David Jenkins

Observation of the proton emitter 116,57La59

The quantum tunneling and emission of a single constituent nucleon provide a beautifully simple and unique window into the complex properties of atomic nuclei at the extreme edge of nuclear existence. In particular, for odd-odd proton emitting nuclides, the associated decay energy and partial half-life can be used to probe the correlations between the valence neutrons and protons which have been theoretically predicted to favour a new type of nuclear superfluidity, isoscalar neutron-proton pairing, for which the experimental “smoking gun" remains elusive. In the present work, proton emission from the lanthanum isotope 11657La59, 23 neutrons away from the only stable isotope 13957La82, is re…

research product

Candidate superdeformed band in 28Si

Recent antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) calculations for 28Si suggest the presence of a superdeformed (SD) band with a dominant 24Mg + α clustering for its configuration, with firm predictions for its location and associated moment of inertia. This motivates a review of the experimental results reported in the literature with a particular focus on 24Mg(α,γ ) studies, as well as on α-like heavy-ion transfer reactions such as 12C(20Ne,α) 28Si. Combining this information for the first time leads to a set of candidate SD states whose properties point to their α-cluster structure and strong associated deformation. Analysis of data from Gammasphere allows the electromagnetic decay of thes…

research product

Recoil-beta tagging study of the N=Z nucleus 66As

An in-beam study has been performed to further investigate the known isomeric decays and to identify T = 1 excited states in the medium-heavy N = Z = 33 nucleus 66As. The fusion-evaporation reaction 40Ca(28Si,pn) 66As was employed at beam energies of 75 and 83 MeV. The half-lives and ordering of two known isomeric states in 66As have been determined with improved accuracy. In addition, several prompt γ -ray transitions from excited states, both bypassing and decaying to the isomeric states in 66As, have been observed. Most importantly, candidates for the 4+ → 2+ and 6+ → 4+ transitions in the T = 1 band have been identified. The results are compared with shell-model calculations using the m…

research product

Spectroscopy of proton-rich 66^Se up to J^�� = 6^+: isospin-breaking effect in the A = 66 isobaric triplet

Candidates for three excited states in the 66^Se have been identified using the recoil-�� tagging method together with a veto detector for charged-particle evaporation channels. These results allow a comparison of mirror and triplet energy differences between analogue states across the A = 66 triplet as a function of angular momentum. The extracted triplet energy differences follow the negative trend observed in the f_7/2 shell. Shell-model calculations indicate a continued need for an additional isospin non-conserving interaction in addition to the Coulomb isotensor part as a function of mass.

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