Claudia Randazzo
Synchronous colorectal carcinoma
Drugs and Toxins Effects on the Liver
Drug induced hepatotoxicity can be defined as a liver injury caused by drug or herbal medicines leading to liver test abnormalities or to a liver dysfunction with a reasonable exclusion of the other competing aetiologies. The liver has a central function in the metabolism of the xenobiotics, and as a result it may be susceptible to its toxic or idiosyncratic effects. While the overall incidence of drug induced liver injury (DILI) is infrequent (1 in 10.000 to 100.000 persons exposed), the impact is significant in the general population, with broad implications for patients, physicians, pharmaceutical industries and governmental regulatory agencies. DILI is the principle reason for the termi…
Serology in adults with celiac disease: limited accuracy in patients with mild histological lesions.
Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-triggered enteropathy, presenting with insidious clinical patterns. It can occasionally be diagnosed in asymptomatic subjects. Our aim was to define the relationship among symptoms at diagnosis, serological markers [tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA), anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) anti-actin antibodies (AAA)] and degree of mucosal damage. A total of 68 consecutive adult patients with CD were enrolled. Intestinal biopsies were scored according to the Marsh classification modified by Oberhuber: I–II minimal lesions or absent villous atrophy; IIIA partial villous atrophy; IIIB–C total villous atrophy (TVA). HLA-typing was done for all patients. No asso…
Organotin IV-Quinilone Antibiotic Derivatives: Solid State Investigations
Syncronous colorectal carcinoma.
Splenic tuberculosis in a patient with Crohn's disease on infliximab: Case report
Fluoroquinolone-induced liver injury: three new cases and a review of the literature.
PURPOSE: Fluoroquinolones are popular and widely used in primary care and hospital settings. Premarketing studies showed a favourable side-effect profile. However, significant morbidity and the need for liver transplantation for acute liver failure have been reported. We reviewed the available data on liver damage linked to fluoroquinolones. METHODS: A systematic search of case reports on the MEDLINE database encompassing the years 2000-2011 was carried out. Additional references were found by a manual search of the retrieved paper. We also describe three new cases of hepatotoxicity attributable to fluoroquinolones seen at our Unit. RESULTS: Thirty-five cases were retrieved from MEDLINE (51…
Fecal Calprotectin in Clinical Practice
Background: Surrogate markers of colorectal inflammation are increasingly being recognized as important in differentiating organic from functional intestinal disorders. Fecal calprotectin (FC) can be easily measured in the stool, being released by leukocytes in inflammatory conditions. Aim: We evaluated FC as an index of inflammation in consecutive outpatients referred for colonoscopy for chronic, nonbloody diarrhea. Methods: Stool specimens of 346 outpatients with chronic, nonbloody diarrhea, referred for colonoscopy, were measured for FC levels. The proportion of patients correctly diagnosed with the test and the relationship with endoscopic and histologic findings were measured. Results:…
Synchronous adenomatous polyps and colorectal carcinoma
CT enterography as a powerful tool for the evaluation of inflammatory activity in Crohn’s disease: relationship of CT findings with CDAI and acute-phase reactants
Few studies have correlated computed tomography enterography (CTE) findings with Crohn’s disease (CD) clinical and biochemical activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate correlations between CTE findings with CD activity. The CTE datasets from 62 patients were retrospectively reviewed for different parameters: bowel wall thickening and hyperenhancement, mesenteric alterations, abdominal free fluid and complications related to the disease (fistulas, strictures, abscesses). Activity was assessed using the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and some biochemical markers (C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, alpha 2-globulins, fibrinogen, platelets, haemoglobin). Correlati…
Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials in Mild-Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
The Authors review and critically discuss the most recent published evidence on treatment of mild-moderate ulcerative colitis both in the induction and maintenance of remission. Evidence on each drug is introduced by the related statement of ECCO guidelines. A brief introduction on disease classification and the need of standardizing indexes of clinical and endoscopic activity is also provided. Concluding remarks stress the heterogeneity of available studies both in the selection of patients and the outcomes evaluated and suggest the development of an international consensus in setting standards which will allow studies' results to be compared and combined to produce high quality clinical r…
Liver Function Test Abnormalities in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Hospital-based Survey
Background and Aims Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are frequently associated with altered liver function tests (LFTs). The causal relationship between abnormal LFTs and IBD is unclear. The aim of our study was to evaluate the prevalence and etiology of LFTs abnormalities and their association with clinical variables in a cohort of IBD patients followed up in a single center. Materials and Methods A retrospective review was undertaken of all consecutive IBD in- and outpatients routinely followed up at a single referral center. Clinical and demographic parameters were recorded. Subjects were excluded if they had a previous diagnosis of chronic liver disease. LFT abnormality was defined as …
Genetic predisposition to thrombophilia in inflammatory bowel disease
BACKGROUND Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is linked to a definite risk of thromboembolic events (TE), but data on the role of prothrombotic genetic mutations are conflicting. STUDY Fourteen genetic factors involved in TE pathogenesis were investigated in a homogeneous cohort of Sicilian patients with IBD with and without history of TE and in healthy controls. Forty IBD patients (21 CD, 19 UC) and 20 healthy individuals were enrolled. Genetic testing was based on the reverse hybridization principle by a commercial assay that analyzes 14 polymorphisms involved in thrombophilia and cholesterol metabolism. The rate of genetic polymorphisms and mutations was compared between IBD patients and h…
Adalimumab in steroid-dependent Crohn's disease patients: prognostic factors for clinical benefit.
Background: Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of Crohn's disease but some patients relapse during tapering or after discontinuation. We report data on efficacy and prognostic factors of response of adalimumab in steroid-dependent patients. Methods: In all, 110 steroid-dependent patients were treated with adalimumab (80/40 or 160/80 mg every other week followed by 40 mg every other week). Clinical remission was defined as steroid discontinuation without symptomatic recurrence and clinical response as the reduction or maintenance of the initial Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) value reducing steroid dosage but without its discontinuation at week 6 and at the end of follow-up…
Syncronous adenomatous polyps and colorectal carcinoma
Subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum after diagnostic colonoscopy for ulcerative colitis: a rare but possible complication in patients with multiple risk factors
Dear Editor: Colonoscopy is regarded as a safe procedure, but complications may occur. The most dreaded are perforation and massive bleeding of the colon. The incidence of perforation is low but, despite increased experience with the procedure, it remains unchanged over time and in a large population study ranges from 0.6 to 1 per 1.000 procedures, depending on the centre and the data source. Few studies have assessed risk factors for colonoscopy-related bleeding and perforation. Gatto et al. have reported that there was a significant trend in the incidence of perforation with increasing age, people aged 75 years or older having a fourfold risk as compared to those aged 65–69 years; same re…