Gualtiero Ricciardi

ANMCO/ISS/AMD/ANCE/ARCA/FADOI/GICR-IACPR/SICI-GISE/SIBioC/SIC/SICOA/SID/SIF/SIMEU/SIMG/SIMI/SISA Joint Consensus Document on cholesterol and cardiovascular risk: diagnostic–therapeutic pathway in Italy

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease still represents the leading cause of death in western countries. A wealth of scientific evidence demonstrates that increased blood cholesterol levels have a major impact on the outbreak and progression of atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, several cholesterol-lowering pharmacological agents, including statins and ezetimibe, have proven effective in improving clinical outcomes. This document is focused on the clinical management of hypercholesterolemia and has been conceived by 16 Italian medical associations with the support of the Italian National Institute of Health. The authors have considered with particular attention the role of hypercholesterole…

research product

Documento di consenso intersocietario ANMCO/ISS/AMD/ANCE/ARCA/FADOI/ GICR-IACPR/SICI-GISE/SIBioC/SIC/SICOA/ SID/SIF/SIMEU/SIMG/SIMI/SISA Colesterolo e rischio cardiovascolare: percorso diagnostico-terapeutico in Italia

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease still represents the leading cause of death in western countries. A wealth of scientific evidence demonstrates that increased blood cholesterol levels have a major impact on the outbreak and progression of atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, several cholesterol-lowering pharmacological agents, including statins and ezetimibe, have proven effective in improving clinical outcomes. This document is focused on the clinical management of hypercholesterolemia and has been conceived by 16 Italian medical associations with the support of the Italian National Institute of Health. The authors have considered with particular attention the role of hypercholesterole…

research product