Pietro Mazzola
Nuove prospettive per l’arboricoltura da legno in Sicilia: la coltivazione del noce Pecan
In funzione della promozione dell’arboricoltura da legno in Sicilia, vengono presentati i risultati di osservazioni condotte presso l’Orto botanico di Palermo, concernenti la coltivazione del noce pecan (Carya illinoensis). Essi vengono valutati positivamente anche in relazione alla crescita e alle caratteristiche del legno che potrebbe trovare localmente utile impiego.
Ricerche distributive ed ecologiche sulla famiglia delle Lemnaceae in Sicilia
Iconografia della Storia Naturale delle Madonie -volume II- Piante
Flora ornamentale delle isole circumsiciliane
Diversity of Draba L. sect. Aizopsis DC. (Brassicaceae) in Sicily
Plant invasions on small Mediterranean islands. An overview
Biological invasions have become one of the main drivers of habitat degradation and a leading cause of biodiversity loss in island ecosystems worldwide. The spread of invasive species poses a particular environmental threat on the islands of the Mediterranean Basin, which are hot spots of biodiversity and contain rare habitats and endemic species, especially on small islands, which are highly vulnerable to biodiversity loss. Following a recent survey, in this paper we aim to provide an overview of the present-day non-native vascular flora of small Mediterranean islands based on a sample of 37 islands located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Italy. By comparing the cu…
Una stazione di Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris nota in Sicilia fin dal XIX secolo
Ricerche distributive ed ecologiche sulle Lemnaceae in Sicilia
Il parco della Villa Belmonte all’Acquasanta. Analisi del patrimonio floristico ed ipotesi di restauro
Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana. 61-67
With the aim to improve the knowledge of the ornamental flora of Sicily, a series of reports on the most rare and significant species found in the historic or public gardens and parks has been started since 2001. The plants taken in consideration are examined as far as taxonomy, geographical origin, biology, ecology are concerned, also taking into account their condition in Sicily with respect to introduction, sanitary status, occurrence, etc... Furthermore, germplasm conservation is, when possible, provided in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Each taxon is treated in a single report. Here the reports 61-67, by F. Argento, M.R. Cucco, E. Di Gristina & R. Oliveri, are presented. These concer…
Coltivazione della Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) nell’Orto botanico di Palermo.
Vengono illustrati i risultati delle prove di coltivazione della Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) condotte nel 2010 e 2011 nell'Orto botanico di Palermo
The status of Orobanche crenata in Sicily and preliminary observations on Orobanche crenata susceptibility in Vicia faba
Since more than 10 years we are recording Orobanche crenata populations variations and testing traditional remedies to assess their applicability in a low impact agriculture that may be applied also in developing countries. Starting from the observation that often in C Sicily dense fields of Broadbean show lower Broomrape infestation, we did some preliminary observations on Orobanche crenata susceptibility in Vicia faba var. faba and Vicia faba var. equina with different agricultural techniques. First results show a higher resistance of the latter sowed at higher densities.
Ibridazione interspecifica nel genere Quercus L. (Fagaceae): il caso di Quercus soluntina Tin. ex Lojac.
Diversity in the genus Hieracium Linnaeus s.str. (Asteraceae) in Sicily
The present taxonomic and floristic knowledges on Hieracium L. s. str. in Sicily are commented. In total, 11 taxa occur in this island, 10 of which are endemic and 1 has a wider range. For each of these taxa, biological form, phenology, distribution, ecology, chromosome number, conservation, and taxonomy are taken in consideration. A key to the taxa is also provided.
Ritrovamento di Acinos minae (Lamiaceae) taxon critico e minacciato della flora siciliana.
Il personaggio e l'opera
Clinopodium raimondoi (Lamiaceae), a new species from Sicily
On the basis of the taxonomic study of the collections made by F. M. Raimondo, kept in PAL, a new species of Clinopodium is described. The new taxon, named Clinopodium raimondoi, occurs in N-W coast of Sicily on limestone substrata, in steppe communities dominated by Hyparrhenia hirta. The main distinctive characteristics of C. raimondoi, with respect to other taxa known from Europe and other Mediterranean countries, are the large size, the opposite and decussate branches, and the clearly woody at base stems of mature plants as well. Relationships of the new taxon with the Mediterranean ones in the C. nepeta group are also discussed.
Un Giardino botanico montano a Castelbuono nel Parco delle Madonie (Sicilia).
L'iconografia della Storia Naturale delle Madonie: consistenza e sviluppo
Names of Italian vascular plants published by Michele Lojacono Pojero
Michele Lojacono Pojero (1853-1919) is among the most prolific Italian authors of plant names of his era. A list is presented of the names of 581 new Italian (almost invariably Sicilian) vascular plant taxa he published (303 species, 272 varieties, 6 formae), with reference to existing lectotype designations.
Studi su antichi erbari siciliani.
L'Hortus siccus exoticus di Clemente Gazzarra da Palermo
Typification of names of Compositae taxa described from Sicily by Michele Lojacono Pojero
Domenico Lanza (1868-1940) figura di rilievo nella botanica italiana della prima metà del Novecento
Ricerche finalizzate al recupero e alla conservazione del germoplasma della vite sulle Madonie (Sicilia settentrionale)
Draba aizoides L. s.l. (Brassicaceae, Arabideae) al suo limite distributivo: variabilità ecologica, morfologica e genetica dei popolamenti siciliani
La Villa Palmeri di Termini Imerese (Palermo): un giardino storico da recuperare e valorizzare
Results of efforts made for in situ and ex situ conservation of Abies nebrodensis (Pinaceae) in Sicily
Morphological and genetic diversity within Pilosella hoppeana aggr. (Asteraceae) in Italy and taxonomic implications
Morphological variation, ploidy level and genetic diversity have been studied on 10 populations of the Pilosella hoppeana aggr. from the Alps, Abruzzo, Calabria and Sicily.Chromosome counts showed that the plants from Abruzzo and those from Sicily are tetraploid (2n = 36); they are assigned to P. hoppeana subsp. macrantha. The plants from the Alps (P. hoppeana subsp. hoppeana) and those from Calabria are diploid. The Calabrian populations, previously included in P. hoppeana subsp. macrantha, are shown to belong to a separate species, P. leucopsilon. The principal component analysis, based on 25 morphological characters, allowed distinguishing clearly four groups. An allozymes study using 10…
A new species of Smyrnium (Apiaceae) related to S. perfoliatum
On the basis of plant collections recently carried out in Sicily as well as the study of the herbarium material kept in PAL and PAL-Gr, a new species of Smyrnium (Apiaceae) is described here. This new taxon, named Smyrnium dimartinoi, is related to S. perfoliatum and is presently known from Sicily, Crete and realistically elsewhere in the Mediterranean. In such range it occurs in open woods and clearings of the Mediterranean-temperate and submontane belt.
Piante e paesaggio siciliano nell' opera di Goethe
Typification of names inDrabasect.Aizopsis(Cruciferae, Arabideae) based on material from Italy
Names of 20 presumed taxa in Draba sect. Aizopsis, all based on material from Italy, are considered. Full synonymies are provided, and types are designated (for 14 names) or indicated. Most of the taxa are currently considered unworthy of recognition, of which 16 belong to D. aspera sensu lato. However, the question of whether the Sicilian populations might be distinct from the peninsular populations is still unsettled.
Studio sulla germinabilità in vitro di semi di Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.
Notes on the genus Orobanche in Italy: 2. Taxa described by Gussone
Indagini per la caratterizzazione dei complessi ibridogeni di Pistacia L.
Analisi della distribuzione delle Monilofite omosporee nelle isole circumsiciliane
More nature in the city
According to projects and practices that the Italian botanists and ecologists are carrying out for bringing “more nature in the city”, new insights for a factual integration between ecological perspectives and more consolidated aesthetic and agronomic approaches to the sustainable planning and management of urban green areas are provided.
Indagini preliminari sulla variabilità genetica in Pilosella hoppeana (Asteraceae) aggr. in Italia
Aggiunte al catalogo ragionato dell’Acis Hortus Regius di Giuseppe Riggio
Il contributo botanico
Dianthus minae (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from the Madonie Mountains (N-Sicily).
Dianthus minae, a new endemic species from Sicily belonging to the D. caryophyllus group, is here described from the Madonie Mountains, where it is exclusive to the limestone cliffs between 600-800 m altitude. Remarks on its ecology and taxonomic relationships, especially with D. arrostii C. Presl, are also given.
Ricerche sul genere Orobanche L. in Sicilia. Orobanche litorea Guss.
Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana. 55-60
Distribution and conservation perspectives of Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) in Sicily
Distribution and ecoplogy of Taxus baccata in Sicily havwe been analyzed in order to evaluate its styatus with restoration purposes. Field surveys compared with historical information have shown that, even if the species became extinct since a long time in some areas of the island, the extant population on the Nebrodi Mountains is expanding. This inverted process, following the foundation of the Regional natural Park of Nebrodi, has clearly started soon after protection against grazing and other human activities has been acted in localities where Taxus occurs. The most important cause of extinction has therefore been identified in the cutting of trees practiced to prevent livestock poisonin…
Le querce nell'iconografia della "Storia naturale delle Madonie" di Francesco Minà Palumbo
Geofite native della Sicilia e loro impiego come ornamentali
Protection and conservation of the manna ash landscape in Sicily
Known as manna ashes, some local varieties of Fraxinus ornus L. and F. angustifolia Vahl (Oleaceae) are cultivated for extracting the manna, a product rich in mannose which is useful under both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical aspects. As wild plants in Sicily these ashes participate in diversifying evergreen and deciduous oak woods as well as other forest communities at the watercourse borders, together with several species of Salix, Populus and Ulmus, particularly in the hills. Cultivation of manna dates back to ancient times in Sicily and elsewhere and ash groves were increasingly spread up to the half of last century. Then, the culture had a progressive decline due to the abandonment of…
Mediterranean island biogeography: Analysis of fern species distribution in the system of islets around Sicily
The aim of this article was to test the way in which geographical factors influence island floras in the Mediterranean basin, using ferns as target organisms, and the islands surrounding Sicily as location. A matrix with presence/absence data concerning fern taxa in the 16 islands studied was compiled. Cluster analysis, principal co-ordinates analysis (PCoA), principal components analysis (PCA) and a Bayesian analysis were performed. For each island, the total number of fern taxa was regressed against three factors: island area, island elevation and isolation. All the analyses pointed to affinities between islands according to their different geological composition, independently from their…
Primi dati sulla coltivazione del rafano giapponese (Wasabia japonica) e del crén (Armoracia rusticana) nell'Orto Botanico di Palermo
Osservazioni sulla florula tracheofitica del Teatro greco-romano di Taormina (Sicilia nord-orientale).
La componente esotica della Flora siciliana
On the taxonomy and nomenclature of Gnaphalium angustifolium Lam. and Helichrysum litoreum Guss. (Compositae)
Ricerche finalizzate al recupero e conservazione del germoplasma dei frassini da manna sulle Madonie (Sicilia settentrionale)
Typification of Sicilian Helichrysum (Compositae) revisited
Typification of the 13 validly published, pre-1958 names of Helichrysum taxa based on Sicilian material is reassessed. Five of the types designated by Galbany-Casals & al. in their recent studies are confirmed (in some cases with additional precision), two neotypes proposed by them are superseded by lectotypes, and six lectotypes are newly designated. The correct name of the species known as H. rupestre, an illegitimate name, is H. panormitanum (or, if taken in a wide sense, H. pendulum).
Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana 39-48
Cartografia storica per l’analisi dei percorsi evolutivi di contesti urbani: il caso dell’intorno dell’Orto botanico di Palermo
La ricerca dei tipi di Michele Lojacono Pojero nell’ “Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum”
La ricerca del materiale originale dei nomi di piante descritte da Michele Lojacono Pojero viene qui commentato e vengono riportati i problemi incontrati nel lavoro svolto finora su Asteraceae e Orobanchaceae. Lojacono, autore della Flora sicula e di considerevoli contributi relativi preminentemente alla flora della Sicilia, è stato uno tra i più prolifici autori italiani di nomi di piante vascolari della fine XIX e inizio XX secolo.
In a previous contribution (1) the finding in the wild of Clinopodium minae (Lojac.) Peruzzi & F.Conti [Bas. Calamintha minae Lojac.], a critical species close to Clinopodium corsicum (Pers.) Govaerts and well distinct from Clinopodium alpinum (L.) Kuntze subsp. nebrodense (A.Kern. & Strobl) Bartolucci & F.Conti was reported. It is a critical taxon, described by Lojacono, author of the most extensive work on the Sicilian flora (2) based on the examination of the collections of the Herbarium of Palermo (PAL!) (3). In the above cited note, the specific characters as well as the taxonomic relationships with other taxa were highlighted. At the same time, the location of a small population of C.…
Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana: Brassica macrocarpa Guss.
Check-list of the vascular plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum III
Sulle tracce della frassinicoltura in Italia
The landscape of the manna ashes in Sicily
The manna ashes are related to wild species of the genus Fraxinus, namely F. ornus (true manna ash) and F. angustifolia (narrow leaved ash). About two centuries ago, several varieties of such species, selected in ancient times, were widely cultivated for extracting the manna drug. This represented a remarkable economic resource for the region. Manna was extracted mainly for pharmacological industry, but today it has became a herbal product. Irrespective of the processes that reduced this cultivation to the lowest extent, the manna ash landscape is a remarkable peculiarity in the frame of the Mediterranean agrosystems. It is still kept alive as a relict cultivation within a very restricted a…
Notes on the genus Orobanche in Italy, 1. Taxa described by Bertoloni. 17°
Typification of names of taxa Compositae described from Sicily by Michele Lojacono Pojero
Lojacono described and named 89 new Compositae taxa (32 species, 52 varieties, 5 formae), mostly in his Flora sicula, in 1903, but sometimes in earlier, lesser known papers. In spite of problems (here discussed) to find and recognise his original material in the Palermo Herbarium (PAL), for 58 names types (mostly here designated) have been found in Palermo. Discounting 3 names typified by illustrations and 5 with lectotypes designated in Naples and Geneva, 23 remain that cannot be typified for the time being. Eleven of Lojacono’s new species names are still in use currently. Among them is Filago cuneata, long forgotten but here redeemed.
Introduzione dei curatori
Notes on the genus Orobanche in Italy: 3. Taxa described by A. Bertoloni
Abstract Original material of the 12 taxa described as new by Bertoloni has been examined, and typification of their names is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for 11 of Bertoloni's names, one (O. densiflora Bertol.) had been lectotypified before. Orobanche bicolor Bertol. (non C. A. Mey.) belongs to O. cernua L., O. cruenta Bertol. to O. gracilis Sm., O. stricta Moris ex Bertol. to O. schultzii Mutel, O. thyrsoidea Moris ex Bertol to O. rigens Loisel., O. crithmi Bertol. to O. minor Sm., O. vitalbae Bertol. to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin, O. fragrantissima Bertol. to O. lutea Baumg., O. laurina Bertol. to O. hederae Duby, O. yuccae Savi f. ex Bertol. to O. hederae Duby (not to O. mi…
Pyrus castribonensis (Rosaceae) nuova specie della Sicilia
Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana. 49-54
Guide to the Palermo Botanical Garden
Tipificazione dei nomi di piante vascolari descritte da Michele Lojacono-Pojero
Fenologia delle bulbose coltivate in piena aria nell’Orto botanico di Palermo
I giardini della memoria ai caduti nei centri delle Madonie e delle aree limitrofe
Il 4 novembre 1921 fu deposta, con tutti gli onori, la salma di un milite ignoto nell’Altare della Patria del Vittoriano di Roma, a perenne memoria per i posteri dell’eroico sacrificio compiuto per la salvezza della Patria. Da quel momento, in ogni piazza italiana sorsero monumenti e lapidi dedicate ai Caduti. Sui luoghi del conflitto, inizia una sistematica opera di bonifica dei numerosi cimiteri di guerra a ridosso delle trincee e nei paesi delle retrovie e, allo scopo di onorare milioni di soldati caduti, furono realizzati in quasi tutte le nazioni coinvolte dal conflitto, diverse forme e luoghi di commemorazione (Cimiteri e Sacrari, Parchi della Rimembranza, Boschi degli Eroi) accomunat…
Le Ombrellifere nella tradizione alimentare siciliana.
Premessa alle tavole micologiche, floristiche e faunistiche
Su un frammento d’erbario di Enrico Pirajno di Mandralisca
Il censimento della flora esotica d’Italia
Note tassonomiche, distributive ed ecologiche su Orobanche chironii Lojac. rara endemica siciliana
Notes on the genus Orobanche in Sicily: 1. Taxa described by Tineo and Lojacono
Contributo alla conoscenza di Opuntia Miller in Italia: caratterizzazione di O. amyclaea Ten. e O. ficus-indica (L.) Miller mediante analisi isoenzimatica
Il Calvario, dal latino Golgota che indica il luogo della Crocifissione di Cristo, è una tipologia di monumento di culto della religione cristiana la cui genesi si fa risalire al Medioevo, epoca dei lunghi pellegrinaggi di fedeli che, per tale ragione, sentivano l’esigenza di creare luoghi sostitutivi che richiamassero le mete Sante, troppo lontane. In Italia e, in particolare, in Piemonte e in Lombardia, l’edificazione di questi complessi prese inizio a seguito del Concilio di Trento soprattutto sotto forma di Sacri Monti che, per l’appunto, ne costituiscono la principale espressione. In Sicilia, la tradizione dei “Calvari” venne introdotta nel XVIII secolo dai Gesuiti che generalmente li …
Le piante selvatiche utilizzate nella tradizione popolare
Inventory of the non‐native flora of Italy
In this paper we present a comprehensive inventory of the non‐native vascular flora of Italy, which was produced within the project “A survey of the Italian non‐native flora”, funded by the Italian Ministry for the Environment. Previously published floristic accounts were the main source of information. Historical records were critically revised and integrated with recent literature, data from herbaria and some unpublished information, so as to obtain a complete, up‐to‐date catalogue of the non‐native vascular plant species that occur spontaneously in Italy. The inventory lists 1023 non‐native species and subspecies, which account for 13.4% of all the Italian flora. The Italian non‐native f…
Considerazioni biogeografiche sulla presenza di specie aliene nella flora vascolare del Mediterraneo
Biogeographia vol. XXX - 2011 (Pubblicato il 23 dicembre 2011) La Biogeografia della Sicilia Considerazioni biogeografiche sulla presenza di specie aliene nella flora Vascolare del Mediterraneo GIANNIANTONIO DOMINA, PIETRO MAZZOLA Dipartimento di Biologia Ameientale e Biodiversita, Universita a’egli Studi di Palermo, via Arc/airafi 38, 90123 Palermo (Italy) Key words: alien vascular flora, islands, Mediterranean, statistics. SUMMARY Relations between the occurrence of aliens and biogeographic Features of some territories in the Mediterranean are analysed. Mediterranean islands host a higher percentage of aliens in comparison with the mainland. The most ‘ important relations have been observed be…
Diversità genetica e assetto cromosomico di popolazioni siciliane del genere Prospero Salisb. (Hyacinthaceae)
Guida all'Orto botanico di Palermo
Catalogo ragionato dell’Acis Hortus Regius
Note su alcune specie ornamentali spontaneizzate in Sicilia
Taxonomic remarks and distribution of Smyrnium dimartinoi (Apiaceae)
Smyrnium L., an Eurasian genus of the family Apiaceae, includes about 20 taxa of which only 7 are accepted at specific rank; among these, 5 are native to Europe (Tutin & al. 1968; Gomez 2003). In the Italian flora, the genus is represented by 3 taxa also occurring in Sicily (Pignatti 1982; Giardina & al. 2007); these are Smyrnium olusatrum L., S. perfoliatum L. and S. rotundifolium Mill. The last one has also been treated at the rank of subspecies under S. perfoliatum [S. perfoliatum subsp. rotundifolium (Mill.) Hartvig] (Strid 1986; Conti & al. 2005), or as a variety [S. perfoliatum var. rotundifolium (Mill.)Fiori (Fiori 1925)]. In Sicily, same populations related to S. perfoli…
New materials for Flora Sicula by K. B. Presl in Prague
Smyrnium L. is an Eurasian genus of the family Apiaceae, including about 20 species. In the Italian flora, it is represented by 3 taxa also occurring in Sicily. These are: Smyrnium olusatrum L., S. perfoliatum L. and S. rotundifolium Mill. (1, 2). The last one has also been treated at the rank of subspecies under S. perfoliatum [S. perfoliatum subsp. rotundifolium (Mill.) Hartvig] (3, 4) or as a mere variety (5). Smyrnium olusatrum, often associated to nitrophylous habitats, unlike the other two, occurs throughout most of the Island. Smyrnium perfoliatum occurs in the underwood of deciduous Quercus sp. pl. or of Fagus sylvatica L. woods, in the submontane and montane belts of the Nebrodi mo…
Sicilian type specimens of Compositae 2: names proposed by Todaro and Tineo
Considerazioni biogeografiche sulla componente esotica spontaneizzata della flora vascolare di alcune aree del Mediterraneo
Cultivation of plants for ornamental purposes throughout the Mediterranean dates back to deep antiquity. In fact Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other previous myths are pervaded with correlations among humans, gods and plants either useful or ornamental – whose names such as hyacinth, narcissus, and many others that are still common. In that period almost all of the ornamental flora was native to the Mediterranean and next countries, having been the flow from other territories irrelevant up to the Renaissance. From XVI century on, the whole Mediterranean ornamental heritage was gradually spread throughout the new discovered territories, and from there a huge number of plants was introduced to M…
Tineo Vincenzo
Scheda inerente Vincenzo Tineo
Nel 1869, si pubblicò a Palermo il primo volume della “Gazzetta Medica Siciliana” come organo della Reggia Accademica di Scienze della Sicilia. Il volume di cui apparve alla stampa solo la prima annata, conteneva un lavoro del naturalista Francesco Minà Palombo, classificato dai suoi biografi come articolo di carattere medico. In effetti l’articolo è di notevole interesse sociale perché fotografa le condizioni della popolazione castelbuonese in quell’anno (1869). Descrive dopo una dettagliata introduzione sull’ambiente le condizioni degli abitanti iniziando dalle condizioni economiche e dalle principali attività attinenti all’agricoltura e pastorizia nonché all’artigianato. Quindi, passa al…
Cultivation of plants for ornamental purposes throughout the Mediterranean dates back to deep antiquity. In fact Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other previous myths are pervaded with correlations among humans, gods and plants either useful or ornamental – whose names such as hyacinth, narcissus, and many others that are still common. In that period almost all of the ornamental flora was native to the Mediterranean and next countries, having been the flow from other territories irrelevant up to the Renaissance. From XVI century on, the whole Mediterranean ornamental heritage was gradually spread throughout the new discovered territories, and from there a huge number of plants was introduced to M…