Piero Bocchiaro
Cuffaro, Pirandello e Schillaci: forse i siciliani non sono tutti uguali. L’effetto dell’entitatività percepita sulla minaccia indotta dallo stereotipo.
The goal of this study was to test the role of perceived entitativity as a potential moderator of underperformance typically associated with stereotype threat. The results of two experiments confirmed our hypotheses: Study 1 showed a lesser decrease in performance in a task of syllogistic abilities when the threat was directed to Sicilians (social category, low entitativity) rather than to their family (intimate group, high entitativity). Study 2 confirmed and extended these results through a direct measure of entitativity. Theoretical implications of these results are discussed.
Stereotypes in Persuasive Communication: Influence Exerted by a Disapproved Source
The present paper examines how someone's use of stereotypes can exert influence over others’ judgments. In the 2 studies reported here, participants were presented with messages containing information provided by a source. In Study 1, the source was an in-group member. The messages were manipulated in a between-subjects design so that participants were either given stereotypical or counterstereotypical information. After being given a hint regarding the source's estimate, participants were asked to provide their own estimates about a number of points displayed on a computer screen. Results indicate that participants tended to use as an anchor the estimate provided by the source that made us…
On the dynamics of disobedience: experimental investigations of defying unjust authority.
Across six Experimental conditions with university student participants (N=600), we examined some of the dynamics underlying expressed defiance to unjust authority. Results revealed disobedience was best enacted by participants low in right-wing authoritarianism and was more likely to occur when: 1) in physical proximity of other rebels, 2) the authority made two demanding requests instead of one, and 3) there had been an earlier opposition to injustice. Results are discussed within the theoretical framework of bounded rationality.
Do the right thing! A study on social representation of obedience and disobedience
Abstract The present research is aimed at investigating through a mixed-method approach the dimensions underlying the psychosocial constructs of obedience, disobedience and the relations between them. To this end, we consider the attitudes toward (dis)obedience being socially constructed, and we chose the theory of social representations (Abric, 2003; Moscovici, 1961) as the theoretical framework of this study. The data, collected on a sample of 190 individuals, allowed us to define these social objects, reducing both their complexity and polysemy. Obedience and disobedience were both seen by research participants as context-dependent behaviours, neither positive nor negative, per se . Also…
Introduzione alla psicologia sociale
il volume contiene lo stato dell'arte della disciplina esposto in termini accessibili agli studenti. in particolare vengono trattati gli argomenti relativi alla percezione sociale, agli aspetti psicosociali del Sé, agli atteggiamenti, al pregiudizio e agli stereotipi, il conflitto intergruppi, l'influenza sociale, l'aggressività e l'altruismo