Gérard Catroux

Knowledge tranfer from fundamental research to practical application in biological nitrogen fixation : prospects and reality

International audience

research product

Comments on the use of the classical probability level of P=0.05 in assessing the efficacy of microbial inoculants for agricultural applications

research product

Effect of some granular insecticides currently used for the treatment of maize crops (Zea mays) on the survival of inoculated Azospirillum lipoferum

research product

Possibilités de limitation des nuisances et des pollutions dues aux élevages porcins

National audience

research product

Survival and change in physiological state of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) liquid inoculants after long-term storage

International audience

research product

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria present status and future prospects

International audience; Fluorescent pseudomonads have been widely tested for their ability to promote plant growth and to suppress soilborne diseases. Their efficacy is both related to their activity and to their density in the rhizosphere. To enable the introduction of a number of bacterial cells high enough to allow the expression of their beneficial activities, the strain must be produced at a low cost. In order to optimise the inoculum production of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12, different combinations of carbon, nitrogen and yeast extract including the reference King's B medium (KB) were compared using a central composite design. Among the different growing media t…

research product

Inoculant quality control and standards in France

research product

Compétition entre deux souches bactériennes dans un sol irradié : Utilisation de microgranules amendés avec des substrats spécifiques

research product

Caracteristicas fisiologicas, eficiencia y competitividad de cepas de Bradyrhizobium japonicum, aisladas de suelos e inoculantes argentinos

research product

Possibilité d'utilisation de la cytométrie de flux pour le contrôle de qualité des inoculants pour soja

research product

L'inoculation des légumineuses en France : un exemple de coopération efficace entre l'INRA de Dijon et les fabricants d'inoculants

National audience

research product

L'épandage des eaux résiduaires de sucreries

National audience

research product

Effect of natamycin on the enumeration, genetic structure and composition of bacterial community isolated from soils and soybean rhizosphere

Natamycin is commonly used to control fungal growth on agar media used for bacterial enumeration or strain isolation. However, there is no conclusive report on the possible effect of this antibiotic on bacterial growth or on the diversity of the recovered soil bacteria. Therefore, the possible effects of natamycin on the numbers of bacteria isolated at 12 degrees C from three different soils and soybean rhizosphere soil were investigated using natamycin concentrations ranging from 0 to 200 mg l(-1). Our results demonstrate that natamycin concentrations, which inhibit the growth of fungi on the media, have a small but significant inhibitory effect on the number of bacterial colony forming un…

research product

Etude de l''évolution physico-chimique et microbiologique du lisier de porcs pendant le stockage anaérobie

National audience

research product

Quantification of a novel group of nitrate-reducing bacteria in the environment by real-time PCR

Abstract Nitrate reduction is performed by phylogenetically diverse bacteria. Analysis of narG (alpha subunit of the membrane bound nitrate reductase) trees constructed using environmental sequences revealed a new cluster that is not related to narG gene from known nitrate-reducing bacteria. In this study, primers targeting this as yet uncultivated nitrate-reducing group were designed and used to develop a real-time SYBR® Green PCR assay. The assay was tested with clones from distinct nitrate-reducing groups and applied to various environmental samples. narG copy number was high ranging between 5.08×108 and 1.12×1011 copies per gram of dry weight of environmental sample. Environmental real-…

research product

Genotypic diversity of Sinorhizobium (formerly Rhizobium) meliloti strains isolated directly from a soil and from nodules of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) grown in the same sol

32 ref.; International audience

research product

Présence de séquences d'ADN caractéristiques de systèmes de sécrétion de type III chez l'agent de lutte biologique Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12

National audience

research product

Trends in rhizobial inoculant production and use

International audience

research product

Possible use and limits of flow cytometry in quality control of Bradyrhizobium japonicum liquid soybean inoculants

research product

Hétérogénéité spatiale de l'activité des microorganismes décomposeurs des matières organiques dans les sols. Mise en évidence, paramètres explicatifs

AIP Ecosol 1995-1998 : rapport final de projet *INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles Diffusion du document : INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles; National audience

research product

Comment favoriser, à court terme, le passage à l'application des connaissances sur la rhizosphère : des stratégies possibles à mettre en place pour cela ?

National audience

research product

Contaminantes bacterianos en inoculantes comerciales para Soja (Glycine max L.) Merrill

research product

Transfer of knowledge from fundamental research to practical application in biological nitrogen fixation : prospects and reality

International audience

research product

Changes in the physiological and agricultural characteristics of peat-based Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculants after long-term storage

International audience; Commercial soybean inoculants processed with sterilised peat and stored at 20 °C for 1–8 years were used as experimental materials to assess the changes in the physiological activity of Bradyrhizobium japonicum after storage. Viable counts decreased and physiological characteristics of the bacterium changed during storage, with an increase in the time taken for colony appearance on a medium without yeast extract, an increase in the lag time for nodule appearance on soybean grown in glass tubes and a decrease in survival on seeds. All the inoculants produced a significant increase in grain yield in a field experiment. The percentage of efficient cells in the field (re…

research product

Fast enumeration of viable Bradyrhizobium japonicum based on flow cytometry for quality control of commercial liquid inoculants

research product

La PCR compétitive un outil moléculaire permettant de détecter et quantifier les gènes atzC, de l'ADNr 16S et 18S d'ADN extraits directement du sol

National audience

research product

L'utilisation du sol comme système épurateur

National audience

research product

Possible use and relevance of flow cytometry for quality control of Bradyrhizobium japonicum liquid soybean inoculants

research product

Estimation of atrazine-degrading genetic potential and activity in three French agricultural soils

The impact of organic amendment (sewage sludge or waste water) used to fertilize agricultural soils was estimated on the atrazine-degrading activity, the atrazine-degrading genetic potential and the bacterial community structure of soils continuously cropped with corn. Long-term application of organic amendment did not modify atrazine-mineralizing activity, which was found to essentially depend on the soil type. It also did not modify atrazine-degrading genetic potential estimated by quantitative PCR targeting atzA, B and C genes, which was shown to depend on soil type. The structure of soil bacterial community determined by RISA fingerprinting was significantly affected by organic amendmen…

research product

Monitoring of atrazine treatment on soil bacterial, fungal and atrazine-degrading communities by quantitative competitive PCR

We report the development of quantitative competitive (QC) PCR assays for quantifying the 16S, 18S ribosomal and atzC genes in nucleic acids directly extracted from soil. QC-PCR assays were standardised, calibrated and evaluated with an experimental study aiming to evaluate the impact of atrazine application on soil microflora. Comparison of QC-PCR 16S and 18S results with those of soil microbial biomass showed that, following atrazine application, the microbial biomass was not affected and that the amount of 16S rDNA gene representing 'bacteria' increased transitorily, while the amount of 18S rDNA gene representing fungi decreased in soil. In addition, comparison of atzC QC-PCR results wit…

research product

Study of accelerated carbofuran biodegradation in some French soils

research product