Sami Nurmi
Spacetime curvature and Higgs stability after inflation
We investigate the dynamics of the Higgs field at the end of inflation in the minimal scenario consisting of an inflaton field coupled to the Standard Model only through the non-minimal gravitational coupling $\xi$ of the Higgs field. Such a coupling is required by renormalisation of the Standard Model in curved space, and in the current scenario also by vacuum stability during high-scale inflation. We find that for $\xi\gtrsim 1$, rapidly changing spacetime curvature at the end of inflation leads to significant production of Higgs particles, potentially triggering a transition to a negative-energy Planck scale vacuum state and causing an immediate collapse of the Universe.
Primordial dark matter from curvature induced symmetry breaking
We demonstrate that adiabatic dark matter can be generated by gravity induced symmetry breaking during inflation. We study a $Z_2$ symmetric scalar singlet that couples to other fields only through gravity and for which the symmetry is broken by the spacetime curvature during inflation when the non-minimal coupling $\xi$ is negative. We find that the symmetry breaking leads to the formation of adiabatic dark matter with the observed abundance for the singlet mass $m\sim{\rm MeV}$ and $|\xi|\sim 1$.
Despicable dark relics: generated by gravity with unconstrained masses
We demonstrate the existence of a generic, efficient and purely gravitational channel producing a significant abundance of dark relics during reheating after the end of inflation. The mechanism is present for any inert scalar with the non-minimal curvature coupling $\xi R\chi^2$ and the relic production is efficient for natural values $\xi = {\cal O}(1)$. The observed dark matter abundance can be reached for a broad range of relic masses extending from $m \sim 1 {\rm k eV}$ to $m \sim 10^{8} {\rm GeV}$, depending on the scale of inflation and the dark sector couplings. Frustratingly, such relics escape direct, indirect and collider searches since no non-gravitational couplings to visible ma…
Lattice Calculation of the Decay of Primordial Higgs Condensate
We study the resonant decay of the primordial Standard Model Higgs condensate after inflation into $SU(2)$ gauge bosons on the lattice. We find that the non-Abelian interactions between the gauge bosons quickly extend the momentum distribution towards high values, efficiently destroying the condensate after the onset of backreaction. For the inflationary scale $H = 10^8$ GeV, we find that 90% of the Higgs condensate has decayed after $n \sim 10$ oscillation cycles. This differs significantly from the Abelian case where, given the same coupling strengths, most of the condensate would persist after the resonance.
Tachyonic production of dark relics : a non-perturbative quantum study
We study production of dark relics during reheating after the end of inflation in a system consisting of a non-minimally coupled spectator scalar field and the inflaton. We derive a set of renormalized quantum transport equations for the one-point function and the two-point function of the spectator field and solve them numerically. We find that our system can embody both tachyonic and parametric instabilities. The former is an expected result due to the non-minimal coupling, but the latter displays new features driven by a novel interplay of the two-point function with the Ricci scalar. We find that when the parametric instability driven by the two-point function takes place, it dominates …
Narrowing the window of inflationary magnetogenesis
We consider inflationary magnetogenesis where the conformal symmetry is broken by the term $f^2(\phi) F_{\alpha\beta} F^{\alpha\beta}$. We assume that the magnetic field power spectrum today between 0.1 and $10^4$ Mpc is a power law, with upper and lower limits from observation. This fixes $f$ to be close to a power law in conformal time in the window during inflation when the modes observed today are generated. In contrast to previous work, we do not make any assumptions about the form of $f$ outside these scales. We cover all possible reheating histories, described by an average equation of state $-1/3 <\bar{w} <1$. Requiring that strong coupling and large backreaction are avoided both at…
Radio signatures from encounters between neutron stars and QCD-axion minihalos around primordial black holes
Probing the QCD axion dark matter (DM) hypothesis is extremely challenging as the axion interacts very weakly with Standard Model particles. We propose a new avenue to test the QCD axion DM via transient radio signatures coming from encounters between neutron stars (NSs) and axion minihalos around primordial black holes (PBHs). We consider a general QCD axion scenario in which the PQ symmetry breaking occurs before (or during) inflation coexisting with a small fraction of DM in the form of PBHs. The PBHs will unavoidably acquire around them axion minihalos with the typical length scale of parsecs. The axion density in the minihalos may be much higher than the local DM density, and the prese…
Shining primordial black holes
We study the well-motivated mixed dark matter (DM) scenario composed of a dominant thermal WIMP, highlighting the case of $SU(2)_L$ triplet fermion "winos", with a small fraction of primordial black holes (PBHs). After the wino kinetic decoupling, the DM particles are captured by PBHs leading to the presence of PBHs with dark minihalos in the Milky Way today. The strongest constraints for the wino DM come from the production of narrow line gamma rays from wino annihilation in the Galactic Center. We analyse in detail the viability of the mixed wino DM scenario, and determine the constraints on the fraction of DM in PBHs assuming a cored halo profile in the Milky Way. We show that already wi…
Dark matter from gravitational particle production at reheating
We show that curvature induced particle production at reheating generates adiabatic dark matter if there are non-minimally coupled spectator scalars weakly coupled to visible matter. The observed dark matter abundance implies an upper bound on spectator masses $m$ and non-minimal coupling values $\xi$. For example, assuming quadratic inflation, instant reheating and a single spectator scalar with only gravitational couplings, the observed dark matter abundance is obtained for $m\sim 0.1$ GeV and $\xi \sim 1$. Larger mass and coupling values of the spectator are excluded as they would lead to overproduction of dark matter.
Isocurvature Constraints on Portal Couplings
We consider portal models which are ultraweakly coupled with the Standard Model, and confront them with observational constraints on dark matter abundance and isocurvature perturbations. We assume the hidden sector to contain a real singlet scalar $s$ and a sterile neutrino $\psi$ coupled to $s$ via a pseudoscalar Yukawa term. During inflation, a primordial condensate consisting of the singlet scalar $s$ is generated, and its contribution to the isocurvature perturbations is imprinted onto the dark matter abundance. We compute the total dark matter abundance including the contributions from condensate decay and nonthermal production from the Standard Model sector. We then use the Planck lim…
The 1-loop effective potential for the Standard Model in curved spacetime
The renormalisation group improved Standard Model effective potential in an arbitrary curved spacetime is computed to one loop order in perturbation theory. The loop corrections are computed in the ultraviolet limit, which makes them independent of the choice of the vacuum state and allows the derivation of the complete set of $\beta$-functions. The potential depends on the spacetime curvature through the direct non-minimal Higgs-curvature coupling, curvature contributions to the loop diagrams, and through the curvature dependence of the renormalisation scale. Together, these lead to significant curvature dependence, which needs to be taken into account in cosmological applications, which i…
Critical point Higgs inflation in the Palatini formulation
We study Higgs inflation in the Palatini formulation with the renormalisation group improved potential in the case when loop corrections generate a feature similar to an inflection point. Assuming that there is a threshold correction for the Higgs quartic coupling $\lambda$ and the top Yukawa coupling $y_t$, we scan the three-dimensional parameter space formed by the two jumps and the non-minimal coupling $\xi$. The spectral index $n_s$ can take any value in the observationally allowed range. The lower limit for the running is $\alpha_s>-3.5\times10^{-3}$, and $\alpha_s$ can be as large as the observational upper limit. Running of the running is small. The tensor-to-scalar ratio is $2.2\tim…
Observational signatures of Higgs inflation
We investigate the dependency of Higgs inflation on the non-renormalisable matching between the low energy Standard Model limit and the inflationary regime at high energies. We show that for the top mass range $m_t \gtrsim 171.8$ GeV the scenario robustly predicts the spectral index $n_s \simeq 0.97$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r\simeq 0.003$. The matching is however non-trivial, even the best-fit values $m_h=125.09$ GeV and $m_t=173.21$ GeV require a jump $\delta \lambda \sim 0.01$ in the Higgs coupling below the inflationary scale. For $m_t\lesssim 171.8$ GeV, the matching may generate a feature in the inflationary potential. In this case the predicted values of $n_s$ and $r$ vary but…
Can Primordial Black Holes as all Dark Matter explain Fast Radio Bursts?
Primordial black holes (PBHs) are one of the most interesting nonparticle dark matter (DM) candidates. They may explain all the DM content in the Universe in the mass regime from about $10^{-14}M_{\odot}$ to $10^{-11}M_{\odot}$. We study PBHs as the source of fast radio bursts (FRBs) via magnetic reconnection in the event of collisions between them and neutron stars (NSs) in galaxies. We investigate the energy loss of PBHs during PBH-NS encounters to model their capture by NSs. To an order-of-magnitude estimation, we conclude that the parameter space of PBHs being all DM is accidentally consistent with that to produce FRBs with a rate which is the order of the observed FRB rate.
CMB spectral distortions in generic two-field models
We investigate the CMB $\mu$ distortion in models where two uncorrelated sources contribute to primordial perturbations. We parameterise each source by an amplitude, tilt, running and running of the running. We perform a detailed analysis of the distribution signal as function of the model parameters, highlighting the differences compared to single-source models. As a specific example, we also investigate the mixed inflaton-curvaton scenario. We find that the $\mu$ distortion could efficiently break degeneracies of curvaton parameters especially when combined with future sensitivity of probing the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. For example, assuming bounds $\mu < 0.5 \times 10^{-8}$ and $r<0.0…
Higgs-like spectator field as the origin of structure
We show that the observed primordial perturbations can be entirely sourced by a light spectator scalar field with a quartic potential, akin to the Higgs boson, provided that the field is sufficiently displaced from vacuum during inflation. The framework relies on the indirect modulation of reheating, which is implemented without any direct coupling between the spectator field and the inflaton and does not require non-renormalisable interactions. The scenario gives rise to local non-Gaussianity with $f_{\rm NL}\simeq 5$ as the typical signal. As an example model where the indirect modulation mechanism is realised for the Higgs boson, we study the Standard Model extended with right-handed neu…
Novel mechanism for primordial perturbations in minimal extensions of the Standard Model
Abstract We demonstrate that light spectator fields in their equilibrium can source sizeable CMB anisotropies through modulated reheating even in the absence of direct couplings to the inflaton. The effect arises when the phase space of the inflaton decay is modulated by the spectator which generates masses for the decay products. We call the mechanism indirect modulation and using the stochastic eigenvalue expansion show that it can source perturbations even four orders of magnitude larger than the observed amplitude. Importantly, the indirect mechanism is present in the Standard Model extended with right- handed neutrinos. For a minimally coupled Higgs boson this leads to a novel lower bo…
Novel mechanism for CMB modulation in the Standard Model
We demonstrate that light spectator fields can source sizeable CMB anisotropies through modulated reheating even in the absence of direct couplings to the inflaton. The effect arises when the phase space of the inflaton decay is modulated by the spectator which generates masses for the decay products. We call the mechanism \textit{indirect modulation} and show that it can source perturbations even four orders of magnitude larger than the observed. Importantly, the indirect mechanism is present in the Standard Model extended with right-handed neutrinos. For a minimally coupled Higgs boson this leads to a novel lower bound on the quartic coupling and constrains the neutrino Yukawas below unit…
Renormalisation group improvement in the stochastic formalism
We investigate compatibility between the stochastic infrared (IR) resummation of light test fields on inflationary spacetimes and renormalisation group running of the ultra-violet (UV) physics. Using the Wilsonian approach, we derive improved stochastic Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations which consistently include the renormalisation group effects. With the exception of stationary solutions, these differ from the naive approach of simply replacing the classical potential in the standard stochastic equations with the renormalisation group improved potential. Using this new formalism, we exemplify the IR dynamics with the Yukawa theory during inflation, illustrating the differences between …
Radio signatures from encounters between Neutron Stars and QCD-Axion Minihalos around Primordial Black Holes
Probing the QCD axion dark matter (DM) hypothesis is extremely challenging as the axion interacts very weakly with Standard Model particles. We propose a new avenue to test the QCD axion DM via transient radio signatures coming from encounters between neutron stars (NSs) and axion minihalos around primordial black holes (PBHs). We consider a general QCD axion scenario in which the PQ symmetry breaking occurs before (or during) inflation coexisting with a small fraction of DM in the form of PBHs. The PBHs will unavoidably acquire around them axion minihalos with the typical length scale of parsecs. The axion density in the minihalos may be much higher than the local DM density, and the prese…
Inflationary Imprints on Dark Matter
We show that dark matter abundance and the inflationary scale $H$ could be intimately related. Standard Model extensions with Higgs mediated couplings to new physics typically contain extra scalars displaced from vacuum during inflation. If their coupling to Standard Model is weak, they will not thermalize and may easily constitute too much dark matter reminiscent to the moduli problem. As an example we consider Standard Model extended by a $Z_2$ symmetric singlet $s$ coupled to the Standard Model Higgs $\Phi$ via $\lambda \Phi^{\dag}\Phi s^2$. Dark matter relic density is generated non-thermally for $\lambda \lesssim 10^{-7}$. We show that the dark matter yield crucially depends on the inf…
Do metric fluctuations affect the Higgs dynamics during inflation?
We show that the dynamics of the Higgs field during inflation is not affected by metric fluctuations if the Higgs is an energetically subdominant light spectator. For Standard Model parameters we find that couplings between Higgs and metric fluctuations are suppressed by $\mathcal{O}(10^{-7})$. They are negligible compared to both pure Higgs terms in the effective potential and the unavoidable non-minimal Higgs coupling to background scalar curvature. The question of the electroweak vacuum instability during high energy scale inflation can therefore be studied consistently using the Jordan frame action in a Friedmann--Lema\^itre--Robertson--Walker metric, where the Higgs-curvature coupling …