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Quanto è utile la conservazione ex situ per quella in situ?

research product

Effetti di ecfrasi nei canti XVI e XVIII della Gerusalemme liberata. Una proposta didattica

The essay analyzes particular scenes of the poem by Tasso (XVI and XVIII) where the symbolic meaning of the places and scenes depicted by the characters is more explicit. It traces the long pictorial, artistic and musical reception of Gerusalemme Liberata to reflect on the transformative effects of ecfrases in the development of epic events

research product

Il punto degli studi sull’opera critica di Luigi Capuana (2015-2021)

L’articolo passa in rassegna i principali contributi critici apparsi in riviste scientifiche, atti di convegno, monografie su Luigi Capuana dagli anni Settanta del Novecento a oggi. Tradizionalmente legato all’amico Giovanni Verga, lo scrittore di Mineo costruisce la carriera di novelliere e di critico teatrale e letterario, intrecciando interessi rivolti all’indagine della realtà a riflessioni teoriche sull’arte e i suoi strumenti espressivi, proiettandosi sempre oltre il confine nazionale per interessi scientifici e culturali. Accanto agli studi sulla specificità del novelliere e dello sperimentatore di tecniche narrative, molto diffusi a partire dagli anni Settanta, negli ultimi decenni …

research product

The conservation of the Italian Crop Wild Relatives in the RIBES seed-banks: first data to establish national inventories and conservation priorities.

The authors present the updated results of such census in the Italian Seed Bank Network for native species conservation (RIBES) with an analysis of the contribution to the conservation of the Italian FAO priority CWR. Finally, a national priority list for conservation of CWRs was drawn up and proposed here.

research product


The complexity of knowledge requires multiple and plural research approaches, willing to interact and to dialogue with each other in view of the construction of new cognitive paradigms and new paths of research. Almost sixty years have passed since the publication of the famous pamphlet by C.P. Snow, The Two Cultures, (1959), which denounced the drastic separation between scientific and humanistic culture, however, resistance to a true and widespread practice of interdisciplinary research is still strong in the academic and institutional environments. In some cases the loss of the specificity of the research sectors is feared, in others there is doubt about the effectiveness of the dialogue…

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