Pirkko Walden
Implementing a Digital Wellness Application into Use : Challenges and Solutions Among Aged People
The ageing population is a growing priority area for policy makers and healthcare providers worldwide. Life expectancy is improving, but at the same time, insufficient physical activity threatens older age. Thus, an important question arises: how to improve the probability of people living a healthy and active life in older age. One potential solution to support physical activity and healthy aging is digital wellness technologies. However, digital wellness technologies are still typically designed for younger populations, yet a growing need and potential also among aged people is prevalent. Aged people are a user group with distinct needs and challenges. The main purpose of this study was t…
Sustained Adoption of Systematic Physical Activity for Young Elderly : A Developed UTAUT Approach
Health recommendations state that for young elderly systematic physical activi-ties at moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes per week are required to help them stay in good shape for their senior years. We have found that young elderly readily gets started with a physical activity (PA) program but there is some challenge to make them stay with this program. We have learned that a PA program should build on activities that users find meaningful and/or best suited for their history of PA and their present physical capacity. Support from dig-ital services to find meaningful and suitable programs can make a difference. We work out developments of the UTAUT to find drivers that could help …
Mobile commerce: core business technology and intelligent support
Mobile commerce is an emerging field in its early stages, but there are a number of ideas of what is going to constitute the key success factors for the actors in the global m-commerce arena. This arena is already growing diversified with a number of application areas, which are growing in different directions and at different paces. We understand already that B2B, B2E, B2C and P2P will produce rather different types of applications, because the propositions for value-added products and services are quite different. This is probably one of the reasons why the hunt for the “mobile commerce killer applications” has been in vain so far.
Sustainable Physical Activity Programs for Young Elderly : A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach
Physical activity (PA) programs are useful to help young elderly stay in good shape for their senior years. These programs should be sustainable, as this would keep the users active for months and years. A PA program should build on activities that users find meaningful and/or best suited for their history of sports and exercise as well as their present physical capacity. The challenge is to make the best selection from a (long) list of possible activities. We worked out a method to help young elderly to build a sustainable PA program from a set of activities that experts have identified as contributing to health and fitness among young elderly. The method builds on the Analytical Hierarchy…
Forming Sustainable Physical Activity Programs Among Young Elderly : A Combined ELM & UTAUT Approach
There is consensus in health studies that regular physical activities of sufficient intensity and duration contribute to better health both in the short and long term. In an ongoing research program, we focus on getting the young elderly, the 60-75 years age group, to adopt and include physical activities as part of their daily routines. One reason for addressing young elderly is large numbers – in Finland health care costs for the elderly was 3.7 B€ in 2019 and will increase dramatically if the young elderly group is in bad shape when they reach the 75+ age group. We are finding out that systematic physical activities can serve as preventive health care for the young elderly. We are also l…