Sergio Belda-miquel

Expanding Capabilities for Epistemic Justice Through Social Innovation: The Case of Business and Management Courses in UNIMINUTO, Colombia

The chapter addresses the consideration and development of students’ competencies for social innovation in higher education by generating spaces of engagement with local communities. We combine concepts from the capability approach and epistemic injustice to address this topic and ask these specific questions: which epistemic capabilities can be generated in students when engaging with local communities in fostering social innovation processes, and how? And, how are these processes contributing to challenging epistemic injustice? To address these questions, we propose an original framework connecting ideas from Sen and Fricker and address the specific case of six pilot courses in UNIMINUTO …

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Expanding Well-Being by Participating in Grassroots Innovations: Using the Capability Approach to Explore the Interest of Alternative Food Networks for Community Social Services

Abstract Grassroots social innovations are citizen-led initiatives that develop bottom-up solutions to societal challenges. Alternative food networks (AFNs) are innovations which propose alternative schemes for distribution and consumption of food—such as community-based agriculture or food cooperatives—which can improve the well-being of participants. Its potential for social work and social services has been recognised, but remains underexplored. This paper proposes a theoretical framework based on the capability approach in order to explore the impacts, drivers and factors at play in the expansion of well-being in participants in AFNs. This framework is applied to address seven cases of …

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Informal Learning for Citizenship Building in Shared Struggles for Right: Cases of Political Solidarity Between Colombian and Spanish Organisations

[EN]: Dominant discourses and practices in international cooperation have been characterised by depoliticisation and unequal power relationships. However, a number of more transformative experiences of cooperation also exist, where joint work between Northern and Southern social organisations is linked with a more political perspective. These kinds of experiences can be considered processes of informal learning in social action: through shared actions, strategies and frameworks and through interaction between organisations, institutions and the grassroots, informal and multidimensional learning processes occur in the people and organisations engaged. The study approaches four cases of netwo…

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Exploring the contribution of grassroots innovations to justice: using the capability approach to normatively address bottom-up sustainable transitions practices

There is growing interest in the potential of grassroots innovations for the transition towards more just and sustainable societies. Nevertheless, there is lack of clear normative discussion regarding these processes. The paper strives to propose and test a framework that enables an analysis of how and in which sense specific grassroots innovation processes may be contributing to the construction of more just societies. To this end, we connect elements of the multi-level perspective on sociotechnical transitions (frequently used in the analysis of grassroots innovations) with elements of the capability approach, which offers a multi-dimensional perspective to justice. The framework is used …

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Perspectivas y políticas sobre la juventud en desventaja en España: un análisis desde el enfoque de capacidades Perspectives and Policies on Disadvantaged Youth in Spain: An Analysis Using the Capability Approach

Con la crisis en España, la juventud se enfrenta a una situación multidimensional de desventaja. En el artículo analizamos los puntos de vista de distintos actores sobre dicha situación, y cómo estas perspectivas se reflejan en el diseño e implementación de las políticas públicas. Realizamos un estudio cualitativo mediante una aproximación innovadora, el enfoque de capacidades, utilizando tanto revisión de fuentes secundarias como entrevistas en profundidad a 21 actores clave. Las evidencias muestran que las actuales políticas tienen una perspectiva limitada, centrada en la creación de empleo y que no considera las múltiples desventajas a las que se enfrentan los jóvenes hoy en día. Esto se…

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Grassroots Social Innovation for Human Development: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks in the City of Valencia (Spain)

This paper explores the contribution the capability approach (CA) and grassroots innovation (GI) literature makes to a better understanding of the complexity, richness and specificity of bottom-up processes of social innovation (SI), and their specific contribution to social transformation. Using a purely qualitative methodology, the paper addresses a case study—organic food buying groups in the city of Valencia—and examines them through the lenses of SI, GI and CA. By taking four concurrent dimensions of the SI literature (agents, purposes, drivers and processes) and cross-fertilising them with the bottom-up, people-driven character of GI, and the concepts of agency, capabilities, delibera…

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Localizing SDGs through Development Education. The Experience of the Valencian City Strategy

[ES] Este artículo presenta la propuesta de Educación para el Desarrollo que se recoge en la Estrategia para la Educación no formal de la ciudad de Valencia y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El contenido de la Estrategia se basa en tres ejes fundamentales: 1) un enfoque territorial en el barrio o distrito; 2) la importancia de la coordinación entre actores municipales y las ONGD para desarrollar las propuestas educativas y 3) una serie de temáticas y metodologías prioritarias. La correspondencia de la Estrategia con los ODS ha sido interpretada empleando un marco de análisis pensado para la innovación transformadora. Esta interpretación distingue entre ODS que …

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Analysing participatory video through the capability approach. A case study in Quart de Poblet (Valencia, Spain)

The aim of this paper is to analyse participatory video as a participatory action research method through the lenses of the capability approach. In order to do this, we used a participatory video experience that took place in the municipality of Quart de Poblet (Valencia, Spain) from February to March 2014. The participants were 11 young people between 16 and 24 years of age, severely affected by the economic crisis that has hit Spain in recent years. To develop our analysis, we introduced the participatory video as a technique and a process within the participatory action research methods. Then, we analysed the participatory process to verify the extent to which it had contributed to expan…

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Adaptando los ODS a lo Local mediante la Educación para el Desarrollo. La Experiencia de la Estrategia de la Ciudad de Valencia Localizing SDGs through Development Education. The Experience of the Valencian City Strategy

Este artículo presenta la propuesta de Educación para el Desarrollo que se recoge en la Estrategia para la Educación no formal de la ciudad de Valencia y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El contenido de la Estrategia se basa en tres ejes fundamentales: 1) un enfoque territorial en el barrio o distrito; 2) la importancia de la coordinación entre actores municipales y las ONGD para desarrollar las propuestas educativas y 3) una serie de temáticas y metodologías prioritarias. La correspondencia de la Estrategia con los ODS ha sido interpretada empleando un marco de análisis pensado para la innovación transformadora. Esta interpretación distingue entre ODS que defin…

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Social Innovation for Sustainability and the Common Good in Ecosystems of the Fourth Sector: The Case of Distribution Through Alternative Food Networks in Valencia (Spain)

There is increasing attention regarding the contribution of alternative food networks (AFN) for creating more sustainable communities. AFN are initiatives, which try to relocalize and democratize food systems, promoting local and organic agriculture, and reducing the distance between producers and consumers. They take different forms from cooperatives and farmers’ markets to on-line platforms, veg boxes and social enterprises. They propose socially innovative schemes and models for food distribution, which combine an orientation towards public and common good with economic self-sufficiency. In this sense, these initiatives frequently take the form of fourth sector or hybrid organizations.

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WWF Spain: Illustrating Factors at Play, Impacts, and Tensions in Cause-Related Marketing for Global Sustainability

The new Agenda 2030 for global sustainability has put at the center the role of partnerships between different stakeholders, thus generating new interest (and concerns) regarding partnerships between environmental organizations and firms. In this context, the debate on the role of cause-related marketing (CRM) becomes particularly relevant.

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¿Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible como solución a los problemas de la cooperación al desarrollo? Explorando cuestionamientos y propuestas a partir de las miradas de la sociedad civil valenciana Are Sustainable Development Goals the solution to international aid problems? Exploring questionings and proposals form Valencian civil society

El trabajo se sitúa en el actual debate sobre si la adopción de la Agenda Global 2030 y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en las políticas y prácticas de cooperación supone un avance o un retroceso. Para ello, nos interrogamos más concretamente sobre si pueden ser positivos o negativos para abordar los problemas concretos percibidos por el sector de la cooperación no gubernamental al desarrollo español. De forma más normativa y posicionada, nos preguntamos si la agenda puede contribuir a abordar estos problemas de una forma más transformadora, esto es, contribuyendo a la repolitización de la cuestión del desarrollo y la cooperación. Para ello, nos hemos centrado en las reflexiones y cu…

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Construyendo comunes para el derecho a la ciudad a través de la innovación social colectiva en la distribución y consumo: explorando un marco conceptual y el caso de Valencia

En la actual crisis urbana, el nuevo municipalismo reclama la reconstrucción de comunes urbanos para avanzar en el derecho a la ciudad. Señala al respecto la importancia de los movimientos sociales y de la acción pública municipal para generar procesos de innovación social “desde abajo”. Sin embargo, no se ha explorado suficientemente la literatura sobre innovación social con miras a comprender la construcción de comunes urbanos. Por ello, este trabajo propone, a partir de la literatura sobre innovación social de base, un marco para explorar prácticas de generación de comunes desde la ciudadanía, así como políticas municipales que pueden articularse para apoyarlas. El marco se emplea para e…

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Addressing sustainable food management in hotels: proposing a framework and examining hotel groups

Purpose Sustainable food practices have been recognised as a key issue in efforts to improve and report sustainable tourism practices, given the importance of the social, environmental and economic impacts of the food industry throughout its entire chain of production – from farm to fork. From this standpoint, the aim of the present paper is to propose a comprehensive framework for reporting or making decisions concerning sustainable food management in hotels, taking into account the various facets of the food supply chain.Design/methodology/approach Several dimensions are proposed for dealing with sustainable food management, involving all aspects of food supply chains that may be relevant…

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(Re) Politizando la Solidariedad Internacional: Pensando la Cooperación como Educación para una Ciudadanía Global Radical

[EN] The present moment of crisis regarding the identity and the resources of development aid calls for a deep reflection in order to recover the sense and the transformative aim of international development. In this work, we consider that we can recover a transformative agenda if we consider development aid as an space in which transformative learning processes take place. These learning processes lead to the construction of what can be called a ¿radical global citizenship¿. In development aid, individuals and organizations work together in social change processes. In these processes, people and organizations change through process of emergent and informal learning. Instead of considering …

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La ética del cuidado en la enseñanza universitaria: propuesta para la asignatura de Trabajo Fin de Grado en la Universitat de València

Entendemos que resulta entonces necesario y posible pensar e implementar una perspectiva más transformadora (Fukuda-Parr & Hegstad, 2018) para avanzar en el cambio de paradigma necesario que permita superar los problemas estructurales de sostenibilidad. En este trabajo optamos por hacerlo desde el enfoque de cuidados, por al menos dos razones. La primera porque la incorporación de la ética del cuidado en las políticas y prácticas universitarias puede constituir un punto de entrada para la necesaria transformación profunda de la Universidad, y no solo un cambio superficial, cosmético o sometido a modas, tal y como ha reseñado la literatura, (Vázquez Verdera, 2019). La segunda, debido a que e…

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