Frank Freimuth

Dynamical and current-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: Role for damping, gyromagnetism, and current-induced torques in noncollinear magnets

Both applied electric currents and magnetization dynamics modify the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), which we call current-induced DMI (CIDMI) and dynamical DMI (DDMI), respectively. We report a theory of CIDMI and DDMI. The inverse of CIDMI consists in charge pumping by a time-dependent gradient of magnetization ${\ensuremath{\partial}}^{2}\mathbit{M}(\mathbit{r},t)/\ensuremath{\partial}\mathbit{r}\ensuremath{\partial}t$, while the inverse of DDMI describes the torque generated by ${\ensuremath{\partial}}^{2}\mathbit{M}(\mathbit{r},t)/\ensuremath{\partial}\mathbit{r}\ensuremath{\partial}t$. In noncollinear magnets, CIDMI and DDMI depend on the local magnetization direction. The re…

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Engineering the dynamics of topological spin textures by anisotropic spin-orbit torques

Integrating topologically stabilized magnetic textures such as skyrmions as nanoscale information carriers into future technologies requires the reliable control by electric currents. Here, we uncover that the relevant skyrmion Hall effect, which describes the deflection of moving skyrmions from the current flow direction, acquires important corrections owing to anisotropic spin-orbit torques that alter the dynamics of topological spin structures. Thereby, we propose a viable means for manipulating the current-induced motion of skyrmions and antiskyrmions. Based on these insights, we demonstrate by first-principles calculations and symmetry arguments that the motion of spin textures can be …

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Modification of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-Interaction-Stabilized Domain Wall Chirality by Driving Currents

We measure and analyze the chirality of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-interaction (DMI) stabilized spin textures in multilayers of $\mathrm{Ta}|{\mathrm{Co}}_{20}{\mathrm{F}}_{60}{\mathrm{B}}_{20}|\mathrm{MgO}$. The effective DMI is measured experimentally using domain wall motion measurements, both in the presence (using spin-orbit torques) and absence of driving currents (using magnetic fields). We observe that the current-induced domain wall motion yields a change in effective DMI magnitude and opposite domain wall chirality when compared to field-induced domain wall motion (without current). We explore this effect, which we refer to as current-induced DMI, by providing possible explanations for…

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Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications

Wannier90 is an open-source computer program for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used electronic-structure codes thanks to its independence from the basis sets representing these Bloch states. In the past few years the development of Wannier90 has transitioned to a community-driven model; this has resulted in a number of new developments that have been recently released in Wannier90 v3.0. In this article we describe these new functionalities, that include the implementation of new features for wannierisation and disentanglement (symmetry-adapted Wannier functions, selectively-localised Wannier functions, s…

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Faster chiral versus collinear magnetic order recovery after optical excitation revealed by femtosecond XUV scattering

While chiral spin structures stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) are candidates as novel information carriers, their dynamics on the fs-ps timescale is little known. Since with the bulk Heisenberg exchange and the interfacial DMI two distinct exchange mechanisms are at play, the ultra-fast dynamics of the chiral order needs to be ascertained and compared to the dynamics of the conventional collinear order. Using an XUV free-electron laser we determine the fs-ps temporal evolution of the chiral order in domain walls in a magnetic thin film sample by an IR pump - X-ray magnetic scattering probe experiment. Upon demagnetisation we observe that the dichroic (CL-CR) signal conn…

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Room-temperature spin-orbit torque in NiMnSb

Materials that crystalize in diamond-related lattices, with Si and GaAs as their prime examples, are at the foundation of modern electronics. Simultaneously, the two atomic sites in the unit cell of these crystals form inversion partners which gives rise to relativistic non-equilibrium spin phenomena highly relevant for magnetic memories and other spintronic devices. When the inversion-partner sites are occupied by the same atomic species, electrical current can generate local spin polarization with the same magnitude and opposite sign on the two inversion-partner sites. In CuMnAs, which shares this specific crystal symmetry of the Si lattice, the effect led to the demonstration of electric…

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Charge and spin photocurrents in the Rashba model

In metallic noncentrosymmetric crystals and at surfaces the response of spin currents and charge currents to applied electric fields contains contributions that are second order in the electric field, which are forbidden by symmetry in centrosymmetric systems. Thereby, photocurrents and spin photocurrents can be generated in inversion asymmetric metals by the application of femtosecond laser pulses. We study the laser-induced charge current in the ferromagnetic Rashba model with in-plane magnetization and find that this \textit{magnetic photogalvanic effect} can be tuned to be comparable in size to the laser-induced photocurrents measured experimentally in magnetic bilayer systems such as C…

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Chiral Hall Effect in Noncollinear Magnets from a Cyclic Cohomology Approach

We demonstrate the emergence of an anomalous Hall effect in chiral magnetic textures which is neither proportional to the net magnetization nor to the well-known emergent magnetic field that is responsible for the topological Hall effect. Instead, it appears already at linear order in the gradients of the magnetization texture and exists for one-dimensional magnetic textures such as domain walls and spin spirals. It receives a natural interpretation in the language of Alain Connes' noncommutative geometry. We show that this chiral Hall effect resembles the familiar topological Hall effect in essential properties while its phenomenology is distinctly different. Our findings make the reinterp…

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Theory of Current-Induced Angular Momentum Transfer Dynamics in Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems.

Motivated by the importance of understanding competing mechanisms to current-induced spin-orbit torque in complex magnets, we develop a unified theory of current-induced spin-orbital coupled dynamics. The theory describes angular momentum transfer between different degrees of freedom in solids, e.g., the electron orbital and spin, the crystal lattice, and the magnetic order parameter. Based on the continuity equations for the spin and orbital angular momenta, we derive equations of motion that relate spin and orbital current fluxes and torques describing the transfer of angular momentum between different degrees of freedom. We then propose a classification scheme for the mechanisms of the c…

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Effect of magnons on the temperature dependence and anisotropy of spin-orbit torque

We investigate the influence of magnons on the temperature-dependence and the anisotropy of the spin-orbit torque (SOT). For this purpose we use 3rd order perturbation theory in the framework of the Keldysh formalism in order to derive suitable equations to compute the magnonic SOT. We find several contributions to the magnonic SOT, which depend differently on the spin-wave stiffness $\mathcal{A}$ and on the temperature $T$, with the dominating contribution scaling like $T^{2}/\mathcal{A}^{2}$. Based on this formalism we compute the magnonic SOT in the ferromagnetic Rashba model. For large Rashba parameters the magnonic SOT is strongly anisotropic and for small quasiparticle broadening it m…

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Spin-orbit torques in locally and globally non-centrosymmetric crystals: Antiferromagnets and ferromagnets

One of the main obstacles that prevents practical applications of antiferromagnets is the difficulty of manipulating the magnetic order parameter. Recently, following the theoretical prediction [J. \v{Z}elezn\'y et al., PRL 113, 157201 (2014)], the electrical switching of magnetic moments in an antiferromagnet has been demonstrated [P. Wadley et al., Science 351, 587 (2016)]. The switching is due to the so-called spin-orbit torque, which has been extensively studied in ferromagnets. In this phenomena a non-equilibrium spin-polarization exchange coupled to the ordered local moments is induced by current, hence exerting a torque on the order parameter. Here we give a general systematic analys…

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The chiral Hall effect of magnetic skyrmions from a cyclic cohomology approach

We demonstrate the emergence of an anomalous Hall effect in chiral magnetic textures which is neither proportional to the net magnetization nor to the well-known emergent magnetic field that is responsible for the topological Hall effect. Instead, it appears already at linear order in the gradients of the magnetization texture and exists for one-dimensional magnetic textures such as domain walls and spin spirals. It receives a natural interpretation in the language of Alain Connes' noncommutative geometry. We show that this chiral Hall effect resembles the familiar topological Hall effect in essential properties while its phenomenology is distinctly different. Our findings make the re-inter…

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Harnessing Orbital-to-Spin Conversion of Interfacial Orbital Currents for Efficient Spin-Orbit Torques.

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Laser-induced torques in spin spirals

We investigate laser-induced torques in magnetically non-collinear ferromagnets with a spin-spiral magnetic structure using \textit{ab-initio} calculations. Since spin-spirals may be used to approximate the magnetization gradients locally in domain walls and skyrmions, our method may be used to obtain the laser-induced torques in such objects from a multiscale approach. Employing the generalized Bloch-theorem we obtain the electronic structure computationally efficiently. We employ our method to assess the laser-induced torques in bcc Fe, hcp Co, and L$_{1}0$ FePt when a spin-spiral magnetic structure is imposed. We find that the laser-induced torques in these magnetically noncollinear syst…

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Laser-induced torques in metallic antiferromagnets

We study the laser-induced torques in the antiferromagnet (AFM) Mn$_2$Au. We find that even linearly polarized light may induce laser-induced torques in Mn$_2$Au, i.e., the light does not have to be circularly polarized. The laser-induced torques in Mn$_2$Au are comparable in magnitude to those in the ferromagnets Fe, Co and FePt at optical frequencies. We also compute the laser-induced torques at terahertz (THz) frequencies and compare them to the spin-orbit torques (SOTs) excited by THz laser-pulses. We find the SOTs to be dominant at THz frequencies for the laser-field strengths used in experiments. Additionally, we show that the matrix elements of the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can be…

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Spin-orbit torques and tunable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Co/Cu/Co trilayers

We study the spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in Co/Cu/Co magnetic trilayers based on first-principles density-functional theory calculations in the case where the applied electric field lies in-plane, i.e., parallel to the interfaces. We assume that the bottom Co layer has a fixed in-plane magnetization, while the top Co layer can be switched. We find that the SOT on the top ferromagnet can be controlled by the bottom ferromagnet because of the nonlocal character of the SOT in this system. As a consequence the SOT is anisotropic, i.e., its magnitude varies with the direction of the applied electric field. We show that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in the top layer is anisotropic as …

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Driving spin chirality by electron dynamics in laser-excited antiferromagnets

Optical generation of complex spin textures is one of the most exciting challenges of modern spintronics. Here, we uncover a distinct physical mechanism for imprinting spin chirality into collinear magnets with short laser pulses. By simultaneously treating the laser-ignited evolution of electronic structure and magnetic order, we show that their intertwined dynamics can result in an emergence of quasi-stable chiral states. We find that laser-driven chirality does not require any auxiliary external fields or intrinsic spin-orbit interaction to exist, and it can survive on the time scale of nanoseconds even in the presence of thermal fluctuations, which makes the uncovered mechanism relevant…

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Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Hall Effects in the Skyrmion Phase ofMn1−xFexGe

We carry out density functional theory calculations which demonstrate that the electron dynamics in the Skyrmion phase of Fe-rich Mn_{1-x}Fe_{x}Ge alloys is governed by Berry phase physics. We observe that the magnitude of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction directly related to the mixed space-momentum Berry phases, changes sign and magnitude with concentration x in direct correlation with the data of Shibata et al. [Nat. Nanotechnol. 8, 723 (2013)]. The computed anomalous and topological Hall effects in FeGe are also in good agreement with available experiments. We further develop a simple tight-binding model able to explain these findings. Finally, we show that the adiabatic Berry phase…

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Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation

Terahertz electromagnetic radiation is extremely useful for numerous applications such as imaging and spectroscopy. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have an efficient table-top emitter covering the 1-to-30-THz window whilst being driven by a low-cost, low-power femtosecond laser oscillator. So far, all solid-state emitters solely exploit physics related to the electron charge and deliver emission spectra with substantial gaps. Here, we take advantage of the electron spin to realize a conceptually new terahertz source which relies on tailored fundamental spintronic and photonic phenomena in magnetic metal multilayers: ultrafast photo-induced spin currents, the inverse spin-Hall effect an…

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Spin-orbit torques in strained PtMnSb from first principles

We compute spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in strained PtMnSb from first principles. We consider both tetragonal strain and shear strain. We find a strong linear dependence of the field-like SOTs on these strains, while the antidamping SOT is only moderately sensitive to shear strain and even insensitive to tetragonal strain. We also study the dependence of the SOT on the magnetization direction. In order to obtain analytical expressions suitable for fitting our numerical \textit{ab-initio} results we derive a general expansion of the SOT in terms of all response tensors that are allowed by crystal symmetry. Our expansion includes also higher-order terms beyond the usually considered lowest order…

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Direct and inverse spin-orbit torques in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic FeRh/W(001)

We use \textit{ab-initio} calculations to investigate spin-orbit torques (SOTs) in FeRh(001) deposited on W(100). Since FeRh undergoes a ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition close to room temperature, we consider both phases of FeRh. In the antiferromagnetic case we find that the effective magnetic field of the even torque is staggered and therefore ideal to induce magnetization dynamics or to switch the antiferromagnet (AFM). At the antiferromagnetic resonance the inverse SOT induces a current density, which can be determined from the SOT. In the ferromagnetic case our calculations predict both even and odd components of the SOT, which can also be used to describe the ac and dc…

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Helical magnetic structure and the anomalous and topological Hall effects in epitaxial B20 Fe$_{1-y}$Co$_y$Ge films

Epitaxial films of the B20-structure compound Fe1−yCoyGe were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si (111) substrates. The magnetization varied smoothly from the bulklike values of one Bohr magneton per Fe atom for FeGe to zero for nonmagnetic CoGe. The chiral lattice structure leads to a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), and the films' helical magnetic ground state was confirmed using polarized neutron reflectometry measurements. The pitch of the spin helix, measured by this method, varies with Co content y and diverges at y∼0.45. This indicates a zero crossing of the DMI, which we reproduced in calculations using first-principles methods. We also measured the longitudinal and Hall r…

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Spin caloric transport from density-functional theory

Spin caloric transport refers to the coupling of heat with spin transport. Its applications primarily concern the generation of spin currents and control of magnetisation by temperature gradients for information technology, known by the synonym spin caloritronics. Within the framework of ab initio theory, new tools are being developed to provide an additional understanding of these phenomena in realistic materials, accounting for the complexity of the electronic structure without adjustable parameters. Here, we review this progress, summarising the principles of the density-functional-based approaches in the field and presenting a number of application highlights. Our discussion includes th…

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