

The conservation of the Italian Crop Wild Relatives in the RIBES seed-banks: first data to establish national inventories and conservation priorities.

S MagriniP AtzeriG BacchettaG BediniV CarassoA CartaR CerianiS CiancaleoniL Di MartinoM Di SantoG FabriniL ForteL GrataniV NegriM PorcedduCristina Maria Bernardina SalmeriR SariguAnna ScialabbaF TaffetaniMc VillaniE ZappaM. Mariotti


Settore BIO/01 - Botanica GeneraleCWRCrop wild relatives Italian flora RIBES seed bankcrop wild relativesconservationSettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaconservationCrop Wild Relatives CWR Seed Banks germplasmSeed Banksgermplasmex situcrop wild relatives


The authors present the updated results of such census in the Italian Seed Bank Network for native species conservation (RIBES) with an analysis of the contribution to the conservation of the Italian FAO priority CWR. Finally, a national priority list for conservation of CWRs was drawn up and proposed here.
