Jan Alexander
Occupational Exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Birth Weight and Length of Gestation: A European Meta-Analysis
BACKGROUND: Women of reproductive age can be exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) at work, and exposure to EDCs in pregnancy may affect fetal growth. OBJECTIVES: We assessed whether maternal occupational exposure to EDCs during pregnancy as classified by application of a job exposure matrix was associated with birth weight, term low birth weight (LBW), length of gestation, and preterm delivery. METHODS: Using individual participant data from 133,957 mother-child pairs in 13 European cohorts spanning births from 1994 through 2011, we linked maternal job titles with exposure to 10 EDC groups as assessed through a job exposure matrix. For each group, we combined the two levels of e…
Diet matters, particularly in pregnancy – Results from MoBa studies of maternal diet and pregnancy outcomes
Published version of an article in the journal: Norsk Epidemiologi. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.ntnu.no/ojs/index.php/norepid/article/view/1805/1802 Open Access Awareness that maternal diet may influence the outcome of pregnancy as well as the long-term health of mother and child has increased in recent years. A new food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was developed and validated specifically for the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). The MoBa FFQ is a semi-quantitative tool which covers the average intake of food, beverages and dietary supplements during the first 4 to 5 months of pregnancy. It includes questions about intakes of 255 foods and dishes and was…
Matproduksjon, mattrygghet og miljø - innspill om kunnskapsbehov til gjennomføringen av det grønne skiftet - Uttalelse fra hovedkomiteen i Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM)
Denne rapporten er utarbeidet av Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM), en uavhengig, tverrfaglig komité som utarbeider kunnskapsgrunnlag for den norske mat- og miljøforvaltningen på områdene matproduksjon, mattrygghet og biologisk mangfold. De siste tiårene har FNs klimapanel, Det internasjonale naturpanelet, Det internasjonale ressurspanelet og flere andre paneler og organisasjoner levert rapporter som dokumenterer at befolkningsvekst og menneskelig aktivitet fører med seg store og økende utfordringer på miljø-, klima- og ressursområdet. Endringer innen disse områdene påvirker matproduksjon, matsikkerhet, mattrygghet, folkehelse og naturverdier i alle deler av verden (UNEP, 2021). Sam…
Food and chemical substances relevant for monitoring
At request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA), VKM has identified food groups and food items consumed by the Norwegian population that are relevant for monitoring regarding content of one or more undesirable chemical substances (Figure 1). Undesirable chemical substances were defined as chemical substances in food that may constitute a potential health risk. Paid open access