Alf Ring Kleiven
Harvest Pressure on Coastal Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) from Recreational Fishing Relative to Commercial Fishing Assessed from Tag-Recovery Data
- Marine recreational fishing is a popular outdoor activity. However, knowledge about the magnitude of recreational catches relative to commercial catches in coastal fisheries is generally sparse. Coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a target species for recreational fishers in the North Atlantic. In Norway, recreational fishers are allowed to use a variety of traps and nets as well as long-line and rod and line when fishing for cod. From 2005 to 2013, 9729 cod (mean size: 40 cm, range: 15–93 cm) were tagged and released in coastal Skagerrak, southeast Norway. Both high-reward (NOK 500) and low-reward tags (NOK 50) were used in this study. Because some harvested fish (even those posting h…
Causes of mortality in depleted populations of Atlantic cod estimated from multi-event modelling of mark–recapture and recovery data
Knowledge on mortality causes is key for an effective management of animal populations and can help to restore depleted fish stocks. Here we investigated the mortality dynamics of coastal Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Skagerrak, southern Norway, by analyzing local mark–recapture and recovery data collected from 2005 to 2013 (N = 9360 fish, mean length = 41 cm, range = 16–93 cm). By applying multi-event models to the data, we could link field observations to multiple “dead states” and estimate the proportion of deaths associated with different fishing gears while controlling for unobserved mortality and detection errors. Deaths due to hand lines and fixed gear types were dominant compared …
Lobster and cod benefit from small-scale northern marine protected areas: inference from an empirical before - after control-impact study
Published version of an article from the journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. Alsop available from the Royal Society: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2012.2679 Open Access Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly implemented as tools to conserve and manage fisheries and target species. Because there are opportunity costs to conservation, there is a need for science-based assessment of MPAs. Here, we present one of the northernmost documentations of MPA effects to date, demonstrated by a replicated before-after control-impact (BACI) approach. In 2006, MPAs were implemented along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast offering complete protection to shellfish and parti…
Who is fishing on what stock: population-of-origin of individual cod (Gadus morhua) in commercial and recreational fisheries
AbstractAtlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Skagerrak are structured into distinct ecotypes or stock components that have been severely depleted over the past decades. To improve our understanding of how local commercial and recreational fisheries influence cod stocks, we investigated whether these user groups target different stock components of cod. Cod were sampled from the recreational rod and line fishery and from commercial shrimp trawlers catching cod as by-catch. Based on a large set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we defined a subset of 27 semi-diagnostic SNPs designed to discriminate between two cod stock components: “inner fjord” cod and “North Sea” cod, designated by their…
Temperate Fish Detection and Classification: a Deep Learning based Approach
A wide range of applications in marine ecology extensively uses underwater cameras. Still, to efficiently process the vast amount of data generated, we need to develop tools that can automatically detect and recognize species captured on film. Classifying fish species from videos and images in natural environments can be challenging because of noise and variation in illumination and the surrounding habitat. In this paper, we propose a two-step deep learning approach for the detection and classification of temperate fishes without pre-filtering. The first step is to detect each single fish in an image, independent of species and sex. For this purpose, we employ the You Only Look Once (YOLO) …
Lobster reserves as a management tool in coastal waters: Two decades of experience in Norway
9 pages, 4 figures.-- Under a Creative Commons license
GAM residual plots and summary outputs from Fishing pressure impacts the abundance gradient of European lobsters across the borders of a newly established marine protected area
A.4. Response vs. fitted values, B. GAM Output summary
No fear of bankruptcy: the innate self-subsidizing forces in recreational fishing
Abstract Recreational fishing, by both local residents and tourists, is a popular activity globally. The behaviour and motivation of recreational fishers is different from those of commercial fishers. Unlike the latter, the former are not dependent on making profits to continue fishing. Rather, the value of recreational fishing to those who engage in it is a combination of catches and experience values. The latter value implies that recreational fishers might continue fishing when they should not, analogous to the effect of subsidy in the commercial fishing sector. Hence, the term “self-subsidizing”: a fishery as one in which fishers subsidize themselves through an economic investment in ge…
Stabilizing selection on Atlantic cod supergenes through a millennium of extensive exploitation
Life on Earth has been characterized by recurring cycles of ecological stasis and disruption, relating biological eras to geological and climatic transitions through the history of our planet. Due to the increasing degree of ecological abruption caused by human influences many advocate that we now have entered the geological era of the Anthropocene, or “the age of man.” Considering the ongoing mass extinction and ecosystem reshuffling observed worldwide, a better understanding of the drivers of ecological stasis will be a requisite for identifying routes of intervention and mitigation. Ecosystem stability may rely on one or a few keystone species, and the loss of such species could potentia…
Fishing pressure impacts the abundance gradient of European lobsters across the borders of a newly established marine protected area
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered viable fisheries management tools due to their potential benefits of adult spillover and recruitment subsidy to nearby fisheries. However, before–after control–impact studies that explore the biological and fishery effects of MPAs to surrounding fisheries are scarce. We present results from a fine-scale spatial gradient study conducted before and after the implementation of a 5 km 2 lobster MPA in southern Norway. A significant nonlinear response in lobster abundance, estimated as catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) from experimental fishing, was detected within 2 years of protection. After 4 years, CPUE values inside the MPA had increased by a magnitu…
Biometric Fish Classification of Temperate Species Using Convolutional Neural Network with Squeeze-and-Excitation
Our understanding and ability to effectively monitor and manage coastal ecosystems are severely limited by observation methods. Automatic recognition of species in natural environment is a promising tool which would revolutionize video and image analysis for a wide range of applications in marine ecology. However, classifying fish from images captured by underwater cameras is in general very challenging due to noise and illumination variations in water. Previous classification methods in the literature relies on filtering the images to separate the fish from the background or sharpening the images by removing background noise. This pre-filtering process may negatively impact the classificat…
Aktiv forvaltning av marine ressurser - Frøya og Hitra - Arbeidsrapport 2017-2018
Prosjektet ‘Aktiv forvaltning av marine ressurser- Frøya og Hitra’ ble formelt startet opp høsten 2017. Den overordnete målsetting med prosjektet er å etablere en solid kunnskapsplattform for å sikre de marine verdiene og verdiskapningsmulighetene i de to kommunene. Et viktig element i dette arbeidet er å styrke grunnlagsdataene for kommunene for en kunnskapsbasert kystsoneforvaltning og studere effekten av menneskelig påvirkning på marine bestander ved bruk av soneforvaltning. Prosjektbeskrivelsen i sin helhet er å finne her: https://aktivforvaltning.hi.no/prosjekter/aktiv-forvaltning-i-kystsonen/froya-hitra. Dette er en arbeidsrapport som oppsummerer arbeidet som er blitt gjort i prosjekt…
Restoration of Abundance and Dynamics of Coastal Fish and Lobster Within Northern Marine Protected Areas Across Two Decades
This article reviews a suite of studies conducted in a network of coastal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Skagerrak, Southeast Norway. In 2006, Norway’s first lobster reserves were implemented, with the aim of protecting European lobster (Homarus gammarus) through a ban on fixed gear. A before–after control-impact paired series (BACIPS) monitoring program was initiated to evaluate effects of protection on depleted lobster populations. Experimental trapping and capture-recapture techniques were combined to track demography of populations, also including movement of individuals within and beyond MPAs and adjacent control areas. Further, population genetics and parentage studies were applied,…
Catch-and-release of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): post-release behaviour of acoustically pretagged fish in a natural marine environment
Studying the sublethal effects of catch-and-release (C&R) is challenging, as there are several potential sources of bias. For example, if behavioural alterations immediately after the release event are to be studied, separation of tagging effects from actual C&R effects is required, which is a challenge in the wild, particularly in marine environments. To investigate the effects of C&R on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in their natural environment, 80 cod were caught in fyke nets, fitted with acoustic transmitters, and released. After recovery from tagging and handling for at least 14 days, nine individuals were recaptured and released at least once during experimental angling, fo…
Biometric Fish Classification of Temperate Species Using Convolutional Neural Network with Squeeze-and-Excitation
Our understanding and ability to effectively monitor and manage coastal ecosystems are severely limited by observation methods. Automatic recognition of species in natural environment is a promising tool which would revolutionize video and image analysis for a wide range of applications in marine ecology. However, classifying fish from images captured by underwater cameras is in general very challenging due to noise and illumination variations in water. Previous classification methods in the literature relies on filtering the images to separate the fish from the background or sharpening the images by removing background noise. This pre-filtering process may negatively impact the classificat…