Jaime Sanmartín

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Cyclists

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Roads outisde urban areas

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Junctions

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Methods for defining user groups and user-adjusted information structures

A common problem in the design of information systems is how to structure the information in a way that is most useful to different groups of users. This paper describes some statistical methods for revealing the structure inherent in empirical data elicited from users. It is illustrated by the application of these methods to the design of some web pages giving information about the Universitat de Valencia. Three potential user groups were identified, administrative staff, teaching staff and students. The first analysis demonstrated that users within these three groups assign relatively homogeneous structures, but that the structures assigned by the three groups are not the same, and also, …

research product

La conducta social en el tráfico: Práctica y valoración de la población española.

Si partimos de que el comportamiento de una persona se compone por el conjunto de sus conductas ¿Cómo podemos calificar a una persona como buena o como mala? Si nos centráramos en el ámbito del tráfico nos sentiríamos seguros al afirmar que existen “malas” conductas en el tráfico. Así podemos definir como conductas “malas” en el tráfico todas las conductas que ponen en peligro a algún otro usuario de la vía o a uno mismo. Con la misma rotundidad podemos afirmar que existen personas que desarrollan mayoritariamente dichas conductas y que son “malos” conductores o, mejor dicho, conductores “malos”. Si respondiéramos a la pregunta ¿Qué tipo de conductas se dan más en el ámbito del tráfico las …

research product

A Plot for the Visualization of Missing Value Patterns in Multivariate Data.

Missing data patterns are the combinations in which the variables with missing values occur. Exploring these patterns in multivariate data can be very useful but there are few specialized tools. The current paper presents a plot that includes relevant information for visualizing these patterns. The plot is also dynamic-interactive; so, selecting elements in it permits the highlighting of those that are more relevant according to certain criteria. An example, based on college data, is used for the purposes of illustrating the capabilities of the plot

research product

A Basic Program for Calculating Scale Values Using Four Unidimensional Scaling Methods in Random Subsamples

This MS BASIC program calculates and stores for further analysis scale values obtained from random subsamples using four unidimensional scaling methods: Dunn-Rankin's variance stable rank sums, Thurstone's case V (paired comparisons), Thurstone-Chave's IAI, and Green's successive categories.

research product

Driver training interests of a Spanish sample of young drivers and its relationship with their self-assessment skills concerning risky driving behavior

Abstract Poor driving self-assessment skills (e.g., over-confidence) have been pointed out as an important explanatory factor behind young drivers’ accident involvement. This paper explores (1) what young drivers miss in their training as drivers in order to analyze whether an assessment of one's own driving skills plays an important role in their desire to improve as drivers, and (2) how these training interests are related to an estimate of their self-assessment skills concerning risky driving behavior. For this purpose, a study was conducted using a survey with a blocked sampling design of novice drivers. The survey solicited respondents’ self-report about (1) the contents of training co…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Urban areas

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

La agresividad en la conducción: una visión a partir de las investigaciones internacionales

La conducta agresiva al volante no es nueva, lo que inquieta es, como demuestran algunos estudios, que se está incrementando de forma preocupante. Cuando conducimos seguimos una tendencia consistente en que la respuesta agresiva se convierta en habitual cada vez que sucede un acontecimiento "desagradable" para el conductor. Estos comportamientos adquieren mayor trascendencia porque, según nos muestran también otros estudios, provocan accidentes de tráfico. En este proyecto se han realizado una serie de búsquedas documentales en distintas y numerosas bases de datos. Para ello, se han utilizado los necesarios “perfiles de búsqueda” (acotamientos incluidos). A los resultados de dichas búsqueda…

research product

Estudio comparativo del escalamiento unidimensional de conductas agresivas en la conducción

En este estudio se escalaron 24 conductas agresivas que se manifiestan en situaciones de conducción en el tráfico rodado, aplicando para tal fin dos métodos de escalamiento unidimensional: el método de intervalos aparentemente iguales de Thurstone, y el método de las categorías sucesivas de Green. Se obtuvieron valoraciones de la agresividad asociada a esas 24 conductas a partir de una muestra de 1011 conductores españoles con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 84 años. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido mostrar, por una parte, el alto ajuste lineal de los valores escalares proporcionados por ambos métodos de escalamiento y, por otra parte,las diferencias en los valores escalares obteni…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : The elderly

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

¿Son prudentes los peatones mayores? Un estudio observacional de la conducta al cruzar la calle / Are older pedestrians cautious? An observational study of street-crossing behaviour.

Cruzar la calle en vías urbanas es una situación especialmente problemática para los peatones mayores y provoca un elevado número de accidentes de tráfico. Se ha realizado una investigación observacional en la ciudad de Valencia (España) sobre el comportamiento de los mayores al cruzar por pasos de peatones. Para ello se han grabado 868 eventos de cruce, observando tanto mayores como adultos, y analizando comparativamente cómo se relaciona la edad con la conducta de cruce. Los resultados muestran que los mayores presentan, en términos generales, una conducta de cruce más prudente que los adultos, sobretodo en la atención antes y durante el cruce. Por otro lado, también muestran unos mayores…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Young people

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors

Police crash reports are often the main source for official data in many countries. However, with the exception of fatal crashes, crashes are often underreported in a biased manner. Consequently, the countermeasures adopted according to them may be inefficient. In the case of bicycle crashes, this bias is most acute and it probably varies across countries, with some of them being more prone to reporting accidents to police than others. Assessing if this bias occurs and the size of it can be of great importance for evaluating the risks associated with bicycling.This study utilized data collected in the COST TU1101 action "Towards safer bicycling through optimization of bicycle helmets and us…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Motorways

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Gender

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Principales resultados del estudio. Proyecto: ACCCES: Traducción, aplicación y análisis de la adaptación inicial del Cuestionario de Comportamientos en la Conducción (Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, DBQ)

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal la adaptación del DBQ (Driving Behaviour Questionnaire) a la población de conductores españoles y la subsiguiente consecución de datos empíricos relativos al error humano en la conducción de vehículos en nuestro país. Las aportaciones esenciales resultantes del desarrollo de este proyecto de investigación pueden resumirse en dos categorías: (1) Desde un punto de vista instrumental, la adaptación a la población española del cuestionario DBQ, un instrumento internacionalmente reconocido y utilizado en la investigación en el campo de la seguridad vial. (2) Desde un punto de vista aplicado, la profundización en el conocimiento de las dimensiones condu…

research product

Descripción del método METRAS de secuenciación de eventos en el ámbito del cuestionario estadístico de accidentes de circulación.

Este trabajo presenta y justifica la elaboración de un novedoso método de registro y codificación de la secuencia de eventos que se producen en un accidente de tráfico (AT), con el fin de ampliar y mejorar las posibilidades de investigación estadística de la accidentalidad y seguridad vial. La propuesta plantea una alternativa que pretende superar la clasificación tradicional de la tipología de accidente propia de la mayoría de cuestionarios estadísticos de AT actuales, los cuales utilizan una categoría única que incluye solo uno de los eventos -el que el observador considera más importante- que conforman el accidente, lo que supone unas limitaciones considerables en la información recogida…

research product

Modeling item banking: Analysis and design of a computerized system.

Los tests adaptativos informatizados dependen de la existencia de bancos de ítems de los que seleccionar los ítems más adecuados a aplicar a lo largo de la administración del test. Ahora bien, la disponibilidad de bancos de ítems es bastante limitada y, por otra parte, el desarrollo de bancos de ítems suele representar un esfuerzo considerable en la práctica. Ello motivó el desarrollo de este trabajo, centrado en el análisis y diseño de un sistema orientado a dar soporte informatizado a todo el proceso de construcción y mantenimiento de bancos de ítems. Así, el modelo de desarrollo de bancos de ítems propuesto provee las bases para implementar un programa orientado a tal fin y, también, pro…

research product

The University of Valencia’s computerized word pool

This paper presents the University of Valencia’s computerized word pool. This is a database that includes 16,109 Spanish words, together with 11 psychological variables for limited groups of items. The purpose behind the creation of this database was to have available a large quantity of verbal stimuli in a well-controlled system, ready for automatic selection. The description includes a summary of statistics on each of the 11 psychological variables, together with a correlational and factor analysis of them. This statistical analysis produces results close to those obtained for equivalent English material.

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Main figures

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

TREC: A tool kit for programming cognitive experiments in Applesoft BASIC

research product

Guide of 'best practices' for the collection, management and analysis of the road accident data in urban zones

The reduction of the number of road accident fatalities by 50 %, by the year 2010, suggested by the EU, involves the active contribution of all the agents in charge of the road safety in Europe. Even though the accidents that happened in urban areas have a relative smaller severity, it is the place where, for the moment, in absolute terms, the major number of accidents take place in the EU countries, as well as generating serious consequences on the more vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly…). The current action has as main objective the creation, validation, discussion and spreading, at European level, of the ‘best practices’ for the collection, processing and ana…

research product

Emociones y conducción: Una visión a partir de los sentimientos de la población española.

Las emociones juegan un papel similar en el tráfico y en la vida diaria, ya que las emociones que tienen lugar en la vida diaria pueden suceder en algún momento en el ámbito del tráfico. El camino de emociones y conducción es un recorrido de doble sentido: El ámbito del tráfico genera emociones, tanto por la actividad en general (motivos que intentamos satisfacer cuando conducimos), como por las circunstancias específicas que pueda tener en un momento dado (atascos, actuación de otros conductores, condiciones climatológicas). Pero también trasladamos al ámbito del tráfico nuestros estados emocionales que surgen y se mantienen por aspectos totalmente ajenos al mismo. Así, nos encontramos con…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Pedestrians

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Chronic, but not acute, fatigue predicts self-reported attentional driving errors in mothers attending infant children

AbstractMothers attending infant children usually experience high levels of fatigue, and fatigue has been shown to be related to car crashes through attentional errors, among other causes. The current study investigates the effects of fatigue on the attentional errors while driving of women attending infant children. A sample of 112 women—67 attending infant children and 45 not attending—filled out self-report questionnaires assessing acute fatigue, chronic fatigue, and attention-related driving errors. A mediational analysis showed that women attending infant children had higher levels of fatigue, and that chronic fatigue, but not acute fatigue, was related to attentional errors while driv…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Motorcycles and Mopeds

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Serum nitrotyrosine and psychometric tests as indicators of impaired fitness to drive in cirrhotic patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Cirrhotic patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) show impaired driving ability and increased vehicle accidents. The neurological deficits contributing to impair driving and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Early detection of driving impairment would help to reduce traffic accidents in MHE patients. It would be therefore useful to have psychometric or biochemical parameters reflecting driving impairment. The aims of this work were as follows: (i) to shed light on the neurological deficits contributing to impair driving; (ii) to assess whether some psychometric test or biochemical parameter is a good indicator of driving impairment. METHODS: We a…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Youngsters

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Salud vial: Diagnóstico de los conductores españoles.

Toda enfermedad, sea del tipo que sea, afecta en algún grado a nuestras capacidades (perceptivas, motoras, decisionales, etc.) y consecuentemente a nuestro comportamiento y actividad en este mundo. Y si afecta a toda actividad diaria, afecta a nuestra conducción, en todos sus sentidos, y por tanto en lo que se refiere a la conducción de vehículos. Pero las conexiones del tráfico y las enfermedades (y todo lo que las mismas conllevan), son más fuertes y complejas que el mero hecho de que nuestra condición de salud afecte a nuestras capacidades para conducir e influya en la posibilidad de que tengamos un accidente. Así, ciertas condiciones del tráfico nos pueden generar alteraciones como el e…

research product

Reported prevalence of health conditions that affect drivers

Drivers’ health and fitness are essential factors in order to predict performance outcomes and to promote road safety. It is a demonstrated fact that drivers with (physical and mental) health impairments or illnesses have more probabilities of being involved in traffic crashes and suffering (or causing) several injuries. The general objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of adverse health conditions that may affect Spanish drivers and its perceived impact on driving fitness. It was used a sample of 1,200 Spanish drivers (666 men and 534 women). The only selection criteria were to be in possession of any type of driving license for vehicles other than motorcycles and to drive …

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Seasonality

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Single vehicle accidents

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Case study: Application in Spanish cities from several sizes.

The reduction of the number of road accident fatalities by 50 %, by the year 2010, suggested by the EU, involves the active contribution of all the agents in charge of the road safety in Europe. Even though the accidents that happened in urban areas have a relative smaller severity, it is the place where, for the moment, in absolute terms, the major number of accidents take place in the EU countries, as well as generating serious consequences on the more vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, children, the elderly…). The current action has as main objective the creation, validation, discussion and spreading, at European level, of the ‘best practices’ for the collection, processing and ana…

research product

La justicia en el tráfico: Conocimiento y valoración de la población española.

La norma existe sea cual sea su manifestación, porque es producto y necesidad de la interacción entre las personas. Pero no tiene sentido si nadie controla que ésta se cumpla. Necesitamos a alguien que administre finalmente las sanciones cuando no se cumpla la norma. Necesitamos algo/alguien que administre la veracidad de que los comportamientos realmente se han producido, de la intención de los mismos, que evalúe la gravedad, que los ponga en relación con lo que las normas dicen, sus excepciones… Necesitamos juzgar antes de sancionar. Es necesario aplicar la justicia. Cada uno de nosotros en algún momento asumimos alguno o todos estos roles a la vez. En efecto, en muchas de nuestras actuac…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Car occupants

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

A voice-activated key for the Apple Macintosh computer

An interface circuit to connect a microphone to an Apple Macintosh computer is described. The Apple Macintosh mouse port is used as the input port, and the microphone activation simulates a mouse press.

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Children

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 : Accident causation

The CARE database brings together the disaggregate details of road accidents and casualties across Europe, by combining the national accident databases that are maintained by all EU member states. Access to the CARE database is restricted, however, so it is important that a comprehensive range of publications based on these data be accessible to the general public. This process was begun in the SafetyNet project that was carried out between 2004 and 2008, and the concept of the Basic Fact Sheet (BFS) Basic Fact Sheets and Annual Statistical Report (ASR) was developed. By 2008, twelve Fact Sheets were being prepared annually by researchers at five institutes. This Fact Sheet presents an over…

research product

Formación y educación vial: Una visión a través de la población española

El “factor humano” es el principal responsable de los accidentes de tráfico. La formación y la educación vial son estrategias preventivas destacadas, ya que intervienen sobre los aspectos fundamentales que determinan el comportamiento. El objetivo último de cualquier investigación, estudio… en el ámbito de la seguridad vial, es elaborar, diseñar, e implementar intervenciones que conlleven a una reducción en las consecuencias negativas del tráfico. Sin embargo, tan importante es el diseño de la intervención como conocer cómo la intervención va a ser aceptada por el público objetivo o público adoptante. Es por ello que, como complemento a nuestro estudio documental "Formación y educación vial…

research product

Well-being, behavioral patterns and cycling crashes of different age groups in Latin America: Are aging adults the safest cyclists?

ObjectivesThis study aimed at analyzing the cycling safety-related factors and the mental health indicators of elderly cyclists in comparison with other age groups.MethodsFor this cross-sectional study, we analyzed the data of 911 bicyclists from two Latin American countries that have been experiencing a substantial growth of urban cycling during the last few years: Colombia and Argentina. Participants responded to an e-questionnaire on bicycling behaviors, mental health and cycling safety.ResultsAging adults reported lower rates of risky behaviors and traffic crashes (around .38 in five years), and, on the other hand, more cycling protective behaviors, a higher risk perception and a better…

research product

Post-license Education for Novice Drivers: Evaluation of a Training Programme implemented in Spain

Abstract Introduction This study evaluated the implementation of a second phase training program for novice drivers in Spain, which puts the primary focus of the training on the higher hierarchical levels of driver behavior. Method Two hundred and sixty-three participants took part throughout the study, which was implemented as an experimental design with the test and control groups assessed before and after the one day safety training. Measurement of the impact of the training program focused on the participants' self-evaluation and self-reporting of some driving behavior indicators related to accident risk. Results Data analysis showed a change in the expected direction in the scale relat…

research product

Los jóvenes en el tráfico: Una visión en primera persona

Los accidentes de tráfico de los conductores jóvenes son un problema de salud y consecuentemente es importante intentar comprender qué está pasando. Los jóvenes constituyen un grupo ampliamente declarado de alto riesgo, donde se conjuga la juventud con la inexperiencia, es y ha de ser, por su inminente o reciente participación en el sistema de tráfico, un grupo objeto de la educación y la formación vial. Los jóvenes, los jóvenes que exhiben conductas de riesgo, los jóvenes que exhiben una conducción arriesgada, han sido objeto de una extensa investigación. Hay muchos factores que contribuyen a la formación de estas actitudes, creencias y comportamientos. Los medios de comunicación, especial…

research product

Computing Sum of Products about the Mean with Pairwise Algorithms

We discuss pairwise algorithms, a kind of computational algorithm which can be useful in dynamically updating statistics as new samples of data are collected. Since test data are usually collected through time as individual data sets, these algorithms would be profitably used in computer programs to treat this situation. Pair-wise algorithms are presented for calculating the sum of products of deviations about the mean for adding a sample of data (or removing one) to the whole data set.

research product

Modeling offenses among motorcyclists involved in crashes in Spain.

In relative terms, Spanish motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in crashes than other drivers and this tendency is constantly increasing. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that are related to being an offender in motorcycle accidents. A binary logit model is used to differentiate between offender and non-offender motorcyclists. A motorcyclist was considered to be offender when s/he had committed at least one traffic offense at the moment previous to the crash. The analysis is based on the official accident database of the Spanish general directorate of traffic (DGT) for the 2003–2008 time period. A number of explanatory variables including motorcyclist character…

research product

Workplace burnout and health issues among Colombian correctional officers.

IntroductionCorrectional employees typically work under adverse conditions that may enhance the occurrence of different negative psychological states. Burnout constitutes a high-risk phenomenon that may affect people's physical/mental health and welfare, especially in vulnerable occupational groups.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to characterize the burnout profile of correctional officers, and to associate their burnout profile with health issues and lifestyle factors.MethodsThe full sample was composed of 219 Colombian correctional officers with a mean age of 30.18 years. A questionnaire composed of three sections was employed: demographic data, burnout, and health information.Results…

research product

Abiding by the law when it does not exist: The case of the helmet bicycle law

To improve the safety of bicycle users, some countries have enacted, or considered enacting, mandatory helmet legislation. Of course, the enactment of such legislation in a country assumes that its citizens will be well-informed of it, and consequently, will use the helmet more frequently than before. However, in the survey described in this paper we found that many people are not aware of the legislation in force in their own country, or, even if they know, they may not necessarily behave as dictated by the law. Thus, the effects of mandatory helmet legislation may be somewhat different than desired or expected. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to ascertain the role of cyclists' knowle…

research product

Assembly of Annual Statistical Report and Basic Fact Sheets - 2012

La base de datos CARE reúne los datos desagregados de los accidentes de tránsito y las víctimas de toda Europa , al combinar las bases de datos nacionales sobre accidentes que son mantenidos por todos los estados miembros de la UE . El acceso a la base de datos CARE se limita , sin embargo , por lo que es importante que una amplia gama de publicaciones sobre la base de estos datos sea accesible al público en general . Este proceso se inició en el proyecto SafetyNet que se llevó a cabo entre 2004 y 2008 , y el concepto de la Hoja de Datos Básicos ( BFS ) Hojas de datos básicos y el Informe Anual ( ASR ) se ha desarrollado. En 2008, doce hojas informativas se están preparando anualmente por i…

research product

Intervenir sobre la agresividad en la conducción.

El Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Tráfico y Seguridad Vial (INTRAS) y Attitudes (programa social de Audi), tras la publicación de los libros "La agresividad en la conducción: Una investigación a partir de la visión de la población española" y "La agresividad en la conducción: una visión a partir de las investigaciones internacionales", se plantearon como actividad complementaria la realización de unas jornadas que cumplieran los siguientes objetivos: • Permitir avanzar en el conocimiento y la implementación de medidas que contribuyan a una mejora de la seguridad vial. • Servir como foro de expresión para científicos y profesionales con un tono constructivo, plural e integrador.…

research product

La agresividad en la conducción: Una investigación a partir de la visión de la población española

¿Qué entendemos por conducción agresiva? La agresividad en la conducción ha sido poco estudiada en nuestro país, hay una falta de conciencia pública y social. La investigación es el único modo de obtener herramientas eficaces para alcanzar objetivos con garantías de éxito. La difusión de los datos obtenidos puede servir para concienciar al público sobre esta problemática por lo que necesitamos conocer el grado de aceptación social de los distintos tipos de intervenciones. Las encuestas han sido el método más utilizado y además permiten la comparación de los datos obtenidos entre diferentes estudios. Permiten identificar grupos de riesgo y por tanto llevar a cabo estrategias de intervención …

research product

Speed and road accidents: behaviors, motives, and assessment of the effectiveness of penalties for speeding

When dealing with the duality of mobility and safety, speed is one of the main factors causing deaths, so this is the reason why speed is one of the most studied topics related to road safety. The main objective of this research was to identify the aspects that modulate the speed-accidents relation. Specifically, the frequency and reasons why drivers speed. On the other hand, it was also considered the perception of drivers regarding the probability of penalty, the penalties imposed, and their severity. Finally, drivers¿ opinion on the effectiveness of such penalty in order to change speeding behavior was also studied. A sample of 1,100 Spanish drivers over 14 years old and having any kind …

research product

Principales resultados del estudio (Informe final). Proyecto: ACCCES2: Aplicación y baremación del Cuestionario de Comportamientos en la Conducción (DBQ) para el estudio del error humano en la conducción de vehículos en la población española

Una vez desarrollada la versión española reducida (34 ítems) del Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ), en este segundo proyecto se plantean los siguientes objetivos, basados en la aplicación del cuestionario a una muestra amplia, representativa de todo el estado español: 1- Evaluar las características psicométricas de esta nueva versión reducida del DBQ (a partir de ahora lo llamaremos SDBQ) como instrumento para la medición de los comportamientos inseguros en la conducción de vehículos, y comprobar su consistencia con las encontradas en otras aplicaciones internacionales. 2- Analizar la estructura factorial del SDBQ, su consistencia con la versión completa y la contrastación con la estruct…

research product

¿Conduces tú o tus emociones?

El Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Tráfico y Seguridad Vial (INTRAS) y Attitudes (programa social de Audi), tras la publicación de los libros "Emociones y conducción: Teoría y fundamentos" y "Emociones y conducción: Una visión a partir de los sentimientos de la población española.", se plantearon como actividad complementaria la realización de unas jornadas que cumplieran los siguientes objetivos: • Permitir avanzar en el conocimiento y la implementación de medidas que contribuyan a una mejora de la seguridad vial. • Servir como foro de expresión para científicos y profesionales con un tono constructivo, plural e integrador. • Tener un componente de difusión tanto al público cie…

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Perfil psicológico del adolescente de 16 años

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La psicología experimental española contemplada desde la revista Psicológica (1980-1990)

El objeto del trabajo es analizar la transición de la investigación psicológica en España durante la década de los 80 a través de las publicaciones en la revista Psicológica. Esta revista tiene un interés particular debido a que desde sus inicios se plantea recoger temáticas de tipo experimental y metodológico, que se van confirmando de forma manifiesta con el cambio de dirección editorial. Para ello se analizan la productividad por autores y los grupos de colaboración en relación con un análisis de contenidos de los trabajos publicados. Aparece claramente una evolución hacia lo experimental y metodológico, con especial énfasis en la introducción de temas de tipo informático.

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Healthy but risky: A descriptive study on cyclists’ encouraging and discouraging factors for using bicycles, habits and safety outcomes

Abstract Transportation is a necessary process that requires not only adequate means, but also individual choices. And apparently, the recent boom of alternative modes of transportation has substantially changed people’s perceptions of cycling, as well as the reasons why they decide to use a bike. Nevertheless, people identify some motives that encourage this use together with the perceived risks and the discouraging factors which affect the choice of using a bike, thus making it important to explore all these elements in the light of the empirical evidence. The objective of this study was to explore and describe the encouraging and discouraging reasons behind the use of bikes among cyclist…

research product

Consistency Between the Subjective Perception of Feeling Indisposed, the Decision to Drive and Driving Performance

Drivers' health and fitness are essential issues in order to predict traffic crashes, taking into account that these characteristics are essential to perform this task correctly and safety. The purpose of this research was to analyze the frequency in which drivers who feel physically or emotionally unable to drive decide to perform this task, or not, under states of indisposition, as well as the perception of the effect that this indisposition had on driving. This cross-sectional study used a total sample of n=1200 (666 [56%] men and 534 [44%] women) Spanish drivers, who answered a questionnaire designed to collect data about their psychosocial characteristics, driving habits and perception…

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