Ingrid Banovic
The causal representation of outpatients with Crohn's disease: is there a link between psychological distress and clinical disease activity?
Objectives: Because of the fluctuating and occasional character of Crohn’s disease (CD), patients have to cope with a changeable condition of health. Personal perceived control is known to be an important element of adaptation to their medical condition. The objectives of this work are to determine if perceived personal control is predictive of the clinical activity of the disease and of psychological distress (depression, anxiety). Methods: The Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), the causal dimension scale and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI; assessing perceived severity) were administered to 160 patients affected by Crohn’s disease. Indicators of inflammation (CRP), disease dura…
Perception of improved state of health and subjective quality of life in Crohn's disease patients treated with Infliximab.
International audience; UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND AND AIMS AND METHOD: Although Infliximab is a very potent therapy of refractory Crohn's disease, its administration requires iterative infusions in hospital and there are concerns regarding its long-term safety. The aim of this study was to assess in a sample of 51 patients suffering from CD the impact of type of treatment (intravenous Infliximab versus conventional therapy without Infliximab) on the evaluation of the state of health (CGI) and the quality of life (MOS-SF36). Secondary variables were also assessed: the impact of depression (MADRS), the impact of activity of the disease (Harvey-Bradshaw Index). RESULTS: Overall, the assessments m…
La représentation des causes de l'état de santé par les infirmiers et les points de vue envisagés des patients et des aidants naturels : une approche socionormative
This study examines the representation of the determining factors of patients' states of health in therapeutic care situations. We describe the average representation of experienced hospital nurses (n=44) and the differences which they consider to exist between their own and their patients' points of view. Taking as our starting point the purpose of the care provided and the asymmetry of the carer/patient relationship, we hypothesize, on the one hand, that nurses will have a representation of their patients' state of health which is based on the care to be provided, with the factors determining the state of health being necessarily perceived as having a general impact on patients' lives whi…
Personality and fatigue perception in a sample of IBD outpatients in remission: a preliminary study.
International audience; BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fatigue is considered as a feature of IBD. Nevertheless, medical variables would partly explain this complex phenomenon. Psychological variables would be especially connected to fatigue for patients in remission. Moreover, personality is known to be linked to the fatigue of patients with CFS. This preliminary study aimed to determine if personality dimensions are linked to the perception of fatigue in IBD. METHODS: 81 IBD outpatients in remission completed the MFI (fatigue); ISI, EES (sleep disturbances); TCI-R (personality); HADS (depression and anxiety). Medical data were collected (ferritin, C-reactive protein, number of flare-ups, number of h…
Crohn's disease and fatigue: constancy and co-variations of activity of the disease, depression, anxiety and subjective quality of life.
International audience; Fatigue in Crohn's disease (CD) is considered as a consequence of the disease and its treatment. If research showed the impact of the activity of the disease on vitality, patients can express fatigue even if the disease is inactive. Sleep disturbances are now considered in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and they could be involved in fatigue. It is well-known that depression and anxiety occur in IBD: They involve sleep disturbances and asthenia. But neither factors have been assessed simultaneously from a longitudinal perspective. Fifty-two patients participated in this study. Fatigue (MFI), depression (HAD-D), anxiety (HAD-A), sleep disturbances (ISI, IQPS), subjec…
Effet de la formation en psychologie sur l'interprétation causale d'un cas clinique
Article publié par la suite en anglais: Gilibert, D. & Banovic, I. (2009). Effect of the training in psychology on the causal interpretation of a clinical case. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 24, 373-385 DOI: 10.1007/BF03174767; Cette étude a pour objectif de voir comment la formation en psychologie amène les étudiants (entre le début et la fin de leur cursus) à considérer que les troubles psychologiques proviennent de facteurs dispositionnels propres aux patients notamment en cas d'échec térapeuthique (Erreur Fondamentale d'Attribution Causale et Interprétation " Après-Coup "). Face à un cas clinique de maladie somatique avec des répercussions psychiques et dont l'effet d'un …
La position temporelle et spatiale dans les histoires hallucinées
Les hallucinations sont fréquemment définies comme des perceptions sans objet à percevoir. Pour les étudier, le clinicien ne peut avoir accès qu'au récit qu'en fait le patient. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux marqueurs de localisation dans le temps et dans l'espace présents dans des récits produits par des patients hallucinés. Quatorze discours ont été recueillis auprès de patients schizophrènes entendant ou ayant entendu des voix. L'analyse de ces discours montre qu'ils respectent parfaitement les règles usuelles de la narration. Les résultats montrent que pour raconter à un tiers l'expérience hallucinatoire, les sujets doivent mettre cet événement hallucinatoire en …
Mise en scéne et origine perçue des voix hallucinées dans des discours de patients schizophrènes
International audience; This research explores how hallucinated voices appear in schizophrenic patient's narrations. Fourteen narrations of hallucinated patients were studied and are reported. Results show significant differences regarding the prevalence of use in the types of reported speeches, the ones most employed are reported speech and undetermined reported speech as respectively cited. The report mentions that hallucinated discourse is entirely separate and autonomous from the rest of the narration. These results underscore the xenopathic characteristic of hallucinated voices in the elaboration of the narration. These results are discussed for future research in this perspective and …
Impact of organizing working hours (5 shifts of 8 hours per week vs 3 shifts of 12 hours per week) on health and job strain
This article gives an account of research carried out on working hours in a French hospital and specifically the impact on two ways of organizing working hours (12 hour shifts vs 8 hour shifts) on workers health and job strain as perceived by the health care providers. Based on 255 questionnaires, this research indicates that the health care providers who work in 12 hour shifts and 8 hour shifts have the same perception of their health and job strain. However, there are some differences: the health care providers working in 12 hour shifts feel less fatigue and emotional exhaustion than the health care providers working in 8 hour shifts. We discuss these results taking into account that: i) …
La fatigue des patients atteints d'une maladie de Crohn en rémission : exploration du rôle du parcours médical et des facteurs psychologiques
le document est disponible en ligne : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003448711002496; International audience; a fatigue au cours de la maladie de Crohn est le plus souvent renvoyée à la maladie. Toutefois, il a été montré que même en période de rémission, un certain nombre de patients demeuraient fatigués. D’autres facteurs explicatifs sont donc à rechercher, tant dans le parcours médical que dans la représentation causale de la maladie, sa gravité perçue, la souffrance psychologique. Les résultats obtenus auprès de 77 patients atteints d’une maladie de Crohn en rémission ont montré que le niveau de fatigue générale (MFI) générait des différences significatives pour la g…
L'observance et certains de ses déterminants dans les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin (MICI)
le document est disponible en ligne : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1269176309000236; International audience; Les facteurs favorisant l’observance des patients de maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI) varient selon les études. Soixante dix-neuf patients observants ont été interrogés afin de déterminer les liens entre les facteurs connus pour influencer l’observance : dépression, alexithymie, attributions causales, qualité de vie subjective, relation établie avec le médecin, évaluation de l’état de santé et du rapport bénéfice thérapeutique/contraintes du traitement. Les résultats montrent que les patients appréhendent ce qui les motive à prendre leur tr…