Hilde Lohne-seiler
Lifestyle intervention to limit gestational weight gain: the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomised controlled trial
Objective To examine whether a lifestyle intervention in pregnancy limits gestational weight gain (GWG) and provides measurable health benefits for mother and newborn. Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Healthcare clinics of southern Norway. Population Healthy, non-diabetic, nulliparous women, aged ≥18 years, with a body mass index of ≥19 kg/m2 , and with a singleton pregnancy at ≤20 weeks of gestation. Methods Women were randomised to an intervention group (with dietary counselling twice by telephone and access to twice-weekly exercise groups) or to a control group (with standard prenatal care). Participants were measured three times during pregnancy and at delivery, and newborns …
Changes in health-related quality of life in elderly men after 12 weeks of strength training
Background Muscular strength is associated with functional ability in elderly, and older adults are recommended to perform muscle-strengthening exercise. Understanding how improved muscle strength and -mass influence general and specific domains of quality of life is important when planning health promotion efforts targeting older adults. The aims of the present study were to describe changes in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in older men participating in 12 weeks of systematic strength training, and to investigate whether improvements in muscle strength and muscle mass are associated with enhancements in HRQOL. Methods We recruited 49 men aged 60–81 years to participate in an inter…
Effect of a prenatal lifestyle intervention on physical activity level in late pregnancy and the first year postpartum
Background: Despite documented health benefits for mother and baby, physical activity (PA)-level tends to decline in pregnancy. Overweight/obese and physically inactive women are two selected groups at increased risk of pregnancy complications. Thus, efficient strategies to maintain or increase PA-level in pregnancy and the postpartum period, especially among these women, are warranted. This secondary analysis examined the effect of a prenatal lifestyle-intervention on PA-level in late pregnancy and the first year postpartum, with subanalysis on initially physically active versus inactive and normal-weight versus overweight/obese women. Method: The Norwegian Fit for Delivery (NFFD) randomiz…
Musculoskeletal fitness and balance in older individuals (65–85 years) and its association with steps per day: a cross sectional study
Background There is limited normative, objective data combining musculoskeletal fitness (MSF), balance and physical activity (PA) among older adults. The aims were therefore to; 1) describe MSF and balance in older Norwegian adults focusing on age- and sex-related differences; 2) investigate the associations among MSF, balance and objectively-assessed PA levels. Methods This was part of a national multicenter study. Participants (65–85 years) were randomly selected from the national population registry. We used ActiGraph GT1M accelerometers to measure PA. Balance and MSF were assessed using: one leg standing (OLS), handgrip strength (HG), static back extension (SBE), sit and reach (SR), bac…
How does a lifestyle intervention during pregnancy influence perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity? The Norwegian fit for delivery study, a randomized controlled trial
Abstract Background To develop effective health promotional and preventive prenatal programs, it is important to understand perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity during pregnancy, including exercise and sport participation. The aims of the present study was 1) to assess the effect of prenatal lifestyle intervention on the perceived barrier to leisure-time physical activity during pregnancy and the first year after delivery and 2) identify the most important perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity at multiple time points during and after pregnancy. Methods This secondary analysis was part of the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study, a combined lifestyle intervention e…
Viktigheten av fysisk aktivitet og trening blant eldre
Published version of an article in the journal: Norsk Epidemiologi. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.ntnu.no/ojs/index.php/norepid/article/view/1562 Open access Regular physical activity in older adults is critically important to ensure healthy aging. The link between physical activity and prevention of disease, maintenance of independence, and improved quality of life is supported by strong evidence (ACSM's Position Stand 1998; Spirduso & Cronin, 2001; Taylor et al., 2004). The purpose of this review is therefore to clarify the importance of regular physical activity and training during the aging process and in addition, present the relationship between a physical active li…
Physical Activity Level Following Resistance Training in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Receiving Home Care: Results from a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Older adults’ physical activity (PA) is low. We examined whether eight months of resistance training increased PA level in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care. A two-armed cluster-randomized trial using parallel groups was conducted. The included participants were >
The effect of prenatal lifestyle intervention on weight retention 12 months postpartum: results of the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomised controlled trial.
Objective To examine the effect of a prenatal lifestyle intervention on postpartum weight retention (PPWR). Design Randomised controlled trial. Setting Healthcare clinics in southern Norway. Population Healthy, nulliparous women with body mass index ≥19 kg/m2 , age ≥18 years, and singleton pregnancy of ≤20 gestational weeks. Methods Women were randomised to intervention (dietary counselling twice by phone and access to twice-weekly exercise groups during pregnancy) or control group (standard prenatal care). Intervention compliance was defined post-factum as attending dietary counselling and ≥14 exercise classes. Main outcome measures PPWR (weight measured postpartum minus self-reported pre-…
Traditional versus functional strength training: effects on muscle strength and power in the elderly.
Published versiom of an article in the journal:Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Also available from Human Kinetics: http://http://journals.humankinetics.com/japa-back-issues/japa-volume-21-issue-1-january/traditional-versus-functional-strength-training-effects-on-muscle-strength-and-power-in-the-elderly The aim was to determine whether strength training with machines vs. functional strength training at 80% of one-repetition maximum improves muscle strength and power among the elderly. Sixty-three subjects (69.9 +/- 4.1 yr) were randomized to a high-power strength group (HPSG), a functional strength group (FSG), or a nonrandomized control group (CG). Data were collected using a force …
Accelerometer-determined physical activity and self-reported health in a population of older adults (65-85 years): A cross-sectional study
Published version of an article in the journal: BMC Public Health. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-284 Open Access Background: The link between physical activity (PA) and prevention of disease, maintenance of independence, and improved quality of life in older adults is supported by strong evidence. However, there is a lack of data on population levels in this regard, where PA level has been measured objectively. The main aims were therefore to assess the level of accelerometer-determined PA and to examine its associations with self-reported health in a population of Norwegian older adults (65-85 years). Methods. This was a part of a national mul…
Preeclampsia and gestational weight gain in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery trial
Abstract Objective Excessive gestational weight gain is linked to risk of preeclampsia, but it is not clear whether the association is causal. The purpose of this paper was to examine gestational weight gain in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study among women who developed preeclampsia compared to those who did not, and to further explore associations between weight gain and preeclampsia by including data on body composition (bioimpedance) assessed in the last trimester of pregnancy. Results A total of 550 women were eligible for the study. Women who developed preeclampsia gained more weight than women who did not (difference 3.7 kg, p = 0.004), with a 3.5 kg difference in total body water …
Vitamin C and E supplementation blunts increases in total lean body mass in elderly men after strength training
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of vitamin C and E supplementation on changes in muscle mass (lean mass and muscle thickness) and strength during 12 weeks of strength training in elderly men. Thirty-four elderly males (60-81 years) were randomized to either an antioxidant group (500 mg of vitamin C and 117.5 mg vitamin E before and after training) or a placebo group following the same strength training program (three sessions per week). Body composition was assessed with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and muscle thickness by ultrasound imaging. Muscle strength was measured as one-repetition maximum (1RM). Total lean mass increased by 3.9% (95% confidence intervals: 3.…
Changes in mode of transportation to work or school from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy in the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study
Objective To describe changes in mode of transportation to work or school from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy, to describe levels of physical activity related to mode of transportation to work or school, and to examine associations between changes in mode of transportation to work or school and educational level, body mass index (BMI) and age. Methods Between September 2009 and February 2013, 575 healthy pregnant nulliparous women were included into the Norwegian Fit for Delivery (NFFD) trial. At inclusion they reported their current and their pre-pregnancy mode of transportation to work or school. Data were analysed by multilevel mixed models with dichotomized modes of transportation as …
Study protocol: fit for delivery - can a lifestyle intervention in pregnancy result in measurable health benefits for mothers and newborns? A randomized controlled trial
Abstract Background The global obesity epidemic has led to increased attention on pregnancy, a period when women are at risk of gaining excessive weight. Excessive gestational weight gain is associated with numerous complications, for both mother and child. Though the problem is widespread, few studies have examined the effect of a lifestyle intervention in pregnancy designed to limit maternal weight gain. The Fit for Delivery study will explore the effectiveness of nutritional counseling coupled with exercise classes compared with standard prenatal care. The aims of the study are to examine the effect of the intervention on maternal weight gain, newborn birth weight, glucose regulation, co…
The effect of a prenatal lifestyle intervention on glucose metabolism: Results of the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomized controlled trial
Background: The effectiveness of prenatal lifestyle intervention to prevent gestational diabetes and improve maternal glucose metabolism remains to be established. The Norwegian Fit for Delivery (NFFD) randomized, controlled trial studied the effect of a combined lifestyle intervention provided to a general population, and found significantly lower gestational weight gain among intervention participants but no improvement in obstetrical outcomes or the proportion of large infants. The aim of the present study is to examine the effect of the NFFD intervention on glucose metabolism, including an assessment of the subgroups of normal-weight and overweight/obese participants. Methods: Healthy, …
Validation of a pre-coded food diary Used among 60–80 year old men: Comparison of self-reported energy intake with objectively recorded energy expenditure
Published version of an article from the journal Plos One. Also available from the publisher: dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0102029 Open Access Objective: To validate energy intake (EI) estimated from a pre-coded food diary (PFD) against energy expenditure (EE) measured with a valid physical activity monitor (SenseWear Pro3 Armband) and to evaluate whether misreporting was associated with overweight/obesity in a group of elderly men. Methods: Forty-seven healthy Norwegian men, 60–80 years old, completed the study. As this study was part of a larger intervention study, cross-sectional data were collected at both baseline and post-test. Participants recorded their food intake for four conse…
Reliability and concurrent validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form among pregnant women
Abstract Sanda B, Vistad I, Haakstad LAH, Berntsen S, Sagedal LR, Lohne-Seiler H, Torstveit MK. Reliability and concurrent validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form among pregnant women. Background The International Physical Activity Questionnaire short-form (IPAQ-SF) is frequently used to assess physical activity (PA) level in the general adult population including pregnant women. However, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire in pregnancy is unknown. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to investigate test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of IPAQ-SF among pregnant women, and whether PA is reported differently among those who fu…
Change in active transportation and weight gain in pregnancy
Background: Pregnancy is characterised by large weight gain over a short period, and often a notable change in mode of transportation. This makes pregnancy suitable for examining the plausible, but in the scientific literature still unclear, association between active transportation and weight gain. We hypothesize that women continuing an active mode of transportation to work or school from pre- to early pregnancy will have a lower gestational weight gain (GWG) than those who change to a less active mode of transportation. Methods: We analysed prospective data from the Norwegian Fit for Delivery (NFFD) trial. Between September 2009 and February 2013 606 women were consecutively enrolled in …
What is the effect of physical activity on duration and mode of delivery? Secondary analysis from the Norwegian Fit for Delivery trial
Introduction: The beneficial effects of physical activity during pregnancy for the mother and offspring have been reported by several studies but there are conflicting results concerning the possible effect of physical activity on the course of labor and risk of cesarean delivery. This study presents secondary analyses from the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomized controlled trial, aiming at studying the effect of a lifestyle intervention including group exercise classes, as well as the possible influence of physical activity level in late pregnancy, on labor outcomes. Material and methods: Healthy nulliparous women with singleton pregnancy were randomized to an intervention group, n = 303…