automata to investigate the class of languages recognized by two models of Quantum Finite Automata (QFA): Brodsky and Pippenger’s end-decisive model, and a new QFA model whose definition is motivated by implementations of quantum computers using nucleo-magnetic resonance (NMR). In particular, we are interested in the new model since nucleo-magnetic resonance was used to construct the most powerful physical quantum machine to date. We give a complete characterization of the languages recognized by the new model and by Boolean combinations of the Brodsky-Pippenger model. Our results show a striking similarity in the class of languages recognized by th…

research product

Varieties Generated by Certain Models of Reversible Finite Automata

Reversible finite automata with halting states (RFA) were first considered by Ambainis and Freivalds to facilitate the research of Kondacs-Watrous quantum finite automata. In this paper we consider some of the algebraic properties of RFA, namely the varieties these automata generate. Consequently, we obtain a characterization of the boolean closure of the classes of languages recognized by these models.

research product

Quantum Pushdown Automata

Quantum finite automata, as well as quantum pushdown automata (QPA) were first introduced by C. Moore and J. P. Crutchfield. In this paper we introduce the notion of QPA in a non-equivalent way, including unitarity criteria, by using the definition of quantum finite automata of Kondacs and Watrous. It is established that the unitarity criteria of QPA are not equivalent to the corresponding unitarity criteria of quantum Turing machines. We show that QPA can recognize every regular language. Finally we present some simple languages recognized by QPA, not recognizable by deterministic pushdown automata.

research product

Quantum finite multitape automata

Quantum finite automata were introduced by C.Moore, J.P. Crutchfield, and by A.Kondacs and J.Watrous. This notion is not a generalization of the deterministic finite automata. Moreover, it was proved that not all regular languages can be recognized by quantum finite automata. A.Ambainis and R.Freivalds proved that for some languages quantum finite automata may be exponentially more concise rather than both deterministic and probabilistic finite automata. In this paper we introduce the notion of quantum finite multitape automata and prove that there is a language recognized by a quantum finite automaton but not by a deterministic or probabilistic finite automata. This is the first result on …

research product

On a class of languages recognizable by probabilistic reversible decide-and-halt automata

AbstractWe analyze the properties of probabilistic reversible decide-and-halt automata (DH-PRA) and show that there is a strong relationship between DH-PRA and 1-way quantum automata. We show that a general class of regular languages is not recognizable by DH-PRA by proving that two “forbidden” constructions in minimal deterministic automata correspond to languages not recognizable by DH-PRA. The shown class is identical to a class known to be not recognizable by 1-way quantum automata. We also prove that the class of languages recognizable by DH-PRA is not closed under union and other non-trivial Boolean operations.

research product

Quantum Finite Automata and Probabilistic Reversible Automata: R-trivial Idempotent Languages

We study the recognition of R-trivial idempotent (R1) languages by various models of "decide-and-halt" quantum finite automata (QFA) and probabilistic reversible automata (DH-PRA). We introduce bistochastic QFA (MM-BQFA), a model which generalizes both Nayak's enhanced QFA and DH-PRA. We apply tools from algebraic automata theory and systems of linear inequalities to give a complete characterization of R1 languages recognized by all these models. We also find that "forbidden constructions" known so far do not include all of the languages that cannot be recognized by measure-many QFA.

research product

Quantum Pushdown Automata

Quantum finite automata, as well as quantum pushdown automata were first introduced by C. Moore, J. P. Crutchfield [13]. In this paper we introduce the notion of quantum pushdown automata (QPA) in a non-equivalent way, including unitarity criteria, by using the definition of quantum finite automata of [11]. It is established that the unitarity criteria of QPA are not equivalent to the corresponding unitarity criteria of quantum Turing machines [4]. We show that QPA can recognize every regular language. Finally we present some simple languages recognized by QPA, two of them are not recognizable by deterministic pushdown automata and one seems to be not recognizable by probabilistic pushdown …

research product

Quantum Finite Multitape Automata

Quantum finite automata were introduced by C. Moore, J. P. Crutchfield [4], and by A. Kondacs and J. Watrous [3]. This notion is not a generalization of the deterministic finite automata. Moreover, in [3] it was proved that not all regular languages can be recognized by quantum finite automata. A. Ambainis and R. Freivalds [1] proved that for some languages quantum finite automata may be exponentially more concise rather than both deterministic and probabilistic finite automata. In this paper we introduce the notion of quantum finite multitape automata and prove that there is a language recognized by a quantum finite automaton but not by deterministic or probabilistic finite automata. This …

research product

Probabilistic Reversible Automata and Quantum Automata

To study relationship between quantum finite automata and probabilistic finite automata, we introduce a notion of probabilistic reversible automata (PRA, or doubly stochastic automata). We find that there is a strong relationship between different possible models of PRA and corresponding models of quantum finite automata. We also propose a classification of reversible finite 1-way automata.

research product

Quantum Finite Automata and Probabilistic Reversible Automata: R-trivial Idempotent Languages

We study the recognition of R-trivial idempotent (R1) languages by various models of "decide-and-halt" quantum finite automata (QFA) and probabilistic reversible automata (DH-PRA). We introduce bistochastic QFA (MM-BQFA), a model which generalizes both Nayak's enhanced QFA and DH-PRA. We apply tools from algebraic automata theory and systems of linear inequalities to give a complete characterization of R1 languages recognized by all these models. We also find that "forbidden constructions" known so far do not include all of the languages that cannot be recognized by measure-many QFA.

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