Characterization of Different Deoxyribonucleases in Human Lymphocytes
Abstract Deoxyribonucleases, Disc Electrophoresis, Lymphocytes Four groups of deoxyribonuclease activities from human lymphocytes have been characterized by deoxyribonuclease assay in DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels following their separation by disc-electrophoresis. All activities hydrolyse DNA endonucleolytically. One neutral deoxyribo nuclease found in the cytoplasmic fraction prefers native or UV-irradiated DNA over denatured DNA as substrate and is a 5′-monoester former. Two groups of acid deoxyribonuclease activities are detectable in the nuclear fraction. Both are 3′-monoester formers. One is as well active with denatured DNA as with native DNA, the other one shows the same activ…