L Longo
Character Education and Children’s Literature. An Opportunity to Experiment Innovative and Reflective Teaching.
Discussion focuses on how literature can be brought into the curriculum in helping to develop character traits in a meaningful, substantial manner. The book examines also how using the flipped classroom model provides opportunities to design and deliver courses using active learning and engagement strategies to facilitate students’ teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking skills in a collegial environment.
Measurement of the Lund jet plane using charged particles in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector
The prevalence of hadronic jets at the LHC requires that a deep understanding of jet formation and structure is achieved in order to reach the highest levels of experimental and theoretical precision. There have been many measurements of jet substructure at the LHC and previous colliders, but the targeted observables mix physical effects from various origins. Based on a recent proposal to factorize physical effects, this Letter presents a double-differential cross-section measurement of the Lund jet plane using 139 fb−1 of √s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector using jets with transverse momentum above 675 GeV. The measurement uses charged particles to ac…
The Analysis of teachinpractices at school and at university
It is well-known that teachers are required to have an experimental mentality leading them to constantly verify the educational efficiency of their teaching actions and make new hypotheses to improve. Actually, what really happens at school is that intuition is predominant because of the lack of time, so these hypotheses are quite dim, working procedures are the fruit of almost indefinite improvisation, and assessment does not fit the need for observing the benefits and results of learning or it is not even carried out at all. Therefore, it is required for school teachers to have a strong methodological competence in the field of teaching research. The Research Group at the University of Pa…
Valutazione e personalizzazione a scuola: le prove oggettive di profitto
La scelta delle modalità e degli strumenti di valutazione da impiegare con i propri allievi, in base a ciò che si vuole valutare e al perché, è uno dei compiti didattici dell’insegnante, la gamma di scelta è ampia; in questo intervento ci soffermeremo su alcuni aspetti connessi alla scelta e all’impiego di un tipo di prove per la valutazione del grado di conseguimento degli obiettivi di apprendimento previsti al termine di un’attività didattica, esse sono comunemente denominate prove oggettive di profitto volendo così sottolineare l’intento di ridurre il più possibile la soggettività dell’insegnante quando valuta i suoi alunni. The choice of assessment methods and tools to be used with your…