O. Codet-hache
Mesures de la température et spatialisation de l’Ilot de Chaleur Urbain à Dijon
The Territorial Climate Energy Plan (PCET) of the agglomeration of Dijon (Grand Dijon) includes ameasurement campaign (6 June to 28 September 2014). 50 Hobo proV2 thermometers were deployed. The selection of siteswas carried out so that the different types of urban environment (Oke, 2006) are documented. The Urban Heat Island (UHI)is discernible mainly at night, when radiative conditions are well established the day before. It is estimated to 1°C onaverage for the summer, 3-4°C during nights of fine weather. It reached 6°C during the warmest periods of the 2014 summer.A cool axis through the agglomeration shows that vegetation and water can sensibly mitigate the ICU effect.
Urban Heat Island and air quality, Dijon, winter 2014-2015.
For the 2014-2015 Winter, thetemperature patterns and the Air Quality measured over the Grand Dijon urban area are studied together.Meteorological conditions favoring the development of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) are distinguished fromthose giving rise to pollution episodes. Winter UHI are next characterized, with radiative situations followedafter the sunset by relatively strong UHI (about 3°C), and days with no insolation during which anthropogenicheat is suspected to produce a small UHI (few tenths of °C).
L'Ilot de Chaleur Urbain de l'agglomération dijonnaise : campagne instrumentale in situ et modélisation climatique régionale haute résolution
International audience; Ce travail présente les résultats préliminaires de caractérisation de l'ilot de chaleur urbain de l'agglomération dijonnaise (extension, intensité, variabilité) obtenus d'une part à l'aide d'une campagne de mesure instrumentale, d'autre part à l'aide du modèle de canopée urbaine BEP-BEM couplé au modèle de climat régional WRF/ARW. Les simulations numériques sont d'abord effectuées en mode hindcast sur l'été 2006 (ayant connu un épisode caniculaire) à une résolution horizontale de 150m. Un travail important a consisté à produire des conditions aux limites aussi réalistes que possible pour obtenir une occupation du sol et une morphologie urbaine de bonne qualité. L'app…
Évaluation des effets thermiques des leviers d'action visant à réduire l'îlot de chaleur urbain : l'exemple de Dijon.
Climate Change and Urban Heat Island (UHI) combine their effects and lead to increased frequencies and intensities of heat waves in urban environments. Considering the associated public health issues, several actions are possible: the color of the materials, the development of water surfaces or urban vegetation. In Dijon, a network of 60 stations makes it possible to evaluate the potential of these three actions. Analysis of the warm summer 2016 season reveals that the refreshing role of water only occurs during daytime, the effect of bright surfaces (concrete versus bitumen) on the air temperature is only a few tenths of a degree, while vegetation offers the largest refreshing potential. I…
Les Local Climate Zones face à la canicule de 2018 à Dijon.
Air temperatures measured by the MUSTARDijon network are analyzed during the summer 2018 (July 24 - August 8) heat wave. The WUDAPT method is applied to Dijon to identify Local Climate Zones (LCZs). Diurnal rhythms and nighttime mean temperatures are analyzed according to LCZs as well as to altitude and distance to the city center. During warm nights, altitude plays a negligible role. The temperatures depend to the distance of the city center. They are also associated to the anthropization summarized by the LCZs. Form of the building and vegetation are the two keys to understand and modulate the night temperatures which have the greatest impact on human health during heat waves.