G. Di Vita
The improvement of quality of life a indication for elective surgery in elderly patients with minimally symptomatic inguinal hernia.
AIM: Effectiveness of surgery on quality of life in elderly affected by minimally symptomatic inguinal hernia. MATERIAL OF STUDY: Forty male patients aging over 75 years affected by minimally symptomatic inguinal hernia were included. In the first group were allocated 15 patients who refused hernioplasty; in the second were included 25 patients who underwent early elective hernioplasty using an high density polypropylene mesh under local anesthesia. The SF-36 questionnaire was administered to all patients at the time of enrollment and 6 months after. RESULTS: All 8 domains of SF-36 and his related two comprhensive index, Mental Component Summary and Physical Component Summary scores, improv…
Giant pseudocyst of the abdominal wall following incisional ventral hernia repair: an extremely rare clinical entity. Report of a case
Il “gold standard” per il trattamento dei laparoceli è l’intervento chirurgico con impiego di protesi, nonostante questo approccio sia gravato da numerose complicanze post-operatorie; tra queste possiamo annoverare le pseudocisti giganti della parete addominale, tale evenienza risulta ancora molto rara e la sua eziopatogenesi riamane non chiara. In questo lavoro descriviamo il caso clinico di una paziente di 36 anni, diabetica ed obesa, precedentemente sottoposta a taglio cesareo e riparazione di laparocele con posizionamento di protesi in sede soprafasciale. La paziente si è presentata presso i nostri ambulatori per la comparsa di un gonfiore asintomatico a livello della fossa iliaca sinis…
Mesothelial cyst of the round ligament of the uterus A case report of a rare condition
Le cisti mesoteliali del legamento rotondo sono una rara causa di tumefazione inguinale nelle donne, la loro eziopatogenesi rimare poco chiara e i casi riportati in letteratura sono scarsi. Inoltre, quest’ultime sono raramente prese in considerazione nella diagnosi differenziale delle tumefazioni della regione inguinale nelle pazienti di sesso femminile, ragion per cui sono spesso identificate solo in corso di esplorazione chirurgica e correttamente diagnosticate solo dopo esame istopatologico. Una donna di 57 anni (BMI 37 kg / m2) si è presentato nel nostro dipartimento con una massa inguinale sinistra, con storia di 2 mesi, che causava disagio locale e peggioramento progressivo del dolore…
Umbilical hernioplasty in cirrhotic patients with ascites A case control study
Umbilical hernia is a very frequent pathology, and plastic with prosthetic material is the most frequently used surgical procedure currently used for its repair. In patients with cirrhosis in asciic phase, this pathology is particularly frequent, with a tendency to rapidly increase in size and to become symptomatic. In the past treatment with traditional surgery in cirrhotic patients was considered problematic and was viewed with reserve, and only recently is the surgical approach recommended also in these patients. This study is aimed to evaluate the feasibility and safety of open umbilical hernia plastic with prosthetic material in cirrhotic and ascitic patients.Our case-control study was…
Paraduodenal hernia: an uncommon cause of recurrent abdominal pain.
Internal abdominal hernias are a rare entity and may cause unexplained abdominal pain. This report concerns a 46 year old male patient, with a four year history of episodic colicky peristaltic abdominal pains, in whom a left paraduodenal hernia was found at surgical exploration after a negative diagnostic screening by ultrasound, CT and small bowel enema. Upon laparotomy the Authors found a left-sided paraduodenal hernia with an empty herniated sack. Repair of the hernial defect resulted in the complete and stable resolution of abdominal symptoms. The importance of considering paraduodenal hernias in the differential diagnosis of unexplained intermittent abdominal pain is discussed.
Fissurectomy and anal advancement flap for anterior chronic anal fissure without hypertonia of the internal anal sphincter in females.
AIM: Lateral internal sphincterotomy is considered the surgical treatment of choice for chronic anal fissure after failure of medical therapy but it risks continence. The aim of the study was to evaluate fissurectomy with advancement flap for anterior chronic anal fissure (CAAF) resistant to medical therapy. METHOD: Sixteen women with CAAF without hypertonia of the internal anal sphincter, unresponsive to previous medical treatment, were included in the study. Absence of hypertonia was defined as a maximum anal resting pressure (MRP) of less than 85 mmHg. All patients underwent fissurectomy with an advancement skin flap. RESULTS: Complete healing occurred in all patients within 30 days. The…
Recurrent sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease: the efficacy of minimal subcutaneous excision of the sinus and unroofing of pseudocystic cavity
I pazienti sottoposti a intervento chirurgico per malattia pilonidale sono ad alto rischio di sviluppare una recidiva. La nostra analisi prospettica è stata eseguita per valutare l’esito del trattamento della malattia pilonidale recidiva, mediante escissione sottocutanea minima del tramite fistoloso e della cute sopra la cisti, con Recurrent pilonidal disease guarigione per seconda intenzione. 48 pazienti consecutivi con precedente asportazione chirurgica di malattia pilonidale e attuale recidiva, sono stati sottoposti a chirurgia da gennaio 2009 a dicembre 2016, in anestesia locale. L’età dei pazienti (42 maschi e 6 femmine) al momento della nostra osservazione era di 28.5 ± 10.2 anni, il …