Riitta Kelly
Reflections on co-teaching multilingual university-level language and communication courses
Tässä narratiivisessa kuvauksessa tarkastelemme kokemuksiamme yliopistotason monikielisten viestintä- ja kieliopintojen opettamisesta useamman opettajan yhteisillä opintojaksoilla Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Suomen viralliset kielet ovat suomi ja ruotsi, ja useimmat oppivat englantia ensimmäisenä vieraana kielenä koulussa. Jyväskylän yliopiston viestintä- ja kieliopinnoissa nämä kolme kieltä sisältyvät samaan monikieliseen opintojaksoon. Opintojaksot suunnitellaan yhdessä ilmiöpohjaisiksi monikielisiksi opintojaksoiksi, joita ovat esim. akateemisen lukutaidon, monikielisen vuorovaikutuksen ja tutkimusviestinnän opintojaksot. Käytännössä “...opiskelijat saattavat lukea akateemisia tekstejä engl…
The Finnish Version of the Affinity for Technology Interaction (ATI) Scale : Psychometric Properties and an Examination of Gender Differences
The pervasiveness of technical systems in our lives calls for a broad understanding of the interaction between humans and technology. Affinity for technology interaction (ATI) scale measures the tendency of a person to actively engage or to avoid interaction with technological systems, including both software and physical devices. This research presents a psychometric analysis of a Finnish version of the ATI scale. The data consisted of 796 responses of students in a Finnish university. The data were analyzed utilizing factor analysis and both nonparametric and parametric item response theory. The Finnish version of the ATI scale proved to be essentially unidimensional, showing high reliabi…
Many languages, many modalities : Finnish Sign Language signers as learners of English
For a multilingual person, language learning is a process which requires and makes use of many varied characteristics that have developed in multilingual environments. This study deals with the learner beliefs of Finnish Sign Language (FinSL) signers who study at the university. The data for this study consist of student interviews and essays collected in connection with an English course at the Language Centre. In this article, we focus on discussing how the linguistic background and learner beliefs of FinSL signers form a basis for exploring features that affect their learning of English. Based on the socio-cultural framework, the learner beliefs these students have formed have been exami…
Seeing English through signing eyes : Finnish sign language user's views on learning English
This article discusses learner beliefs of Finnish Sign Language users as learners of English. For Finnish Sign Language users, the language learning situation is a complex one: Finnish Sign Language is a visual language but English has to be learned mostly in a written modality and with the help of Finnish. This qualitative study focuses on Finnish university students' beliefs about themselves as learners of English. The beliefs are elicited from the students' self-portraits as learners and their mind maps about the most important factors in learning English. The self-portraits provide four different points of view on learning English. The findings are compared with the results of a previou…