

Sustainable Physical Activity Programs for Young Elderly : A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach

Christer CarlssonPirkko WaldenTuomas KariMarkus MakkonenLauri Frank


young elderlysustainable physical activity programshyvinvointiteknologiamittauslaitteetnuoret ikääntyneetfuzzy numbersfuzzy AHPliikuntaanalytic hierarchy processikääntyneetfyysinen aktiivisuusohjattu liikunta


Physical activity (PA) programs are useful to help young elderly stay in good shape for their senior years. These programs should be sustainable, as this would keep the users active for months and years. A PA program should build on activities that users find meaningful and/or best suited for their history of sports and exercise as well as their present physical capacity. The challenge is to make the best selection from a (long) list of possible activities. We worked out a method to help young elderly to build a sustainable PA program from a set of activities that experts have identified as contributing to health and fitness among young elderly. The method builds on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), an intuitive and much used approach. peerReviewed
